Calculus Simplified

On this page you’ll find a variety of resources designed to support your teaching of calculus.

Resources tied to Calculus Simplified

The Appendixes and Resources page has links to the following resources that will support your students’ learning of calculus. (Many of these can be used independently of Calculus Simplified.)

  • Detailed section-by-section learning goals and objectives, correlated to Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix

  • Chapter appendixes containing additional content

  • Summaries of the best (according to research) study strategies

  • Links to calculus video tutorials and other websites calculus students have found helpful

In addition, the Practice Tests page contains various chapter exams (with solutions) and the Interactive Applets page contains links to a variety of Desmos interactive illustrations of key calculus concepts.

Resources for Teaching Calculus

Various national mathematics organizations have spent decades studying how students learn calculus best. The following links will help you begin to explore the resulting literature that has been produced.

  • NCTM’s Principles to Actions outlines eight research-based Mathematics Teaching Practices. I found the six-page Executive Summary particularly helpful.

  • The AP Calculus course framework provides calculus-specific Mathematical Practices and maps the content of an AP Calculus AB/BC course to those practices. It also contains detailed learning objectives mapped to both the practices and the big ideas in calculus. Finally, the document overviews various instructional strategies and provides other helpful tips for teaching calculus.

  • The MAA’s Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics published a Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences in 2015. The full document sets forth cognitive goals for a mathematical sciences major and discusses graduate study in mathematics and other topics associated with college-level mathematics. The Calculus Sequence document summarizes various aspects of calculus instruction at the college level, including pedagogical approaches, curricular innovations in calculus, and the main takeaways from a large survey of college calculus instructors.

Resources for Becoming a More Effective Instructor

It is a sad fact of our educational system that most college instructors are not adequately trained in graduate school to teach. (They are, by and large, trained to produced research in a particular discipline.) Teachers at the K-12 level, on the other hand, are provided with some training in effective teaching. Nonetheless, as we instructors know, effective teaching is a lifelong endeavor–a mere few years of studying how to teach better will not make you an excellent instructor forever (student populations change over time, student needs change over time, and new research on teaching and learning is continuously being produced).

The following links are intended to furnish some exposure to the latest evidence-based instructional strategies, in addition to providing links to useful tutorials and guides on effective teaching moves.

Syllabus Resources

  • Syllabus Design: Check out this article from Change magazine on content- versus learning-focused syllabi, why the distinction matters, and its implications for student learning. Complement that with this collection of useful advice and “how to…” guides for developing, writing, and updating syllabi from Yale’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

  • Assessing Your Syllabus: Here is a very helpful (and validated, research-based) rubric for determining how learner-centered one’s own syllabus is. Complement this with example syllabi scored using the same rubric.

Inclusive Teaching

Student Development Theory

No two students are the same. Among their differences is their level of development along each of the various learning domains. The following links provide exposure to various student development theories.

General Teaching Tips

  • Teaching Tips (Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research, Northeastern University). Over 90 Teaching Tips that “briefly present a strategy that can be incorporated into your class to improve student learning, along with the research that supports it.”

  • Interactive Techniques (Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence, University of South Florida). A list of over 240 techniques for engaging and assessing students in the classroom.

  • K. Patricia Cross Academy. This site contains dozens of short video tutorials on effective instructional techniques (e.g, the jigsaw method) along with associated handouts for each technique.

Comprehensive Teaching Support

  • Preparing to Teach (Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research, Northeastern University). A list of several resources particularly useful for new faculty.

  • Faculty Resources (Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale University). A collection of strategies, tools, and resources on everything from learning theory to concrete instructional strategies.

  • Teaching Strategies (Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research, Northeastern University). Discussions of several teaching strategies (e.g., group work, problem-based learning) and how to implement them in the classroom.

  • Resource Library (Office of Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence, University of Florida). A repository of resources “developed to support your teaching and optimize student learning.”

Useful Books on Teaching

The following books contain many, many useful insights and frameworks you can draw on to start exploring new instructional strategies.

  • Small Teaching. An excellent book that summarizes the takeaways from the science of learning and distills them into actionable components you can add in to your course that won’t take too much time.

  • What the Best College Teachers Do. Based on a study of effective college teachers, this book outlines several principles for effective teaching. It correlates these with the research base for them and what we know about learning to produce a valuable resource for college (and, I would add, high school) instructors.

  • Make It Stick. This classic book overviews the science of learning. It’s a must read for anyone interested in revamping their classes to promote deep learning.

  • How Learning Works. Featuring “seven research-based principles for smart teaching,” this book sets forth a useful framework that you can use to tie together the various structures in your course (e.g., its grading system) in ways that promote learning for all students.

  • The Spark of Learning. Many (most?) classrooms tend to focus on the intellectual development and don’t touch on–or actively discourage–students’ emotional development. This book makes the case for thinking more carefully about your students’ emotions, overviews the evidence that doing so boosts learning and motivation, and provides practical advice for bringing emotion back into your classroom.

  • Grading for Equity. Grades have become the central object in the classroom, as evidenced by the frequency of questions like “will this be on the test?” and “what percentage of the grade is this assignment worth?” Such inquiries point to the power of grades to detract from the point of education: to promote learning. This book takes a deep dive into grades and grading systems, their history, and how we might grade differently to lower anxiety and promote learning.