Martial arts: A good supplement for fitness buffs.

Retired physical educator Garry Y. Itkin believes that there are several paths that people can take on their fitness journey. There are sports, bodybuilding, weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, and more. However, there is one that Garry Y. Itkin has always found interesting -- martial arts. In fact, in the past few decades, countless fitness routines have incorporated martial arts in one way or another.

Martial arts are both a discipline and a way to defend oneself and others. Fitness is most definitely required to do martial arts to the best of one's abilities.

One of the most popular forms of fighting or self-defense that incorporate fitness is boxing. It's hard to find fitter athletes in combat sports than professional boxers. Most boxers go through rigorous training that allows them to go round after round in the competition. These guys have cardio for days.

Many fitness programs have aspects of boxing training such as jump rope and heavy bag and focus mitts training. Kickboxing and Muay Thai take things a step further by involving heavy leg movement.

Garry Y. Itkin also mentions that even the more hardcore and self-defense systems such as Krav Maga and Gutter Fighting emphasize the importance of fitness. Instructors constantly remind students that in extreme situations, the chances for survival increase exponentially if a person is fit enough to defend themselves or even make a run for it.

Are you interested in martial arts? If so, which one? Share your thoughts with Garry Y. Itkin in the comments section below.

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