4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

During my 6 weeks in Hawaii, I did a lot of activities, some are as follows: rock climbing, tree climbing, boxing, cliff jumping, gymming, and more.

When I was in Hawaii for 6 weeks for a school trip, I went to the gym every single day (excluding the weekends). At the gym, after I completed my routine workout, I would rock climb on this machine rock wall. For the first week, I always found it very difficult to reach the top. After trying again and again, I would give up and try again the next day. Every time I tried, I was able to stay on the wall for a little longer than the previous try. I could clearly see the progress. After lots of practice, I was able to reach the top with no problem. This was my goal, I was able to show commitment and perseverance.

For fun, I would also climb trees. This act of mine came after I was able to climb the rocks at the gym with no problem. I wanted to challenge myself. So I started to climb different trees. Some were definitely hard for me. This made me realize that I'm not perfect yet and I should still continue practice climbing the rocks at the gym.

In Hawaii, I also got the experience of jumping off of cliffs. At the start, I was petrified. After getting the support from my friends, I was convinced to just do it. After jumping off of the cliff the first time, I wanted to do it again and again, because I enjoyed it so much!