Mars Energy

General Mars Energy Key Words and Feelings

  • Perseverance

  • Persistence

  • Monolithic efforts

  • Huge momentum

  • Marathon, not a sprint

  • Courage

  • Decision to make it against all odds, despite of everything

  • A noble, meaningful cause behind the efforts

  • Connection to a huge reservoir of energy resources

  • The nature of the reservoir of energy: a river dam. Where once there was a river and a forest, there is now a huge wall, keeping so much water back, that only the tree tops are visible. Imagine if the wall were to be taken down, what power would be unleashed. The is no stopping it. The result is assured.

  • Mars helps give humongous power against obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Perseverance. Good cause. Can be about an internal war, not necessarily an external, physical war.

Mars Energy Animals

  • A powerful, experienced,beaten up by life, adult bear

  • A bird in migration, its efforts and decisions in flying this difficult marathon

  • Peacock, searching for food in the forest

  • Tiger surviving in winter by the means of great efforts, against tough odds

  • Polar bear surviving on ice by the means of great efforts, against tough odds

  • Whale, its huge size and momentum

  • Horse, pulling on a heavy wooden carriage, helping a farmer survive a hard life

  • Elephant: strength, persistence, surviving in a dry African desert environment, ancient kindness, loyalty, living in a group, helping each other

Natural Phenomena

  • Sunrise: the Sun rises no matter what, every day for millennia. This kind of persistent, marathon energy.

  • Earthquake: heavy, monolithic movement and huge momentum.

Mars Plants

  • Orange carrots

  • Red apples

  • Red onion: struggles to reach water and soil nutrients, having been originally placed in a disadvantageous location, employing monolithic efforts with no thought of giving up

Mars Music

  • Organ music: huge, all-encompassing deep reverberating sounds, enhanced by a building's architecture, greatly impresses the listener and almost facilitates a religious transformation.

Mars Colors

  • Dark orange

  • Deep green with some blue*

  • Emerald green*

*I feel that these colors relate more to the intentions behind the actions.

Mars Foods

  • Spaghetti and meatballs

  • Lasagna

  • Hearty food

  • Slow cooked meat goulash: long, careful efforts to cook the meat for a long time and at the perfect temperature, add spices at the perfect time, make sure all tastes bloom in the goulash, and are not destroyed by high temperatures or too long of a time. It's with sour cream or yogurt to make it feel hearty and to create the warm desire to have more.

Mars Medicine

Not a fast solution, like eating a pill and getting well, but a long re-evaluation and a slow, cardinal change of one's lifestyle to become healthy, employing monolithic efforts.

  • Slow change of diet

  • Slowly building up the right exercise routine, more likely something one truly enjoys

  • Cardinal change in one's perception and mentality regarding the health issue and its solution

  • Slow, but cardinal change in one's habits, such as quitting smoking, going out to bars, etc.

  • Cardinal change in one's schedule

  • Possibly, a change in one's job, because the old one does not align with the new healthy lifestyle

Mars Energy Single People Journeys

  • A long hard fight against an almost irrecoverable disease, such as cancer.

  • Man (or multiple people) on a ship in a sea storm. Every wave can kill you, but you keep maneuvering your ship every time, beating the monolithic fear and not even considering giving up.

  • A man is lost in a small round boat in a river, flowing through a deep forest. It is late and dark. Wild animals are waking up to hunt. This is where most people would give up the hope of ever making it back. This man, knowing how bad his odds are, decides to fight and live and to find his way out of the forest. He has a child to go to and to help. He is needed. He will survive against all odds. He is granted access to the great reservoir of energy, reserved for those, who make the decision to succeed against all odds.

  • An old man in rags walks through a desert, leaning on his walking stick. He has an impossibly long way yet to cover and his bones are old, his flesh and mouth are dry, his muscles are a shadow of what has once been. He is kept alive not by physics, but by his will. He needs to get to the other side alive to convey a very important message. That message is of life and death importance to many people he cares for. He is not the hero, who dies trying. He is the hero, who lives and makes it and succeeds in his noble cause.

  • There are warriors, who attack, conquer and pillage. Some of the look like berserkers, dressed in intimidating animal skins and horns and they scare their opponents with their element of surprise and mad character. That is not the Mars energy I have seen. The warrior I saw was old and weathered. He does not attack, conquer or pillage. He stays on his land and he protects it from conquerors and internal peace disturbers alike. He has seen and participated in the horrors of war and he wishes he had never seen such things, but he goes into battle, knowing that his family and people are behind him, relying on his protection. He will persevere and he will succeed to see many more battles he wishes would never come.

  • A man in rags kneels in religious surrender in a medieval castle or a temple. He has seen riches and power, and he could be anything today, but he has chosen his religious path for the reasons only he knows. The religious path he chose is hard and perilous every day. He exerts a monolith of efforts through his internal struggles, but he is in it to the end and he will never digress.

  • A man in a desert climbing among rocks. He left his normal life to go in search of himself. He may seem to be a madman to others, and even to himself at times, but he will travel without fail in search of himself.

  • A long tough journey of a writer or a Youtuber, who believes in himself and perseveres even when others have no faith in him. He spends years producing material, and even then the journey is not over. Once the material has been produced, he will spend almost as much effort to promote it, so that one day it could be found and appreciated. (I saw a glimpse of Jupiter here. Not sure what this means, perhaps it the arrival of luck or the golden opportunity that finally helps the artist find his audience and recognition. Seems like he had made his luck or attracted it by his persistent efforts.)

Mars Energy Journeys as a Collective/Groups

  • There are cave paintings of hunting and spiritual rituals. New paintings are being added as a tribe of people dance, chant, participate in sacred rituals of utmost importance to their lives, carrying impressions of magic, awe and surrender. To them, these rituals are important, as they believe that their very lives and deaths depend on them.

  • An extended medieval farm family works together in times of famine and disease. Each member sacrifices a lot and continuously exerts monolithic efforts to help however they can. Everyone has been affected and everyone contributes. As a result of everyone contributing significantly, the whole family survives and perseveres.

  • Modern clubbing and partying scene. People regularly go out drinking at bars or partying at clubs in hopes of this night being "the night", when they meet some really interesting people, maybe a love connection, etc.

Women spend a huge amount of time, effort, money to buy shoes, bags, dresses, makeup, too expensive for them to afford. Everything always has to be new. Everything always has to be of the newest trend. They go out and even if the club and the crowd and the music is not what they like, they still pretend and act like they are enjoying themselves, dancing and drinking. If you don't pretend to be enjoying yourself, people feel it and it is less likely that they will approach you. Men also come out, hoping to meet a love interest or interesting conversation, or to fill some hole of boredom and a desire to be fulfilled somehow.

After a night out, on the way home in a taxi however, people feel that the hole has gotten even deeper and darker. No fulfillment has been reached. This leads to more drinking or using other substances to numb oneself and to pretend like you are enjoying yourself. Then again once you haven't found the fulfillment you were hoping for, you feel the hole getting even deeper.

As I see this energy, it is like all the other internal struggle energies described here, but here people employ monolithic efforts in the direction, where no fulfillment/success can be found, but there is a lot of effort still. There is no giving up. There is always some hope, but defeat comes after defeat. I feel that the inverse "victory" here is a rock bottom, which helps a person to truly open one's eyes to the true situation and offers clear choices, such as disappear in this whirlpool of fulfillment, or change your life around, leave the old friends and habits behind and go into a new direction. Mars energy medicine seems to start here, where fundamental changes are employed slowly, but surely.

Mars in Sex

Before the actual sex happens, a lot of effort is put into the prep work. Books are read, discussions held, long and repeating practices have been held. A lot of effort is also put into physical decorations of the environment and a lot of deep conversations have been held with a partner. The sex itself is very long. Involves a lot of foreplay. May be a kind of meditative sex, like tantric sex. The final returns are much greater than regular sex as well.

Games of Mars

  • Sex games

  • Gladiator games

Mars Energy in Spirituality, including the whole of humanity

  • A man is praying and crying for help, for understanding, for light in a church with stained glass windows. He had come here before and he will come back over and over again. The light comes through the stained glass windows directly to him, but he does not feel it and does not recognize it. Spirit is trying to send him blessings and answers and abundance over and over again, but the man does not listen. This time the Mars energy is portrayed as effort on the side of the Spirit, always there for us even though we may not listen.

  • A flame of a candle burning in darkness. Feels like the burning desire of one's spirit/soul/inside. Feels like a prayer, a decision made. One enters a dark, cold winter forest with tall trees and thick naked bushes, making it almost impossible to walk through the forest, but you keep moving forward, even though you are not able to see anything. It is when your desire is so strong, that you move on slowly despite of fears, uncertainties, and odds against you.

  • A big tree. Many little glowing orbs are coming up from deep inside the tree, from down below, inside the trunk, all going up towards the branches. It is the Tree of Souls. These are ancestors. This is the energy of awakening. Huge efforts have been employed by the souls, incarnating again and again, going though tough and beautiful life experiences again and again, learning new lessons each time, and now a certain amount of momentum has been built up. There is no stopping it and success is assured. This is the energy of spiritual evolution. An evolution on the soul level, spirit level, involving the whole of humanity: a shift, a transition, an awakening to a new reality and a new kind of life, meaning and love.


  • Lord Ganesha: destroyer of obstacles, God of new beginnings.