Shamanic Healing Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

During this session, we will focus on a particular question, problem, or request that you may have.

There are many approaches to how this session may go for you, depending on the healing you request and what issues come up as I tune into your energy, your soul, your desires, and what stands in the way of you experiencing what you seek.

My intention is to peel away the layers, which stand in the way between you and what you seek. These may have to do with, but may not be limited to the following:

- Current or past life trauma

- Limiting social programming

- Limiting beliefs

- Fears

- Unresolved karma

- Toxic relationships and habits

- Emotional blocks, such as shame, blame, guilt, anger, self-worth issues, inability to feel, accept and/or express emotions.

My healing work consists of the shamanic practices I learned from my teachers.

Please note that all issues cannot be addressed and cleared 100% in a 60-minute session, so I highly recommend to spend some time formulating a specific request/problem at a time. The more precise the issue, the more effective is the healing.

Please feel free to contact me with questions via Facebook or by e-mail. I encourage you to ask questions before a session, so as to see if my shamanic healing session is right for you.

Disclaimer for all of my services: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

My Reviews

"I’ve always wanted to start a youtube channel yet always seem to struggle with forming cohesive sentences that actually explain what I’m trying to convey. My ideas ramp up and make it so hard to stay focused on any given topic. I’ve never been able to pinpoint what's going on until now. Olga helped me to realize that I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time because I get so excited about every possible direction I can go. I now know that I also simultaneously have a fear of going in a single direction and being wrong or limited by it. She uncovered so much useful information from this lifetime and a few of my past lives. It turns out that this current issue I’ve been experiencing is just a cycle of mine repeating without me ever being aware of it before.

Olga quite literally painted a picture that she used to help explain this situation and so much more. She was able to beautifully show me a clear vision about my life and one of the biggest struggles that I have repeatedly faced. Olga’s unique take on an energy healing was just what I needed to make some well needed changes. Aside from helping me discover what was going on, she also did healing energy like blessings in the background to help clear up blocks that have been getting in my way. Her advice and healing work is truly above and beyond and I can’t wait to book my next session with her ❤."

Patty Thorpe

"My shamanic healing session with Olga was very enlightening. She took her time, (both before the session as during session) she could explain everything very clear and I recognized what she was quoting. At the end she did a blessing. 

I’m blessed knowing her !! 

Thank you very much Olga for your time and effort 💜

Hugs Elisabeth 🤗"

Writer's Block Shamanic Healing Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

Before the Session

I do my meditation to find out the main reasons for your writer's block. 

It may be as simple as a deep-rooted belief that once you write from your heart and really put your honest thoughts and fantacies out there, you will be harshly judged, not understood, criticised, unappreciated, ridiculed, laughed at, so on and so forth. It may have its origin in a trauma you have experienced in this life time or more than one lifetime. It could be a karmic cycle you're going through and maybe it's not the first life, where you struggle to be your true self and to express yourself freely.

Perhaps, it could be a belief that no matter how hard you try, you can never create a really good piece of writing. Perhaps, it's an issue of completing something. Perhaps, concerns over money and writing what sells (and not what is close to heart) that's the problem.

The above are just examples. I would need to meditate to see what your unique situation is.

Reading Part of the Session

In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I meditated on your writer's block and we are going to discuss how you feel about why you may be having the writer's block.

Healing Part of the Session

We will discuss the reading part of the session and wil find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. We may find the specific events, decisions or promises you made in the past that need to be revisited and changes made. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular birthplaces of the limiting beliefs, fears, and hurts that lie at the heart of why you are experiencing your writer's block.

This kind of healing is not only good for critical instances, where help is needed. If you are not experiencing writer's block at this time, this kind of healing can reveal issues you would benefit from healing and clearing to become even better at what you do, to release any fears, judgments, beliefs, and limitations that may be hindering your writing at this time.

The goal of this healing session is to get you to feel safe and comfortable being your true authentic self, making your authentic decisions, and taking bold steps in the pursuit of freely and openly expressing your true self in a unique way, and doing it with pleasure, joy, and peace.

* Please write your questions, concerns, and anything else you would like to know about this session by e-mail.

Akashic Records Reading

*** Includes Shamanic Healing of Issues That Come Up During the Reading and the Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

Before the session, I will first read your soul's Akashic Records for the relevant information, given your specific questions about it. 

During the session, I will describe to you my findings, as well as issues ready for healing I may see during this reading time. We will then discuss these findings and see what issues / problems / concerns / desires / blockages / fears you may have.

At the end of the session, I will perform the relevant shamanic healing, depending on what concerns come up and what healing is needed. 

Watch a live recorded Akashic Records reading I give to Sarah Renéex.

Akashic Records Reading Session: Relationship Dynamics

*** Includes Shamanic Healing of Issues That Come Up During the Reading and the Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

This reading may be about a romantic relationship you have, a family member, a friend, a workmate, or any one particular person in your life, you would like to dive deeper into and know more about.

Before the session, I will first read your soul's Akashic Records for the relevant information about your relationship, given your specific questions about it. I will also use my shamanic practices to get at this information from another side.

I will focus on relevant trauma, karma dynamics, agreements, and the nature and direction of this relationship in general. 

During the session, I will describe to you my findings, as well as issues ready for healing I may see during this reading time. We will then discuss these findings and see what issues / problems / concerns / desires / blockages / fears you may have about your relashionship.

At the end of the session, I will do the relevant shamanic healing, depending on what concerns come up and what healing is needed. 

Messages from Your Spirit Guides Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

- I connect to your spirit guides and receive messages you need to know right now.

- You receive a 60-minute video call with me, a shamanic healing practitioner, where you are welcome to clarify your messages and receive guidance and support on any healing that may be needed at this time.

Psychic Skill Development Session

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

Let the soul world help you to develop your intuition, clair-perception, and develop your psychic abilities. 

In this session, we will look into your specific blocks, beliefs, wounds, karma, fears, self-doubts, etc., and clear/heal them one by one to allow you to access your non-physical perception, which all of us have naturally. 

Every session is unique, depending on what your soul and your guides bring up for healing each time. This is a step-by-step process, where you can ask whatever questions and concerns you may have about your intuition, psychic perception, clair-senses and we will work out each issue one at a time.


Never tried this before? Don't know where to begin? No problem.

Ask your burning questions about developing your psychic skills. Have you heard and read many contradicting things online about psychic skills, and feeling confused? Let's clarify things for you and practice uncovering your psychic skills while we're at it. 


Do you often intuitively hear and feel psychic messages, voices, and presences, but are unsure who or why is talking to you? Do you get confused and annoyed at some messages showing up randomly and you can't quite seem to understand what it all means for you? Have you seen symbols, sacred geometry, colors, energy flows, images, and moving images of people and other beings doing things in your mind, but not sure what it all means and what their purpose is? Let's delve into these questions for you and figure it out to gain some clarity and understanding, and let you be in control of your psychic experiences for your desired purposes.


Are you getting a lot of information about yourself and others, clearly pointing to some healing action that needs to be done, but you're not sure just how to get it done? Let's discover together what options are available for you to guide yourself and others to receive the healing, realizations, and transformations, that need to be done for a healthier, happier, and more free and empowered life. 

Remember, the experience you seek is also seeking you!

And let's just have some fun with it!

Evolutionary Astrology Nodal Analysis and Akashic Records Reading & Shamanic Healing

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD200 This session is an online video call. You can purchase your session here:

What is your incarnational evolutionary history and karmic journey? How did you plan to remedy your karmic wounds and make use of your karmic talents?

I not only give you a nodal analysis from an evolutionary astrology perspective, taught by Steven Forrest, but I also consult your Akashic Records and retrieve the actual incarnational experience that your guides want to bring through to help you see your karmic journey clearer.

We will look at how you can take the advice of your North Node direction in life, what to move towards, and what to move away from. I will also perform shamanic healing of your karmic wounds that you came here to heal, that are ripe for the healing, and ready to be let go of and released. This should help you move on your North Node path more easily and with less resistance.

Reading session addressing specific physical pain, discomfort, ailment, addiction or chronic issue

Write me at to book your session with me. Price: USD 60 for one session, or $120 for three sessions. Each session is a 60-minute online video call. Or purchase your session here:

For this session, please write a description of any specific physical pain / discomfort / ailment / chronic issue you would like to check from the point of view of the possible metaphysical, soul-word reasons behind it. 

I will connect to the problem area and will describe to you what messages I receive regarding your ailment and what possible actions and changes may help to heal the ailment. 

I will also do shamanic healing to help you make the changes needed to heal the problem.

* Please read the disclaimer below and please only refer to my healing session as an additional measure and never the first and main measure for healing.

Disclaimer for all of my services: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Are you stranded for financial resources at this time, but would like to receive a shamanic healing session from me? Are you interested in reading spiritual fiction, that induces healing on its own? Check out this promotion above!

Get a free shamanic healing session from me in exchange for leaving me an official review on

Here is the link to my ebook:

Image for Soul Reading by Garik Barseghyan from Pixabay.

Image of the spiral by 1239652 from Pixabay.