3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Due to Covid-19, my school's sports day was cancelled. This made many people upset as this event is looked forward to by many. During one of our Student Council meetings, we all came up with the idea of a virtual sports day that would take place online. Once this idea was agreed upon by all the members of the council, it was time for coming up with the different activities. I came up with a typing race competition. Fortunately, this idea was also liked by everyone in the council. So I went forth with organizing it. My role in this demonstrates the 3rd CAS learning outcome. As mentioned, I first initiated the plan by getting the approval of everybody. I then went on to figuring out the logistics and making this race well known in the school community. Once this part was done, it was time for people to join into the race and compete with the different grade levels. The main problem in this was people not knowing how to log in. Logging in requires you to be signed in. A few people were confused with this part. The lead me to having to spend a few extra minutes, during the sport day event, to explain how to log in to everyone. I should have planned this part ahead. Because I didn't expect this to be a problem, the sports day events were delayed, since my part of the sport day was taking up too much time. Nonetheless, we got through it and everyone enjoyed!