CAS Learning Outcome:

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

This was a trend that went viral. I would see this dalgona coffee trend on my Snapchat, Instagram, etc. Because of this, I was tempted to try it myself. I tried it the first time and it was tiring. It is very tedious as you have to constantly stir the coffee to get the oxygen out. I made my mom try it the first time I made it. Unfortunately, she didn't like it much. I was determined to make one that my mom loved. I tried to make one everyday. I finally got my mom to like it. In fact, I started making it for her on a daily basis because of how much she liked it. It was definitely a challenge to try to make one that my mom liked. After playing around with the amount of each ingredient, I was able to develop the skill of coffee making through this process of trial and error.