3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During our morning trip to the Mercy Center, I got the chance to interact with kids that have been abandoned, street kids, etc. We did some physical activities, colored some drawings, etc, with the kids. Looking at how happy these kids could still be even after having a rough start, makes me so grateful for what I have. The IB Learning Outcomes that relates to this trip is the 3rd one: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. This trip made me start thinking about the numerous other organizations that I can get in contact with. Organizing a short meeting with them and a few of the interested people in my school, can really aid in spreading awareness. By getting in contact with different organizations and trying to understand what they do will greatly aid in spreading a message to our society. One of my really close friends organized this trip to the Mercy Center. Therefore, if I need any help in organizing and initiating a meeting, I’m sure I could always seek aid from the leader of the SerWIS club at my school. My trip to the Mercy Center also relates to the 6th IB Learning Outcomes. I was able to interact with abandoned kids and look at how their lives are. I was also able to talk to the staff and ask them any of my questions.