1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the 2 week Spring Break, my mom and I decided to do Yoga every morning for at least 10 minutes to start off our day! We found a really great Youtube page: Yoga with Kassandra. This page had a 30 day, 10-minute Yoga challenge. When we saw this, we knew that we knew that it would be perfect. Every morning at 10a.m., we would make sure to get 10 minutes of yoga time. This was definitely a challenge for me as I started to get lazy to do this challenge within the first week. However, my mom was really dedicated which made me want to do it. I believe that doing yoga everyday (still going on), made me more calm throughout the day. I felt a new sense of peacefulness. Moving on to the CAS Learning Outcomes, the first one depicts what I am now able to do, due to my dedication with this challenge: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. My main strength that I've realized, after doing this challenge for 14 days now, is that when I decide that I'm going to do something (on short-term basis), I give 110% of my attention. For instance, if I was in the mood to do Yoga, I would give all of attention to it. However, my long term dedication span is very weak, I get demotivated/lazy the next day. This is my area of growth. I must begin to work enhancing this aspect of myself.