Shamanic healing practitioner, author, and artist.

Experience Shamanic Healing, Akashic Records, Evolutionary Astrology readings and more..

See your personal shamanic healing image, based on your desires and needs, which we discover in a personal Shamanic reading.

The Shamanic Cycle of Initiation with the Runes

My rediscovery of Astrology through Third Eye / Psychic Visions

Learn how to perceive more than this familiar 3D reality or learn to open what is called your Third Eye.

My rediscovery of Astrology through Third Eye / Psychic Visions

What the spiritual realm taught me so far and how it can change our lives for the better.

Runes image by Geraldine Dukes from Pixabay  

Image of the sky behind my photo by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay