The Day My Physical World Disappeared

This is a story of when this 3D world disappeared from my perception and I became aware of something else instead.

Once, I was in the middle of one exercise with many people in a room, back in that religious cult I talked about in the section about my religious cult experience. (Even though I wouldn't advise anyone to join religious cults, I did learn learn some things, though I probably would have gotten certain experiences elsewhere as well.)

In this exercise, we were all trying to see ourselves not as separate people sitting in a room, but as one whole. One united whole. We were all trying to imagine that we were one. I guess we did this for maybe ten minutes or so.

Then I didn't even realize how I perceived something else. I saw myself being a part of a cloud. This cloud was a mix of all of these people in that room and myself. In fact, it wasn't just the people, who were a part of the cloud, but it was completely everything. The chairs, the walls, the books and the book shelves, the whole building and the street outside. I didn't focus on that, so I don't know how far it went, but I'm inclined to think that it was the whole of reality.

I still knew that there is a physical reality out there simultaneously. Nothing disappeared. Everything existed at the same time. I just chose to focus my attention to that manifestation of reality, not the other one. I'm sure there are also other ways to see this reality.

I think the following analogy can explain how the refocusing works. Let's say we are watching a battle between Side A and Side B from the point of view of a son of a father, fighting on Side A. That son will probably experience some sort of righteousness and victory at the sight of the Side B enemies dying and a feeling of outrage and hurt when he would see Side A soldiers dying.

If we saw exactly the same battle from the point of view of a son of a Side B father, then the feelings would be the same, but now the sides would be reversed. At the same time, if a military historian got to watch this battle, he would feel a fascination with the weapons used at that time, the strategic military tactics each side used, etc. If a sociologist watched this battle, he might have thought of how all of these soldiers were led to believe that it was actually worth it to lose their lives in this battle for an exchange of certain social values, and he might study how that kind of strategy application could influence current and future generations. If yet someone else would look at this battle, then maybe they would just cry at all the bloodshed and the ridiculousness of this whole situation.

When one person develops more than one point of view, they start to see more and more facets in the same situation, which is quite real and even normal in our society.

So there I found myself in this cloud. I experienced that we are all one. It felt quite cozy and it was pink. A feeling of love, peace and serenity was there. Once I realized that I was experiencing that, I got quite excited. I started to switch my focus between the street and the building, being physical structures, to this cloud, which was one.

Then, I felt that I had a decision to make: enjoy myself in this cloud, or go back to the physical. I thought that I should just remain in that cloud. Then I started to reflect on it, to ponder it and to study this cloud that was me and everyone and everything.

So I wanted to enjoy the unity between each and every "person" that was in that room with me. I picked a woman, who sat closer to me on my right. She was a very successful business woman, very rich, very bold, very educated, very interesting. She was way older than me, but she was way more beautiful than me. Her body was perfect and her style was impeccable. I felt that I truly wanted to be united with her in that cloud, which felt like a soup of all of us together. I quite enjoyed it.

I continued on to another woman, who was sitting just in front of me. I started to analyse who she was. She was a housewife, who did not have the education I had and who could not speak as many languages as I could and she never even traveled around, like I have. Her body was fatter than mine and she did not look as good as me at that time. She often interrupted people, when I would remain quiet. We did not have much common interests with her and I cooked better than her. I was so much better than her in so many ways in my perception.

I began to desire space between me and her. I did not want to be one with her. I thought, if I'm going to be one with her, then how will anyone know that I have a better education? A richer life experience? Better understanding of many life concepts? And so on and so forth. How would I define myself against her? Would I lose my individuality? I don't want to be mixed in the same cloud, in the same soup as her. I want to be seen and distinguished as higher than her.

Then, I started to analyze more people around me and I felt superior to almost everyone I would study. Every time I would be done with analyzing one person and conclude that I don't want to be one with them, they sat clearly in front of me. Not in the cloud anymore.

I pushed away a few more people. I did not want to be one with them. I wanted to be respected and recognized as a separate individual, who was better than those around me. Slowly, the cloud disappeared and I could only sense the "normal" 3D reality around me.

I knew why I had come out of it. I couldn't argue. It was my desire and it was my decision. I knew that I had to go through more experiences in order for that cloud to feel comfortable for me.

What's interesting is that that cloud does exist, whether I currently perceive it or not. It's there, telling me that this is a reality that I will experience when I want to. Everything is up to my desire. I chose to navigate this existence, these realms, these perceptions.

I told myself at that time that yes, I am not ready to dissolve in others. I want to be separate and myself. However, this experience gave me an understanding that that reality of a cloud, where we are all one, does truly exist and I can choose to experience it at any time I wish.

I decided to relax and continue my journey of this life and learn more. Perhaps, one day, I will finally be ready to bask in that cloud, where we are all one.

Main Conclusion About Using Your Third Eye Perception

You don't need to go into deep trance or meditate for hours to experience another reality. Though at first, that may be necessary.

All realities exist at all times and you can perceive and experience them at your free will. I think the main requirement here is to switch your perception of yourself and your surroundings.

If you would like to see all in unity, if you visualize that you are one with all, then this glimpse can be shown to you. Once you see it, you may start disagreeing with it, your perception will focus on yourself as opposed to all in unity and so you will see everything in 3D (4D with time) physical existence and separation again.

It's like you are always simultaneously a child, an adult, a student, a teacher, the audience, the artist, etc. If you "step in" to your child role, let's say when you're with your parents or when you're mocking about with your friends, then your reality reflects you, as a child. You see everything as a child. If your kid suddenly walks into the room and asks something, then you switch again and now your reality reflects you, being an adult.

You are always all those roles simultaneously, but as we live our lives, we are normally tuned into just one or two roles. Same with realities. We are tuned into one way of thinking, of perceiving the world.

If our current objective is to distinguish ourselves from others, say by creating a piece of artwork, which will impress others and communicate something about yourself, then you will see this physical reality. It is not bad and not good. It is just how we choose to experience ourselves right now. Should we switch our focus and have unity as an objective, if we contemplate it, study it, try to feel it, then it will come into our senses.

The Universe only knows one word: Yes. You ask - you get. So ask for something pleasant to experience - not pain or suffering, but pleasure, love and joy :)