Math 310: Complex Analysis

Welcome to Math 310!

This course explores an easy to state question that turns out to be rich with insights, results, and beauty:

How does calculus and analysis change if we allow for the square root of negative one to be defined?

We call the square root of negative one "i", and any number containing "i" an imaginary or complex number. The set of all numbers of the form a+ib, where "a" and "b" are real numbers, is the set of complex numbers, denoted C. 

This course begins with an investigation of complex numbers and their algebra. We then move on to studying the topology of C and visualizing complex numbers and sets of complex numbers. Then, we do analysis -- we study functions of complex numbers, and how to differentiate and integrate them. The course concludes with an in-depth discussion of the Riemann hypothesis, perhaps the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics. 

Although this is a proofs-based course, it does discuss applications of complex analysis to real-world phenomena, most notably to fluid mechanics. The prerequisite for the course is Real Analysis (Math 302 at Wellesley).

Course Content

The course is divided into the following six units. 

Unit 1: Complex Numbers

This unit studies the set of complex numbers, C. We spend time understanding the algebra and topology of C, as well as how to represent numbers in C in various forms (e.g., as points in two-dimensional Euclidean space). We study how to solve basic complex equations (e.g., quadratic equations).

Unit 2: Complex Functions and Mappings

In this unit we explore complex functions. We'll quickly discover that visualizing them requires 4 dimensions. To circumvent this we'll come to think of complex functions as maps from one region of a plane to another region of another plane. We'll then move on to studying the canonical mappings -- linear functions, power functions, etc. -- and conclude with a discussion of the extended complex plane (which formally adds the point "infinity" to C).

Unit 3: Limits and Derivatives of Complex Functions

This unit explores the limits and derivatives of complex functions. This is the unit where we really start to appreciate the richness of complex analysis. We'll discover in this unit that complex differentiability implies a very specific relationship between the real and imaginary parts of a complex function; this relationship is the Cauchy-Riemann equations. We'll then discuss the ramifications of these equations, and their application to fluid dynamics problems.

Unit 4: Integration of Complex Functions

This unit  begins with a study of the complex logarithm and complex trigonometric functions. We then build up the theory of integration of complex functions. Here we'll meet another set of remarkable results, including the Cauchy-Goursat Theorem and Cauchy's integral formulas. Briefly, these use information about complex functions' values on a sufficiently nice closed curve to determine the values of those functions inside those curves. We'll end the unit again discussing the applications of what we will have learned to fluid dynamics.

Unit 5: Complex Sequences and Series

This unit studies complex sequences, complex power series, and the ramifications of complex differentiability and integrability in these contexts. After building up to complex Taylor series, we'll discuss functions with singularities and special power series called Laurent series associated with them. By studying the types of singularities in such series, we'll eventually develop residue theory -- another foundational part of complex analysis -- leading us to Cauchy's Residue Theorem. We'll then explore the myriad applications of this theorem in both complex and real analysis. 

Unit 6: Conformal Mappings

This penultimate unit in the course begins the study of conformal mappings, complex functions that locally preserve angles. Within this category, we'll study fractional linear transformations, in particular, in part for their ability to map domains bijectively onto other domains. (This will lead us to the Riemann Mapping Theorem.) These results have applications to partial differential equations, among other contexts.

Unit 7: The Riemann Hypothesis

This final unit in the course works its way up to the Riemann hypothesis, the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics. In the course of doing so, we study the Riemann zeta function, its connection to prime numbers, and the complex Gamma function. (Along the way we'll also develop a formula for the volume of the n-ball of radius r in n-dimensional Euclidean space.) We'll end the course with the statement of the Riemann hypothesis.

Learning Goals

This course has been designed to achieve the following learning outcomes by the time you complete the course.


Though the vast majority of the course's content will come from the lesson notes I've prepared (these are accessible via the lesson links above), some of the practice problems and supplemental material comes from the excellent book Complex Analysis by Zill et al.  


If you are currently enrolled in this course with me then you've received a copy of the course's syllabus. It details the additional course policies and the course structure. For everyone else, the short story is that this course is structured in a somewhat flipped classroom format, with a mastery grading scheme for assessments. I wrote about this duo in detail in an article I published in 2020 in a mathematics education journal, but here are the takeaways:

This structure is backed by the latest research on growth mindsets, mastery learning, and the "testing effect." (I discuss all that research in my article on Second Chance Grading.) 

Getting Started

If you're ready to get started with the course, click on the Lesson 1 link above. At the bottom of that page -- and all other lesson pages -- you'll find navigation buttons that will help you advance and go backward between lessons.

I hope you enjoy the course. If you happen to catch any errors or have other feedback, please feel free to email me:

Oscar E. Fernandez