4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I went to Hawaii in the summer of 2019. This was on a school trip in which I worked with a graduate student in a university lab for 6 weeks. During these 6 weeks, I also went on around 5 different hikes. With the exception of one or two hikes, the hikes were pretty challenging. One of the hikes that I went on is called Koko Head. There were 1,048 steep steps to get through in order to reach the top of the head. Although incredibly draining, the view on top was worth it. Overall, the hikes that I went on definitely challenged my athletic abilities and my willingness to complete what I started. This demonstrates the 4th CAS learning outcomes. Half way through Koko Head, I was exhausted and I wanted to give up because I was physically unable to continue on. However, with the support of my friends, I decided to take a 10 minute break and continue on. I was able to show commitment and persevere through this journey and reach the top!