Aries Energy

General Aries Energy Words and Feelings

  • Sprint, not a marathon

  • Brisk movement

  • Freedom

  • Impulsiveness

  • Extremes

  • Frenzy

  • Excitement to start something new, to start a new project, new adventure

  • Temporary madness

  • Sudden inspiration

Aries Energy Animals

  • A wild horse, running fast in the mountains. A feeling of freedom, pleasure from speed and general happiness.

  • An eagle with a strong, prominent beak: strength, action, energy, fierceness.

  • A bird flying very quickly, but not far, more like a sprint.

  • A big bird, like a hawk, spots prey and dives down to attack very quickly, without even thinking, more like instinct, sprint.

  • Elephant attacking.

  • A bear opening its mouth and roaring into the air, like it's going to attack. Roaring before attack. Fury.

  • T-Rex dinosaur, huge open mouth, roaring furiously, running to attack.

  • Shark.

  • A penguin running and jumping into the water, where he swims very fast. The energy is more at the moment of when it jumps and something fast is going to happen.

Aries Energy Plants

  • Poison ivy

  • Bamboo, because it grows very fast.

  • Pine trees

Aries Natural Phenomena

  • Tornado, all-powerful, happens quite quickly.

  • Hurricane

  • Lightning

Aries Stage of Life

  • An egg.

  • Age: young.

Aries Energy in Actions, Visual Images and Adventures

  • Sailing a sail boat, fast wind, sunny day

  • Excitement to go fishing on a large fishing boat with a team, excited to start a new project, to start a new adventure.

  • Snowy mountain ranges, a person is climbing mountains.

  • Car racing: the energy here is that of a person, who is driven by the desire to show off, going for fancy cars, need for speed, lack of consideration of consequences increases the chance for accidents.

  • Airplane show. Pilots flying fast, but not very far, making dangerous maneuvers, very dangerous.

  • A berserker warrior. His eyes are crazed and bloodshot. Fury.

  • Messenger or an archer is riding very quickly on a horse, enjoying the speed, the wind, the danger. Also, the release and fast flight on an arrow. Light movement, but it is very fat and swift.

  • A killing spree. When someone gets really really angry, they can do something that they wouldn't normally do, like they are overcome by madness. A temporary madness.

  • A snake with a bloody mouth and teeth (this is not necessarily a snake, but just a representation of a performer of some action), it's like it feasted on something, it's still in a craze and it didn't figure out yet that something is wrong, but it will soon. Related to a killing spree and rape.

  • Asking for something in a prayer. One is asking for something not good. Driven by passion, by anger, by a desire for revenge, one can wish for something with little thought, quick decision making. Desire to control someone's mind as a result, praying for something to happen to somebody for your benefit because you are in a passionate rush of feelings, such as praying for it, desiring it, and as a result, one causes someone to be cursed, hexed or possessed.

Aries Energy Desires, Habits and Ways of Thinking

  • Acting on impulse, confidence, trusting in the universe, that everything will be OK.

  • Impulsiveness in emotions, which means that a person can get angry very quickly.

  • Spending too much, being wasteful

  • Speed, desire to hurry up, to get things going, envisioning the end result of one's actions, imagining that it is already happening now.

  • Excitement

  • Innovation

  • New horizons

  • Young

Aries Energy Music

  • Metal music

  • Fast, impulsive improvisation in jazz, such as fast improvisations, almost performed in a kind of a frenzy, like some of the music of Chick Corea, Thelonious Monk.

  • Violins playing abstract, fast music, that to some people may sound like it's hurting your ears, seems like there is little melody, almost like screams, kind of like the violin soundtracks used for murder scenes in movies.

Aries Energy Art

  • Automatic drawing

  • Fast drawing

  • Abstract paintings

  • Beautiful fast brush strokes, impasto, going on sudden and fast inspiration, like almost in a trance.

  • Painting almost in a frenzy, using lots of paint and large canvases, using alternative painting tools to brushes, such as palette knives, or just splashing paint on canvas, using fingers, may seem like too much paint and space is used, like the artist is being wasteful, but this is required to express this energy, the amount of resources used here also communicates the message.

Aries Energy Metal and Color

  • Golden ring

  • Gold, as in a kind of physical material and color.

Aries Energy in Sex

  • Impulsiveness in sex

  • Seduction with little concern for consequences or long term plans

  • Freedom of expression of one's sexuality, getting pleasure from masturbation, desire to be seen and watched while in the process.

  • Complete release of sexual energy, like an orgasm.

  • Extremes in sexuality, such as pain, desire to hurt, originally the intention is to gain a lot of pleasure in a kind of a dangerous play, but then you end up actually hurting someone.

  • Going into a sexual frenzy, where impulsiveness, desire and speed of action leads to a person seriously hurting someone, like raping, and then realizing what actually happened when it is too late, after the fact.