Life Path Choices: Lesson Learned Out of Body

This is a story of how I was sent a message and understanding of how choices work, when it comes to following your heart and going for the life path that ignites passion and truth in you, versus playing it safe and just settling.

I was having my Chartered Financial Analyst exam, which was one of the most difficult exams I have ever had to get ready for. Every minute was precious and my brain was steaming.

Suddenly, I felt myself out of my body, looking at myself doing the exam from a bit to the left and above my own body. As I find myself staring at myself from the side, I get a very clear message in my head: "You will never use this knowledge in a job."

I felt and knew that the message came from a loving and a truth-knowing source. Now, I know they are my spirit guides, but back then I wasn't really aware of them and wasn't in close contact with them, like I am now.

It wasn't my first experience of getting messages so clearly, so I wasn't really surprised or anything, but I was pretty angry at the timing of the whole thing.

I said: "Now is a really bad time! Just put me back into my body because every minute matters and I have to be in my body to write the exam! We can talk about this later! Not now! Put me back!"

"Your body will write the exam just fine without you", I received the answer.

I found it hard to believe and found it hard to trust my body without my consciousness to write my exam for me. For the second time now, first being my near-death experience, I was given the realization that memorized knowledge, like the knowledge you get from studying books, is almost physical, which does not even require my presence or consciousness.

It's like memorized knowledge is just like physical possessions, which we do not take with us when we die. I realized that when we die, much more knowledge is available for us, and so it makes no sense to dedicate one's life to gaining knowledge as a life goal, but is useful as a tool to support a life goal.

"So why couldn't you tell me this earlier, before I enrolled in the program?" I asked, angry, irritated and kind of cheated.

"Because you need to know what it feels like to work so much and so hard for something that you don't really love and will not work on ever," was my answer.

It's true. I didn't like the whole finance career, the whole subject of it. I only did it to have a backup job, where I would earn money, as I slowly worked on my true life passions on the weekends.

I guess I really needed to get burned this way, so that I stop side tracking, playing it safe and settling for things I really have no passion for. In the end, it's a fruitless effort and a waste of a lot of time and energy.

Life has a way of kicking you off your safe, just-for-now, just-for-money life paths again and again until you finally stare it in the face and step onto the true life path you have originally chosen for yourself in this lifetime. At least, that's my experience.

Thanks, spirit guides! Message received! You still could have told me earlier though... OK, just kidding.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.