The new normal: Lifestyle changes for a healthier life

health, lungs, lifestyle, respiratory

Garry Y. Itkin recognizes just how important it is today more than ever, to keep one’s immunity up. Until a vaccine arrives, the greatest tools people have going for them against COVID-19 would be preventive measures. And the best preventive measure is making sure the body is in tip-top shape.

On that note, here are some lifestyle changes people can make to improve their health and keep their immunity up.

Veggies in, junk food out

Science has proven time and again that junk food is damaging to one’s body. It lowers fitness levels and contains countless ingredients that can have negative effects on the body. Science has also proven how green leafy vegetables can improve overall health, including increased lung capacity and resistance to sickness.

More vitamin C and D

Vitamins C and D are effective in the body’s battle against viruses, COVID-19 included. Great sources of vitamin C include papayas, berries, oranges, and kiwis. As for vitamin D, one need not look further than sunlight every morning.

No smoking

Smoking cigarettes is probably the worst thing people can do to their lungs, and the lungs of others in the vicinity – since second-hand smoke is just as dangerous. While lowering the number of cigarettes smoked a day is great, quitting altogether can yield almost immediate effects, Garry Y. Itkin adds.