6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This ServICE trip was one of the most memorable trips I've been on. Along with meeting new people and making friends, I also learned about the unfortunate reality of real life. This trip was three days long. One of the days was dedicated to going on a BYB trip. The BYB trip that I went to was at the House of Blessing. This is an orphanage filled with over 100 small kids that have been abandoned. During my time here, I got the chance to meet some of the lovely staff and ask them about what motivates them to do what they are doing. They’re answers inspired me. It was amazing to see truly selfless people. After this, I got the chance to meet and play with the kids. I also got to bake brownies with some of the chefs of the place. They were so excited to be baking with us while learning english. They told us to teach them English. I had such a great time here. I was so inspired. This relates to the 6th CAS learning outcome. I was able to interact with numerous activities, all within one day, that were related to issues of global significance. The staff members and the kids that I interacted with made me truly realize the poverty in my country and made me want to help out more, even if it is just through volunteering my time.