CAS Learning Outcome:

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Making looms was something I used to do with a passion when I was in grade 8. Making looms was the "new thing" that time, everyone was making them! My friends and I would make so many of these and trade them with one another. I recently came across a video about making looms and my passion instantly reappeared. I decided to start make them again. I made over 10 bracelets, all of different styles. While making the the hardest style, the triple fishtail bracelet, I was very close to giving up because I kept on messing up on the same part. I thought I would never be able to complete because even after around 5 trials I was never able to get that one part right. However, I was able to stay committed and persevere through that step. After attempting to find other videos for the same style, but with an easier explanation, I was able to complete the bracelet!