A Message from My Third Eye Vision:

Earth is Transforming and There is No Need for Fear

I share this vision I have recently received, because I know how overwhelming it can be to feel the pain of the Earth, the pain of the suffering people and wonder how in the world could this ever possibly change?

If you identify with the words spiritual healer, energy healer, intuitive, psychic, lightworker, starseed, etc, then you will, on at least one occasion, have felt overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of the changes that are meant to happen here on Earth, but it is just so impossible to see how.

When you are surrounded by people, who sneer at your claim to have intuitive knowledge, spiritual visions and psychic perception, it can feel pretty lonely keeping on doing what you're doing alone, unsupported and not understood.

It gets much better, when you meet similar friends and have your tribe around you. However, some of us may only have such friends online and in physicality, we may still be surrounded solely by people, who would not hear of anything we would like to say, even if just to pour our heart out to an understanding ear.

If you are deeply involved in shadow work and are overwhelmed by the amount of false beliefs we hold, which need to be changed in order for us to heal and thus for the whole Earth community to heal as well, then you know of the state I was in, when I received this vision in my meditation.

I attempted to draw it above, but it is just a small part of what was communicated. I will just mention the summary here and the details are in the video.

In this vision, we are walking thigh-deep in the ash of Earth. We take up bodies of Earth. We have backpacks that extend from the skin of our bodies and little shoots with fresh green leaves are growing from the inside of our backpacks, which are our bodies.

We are on a mission. We all know each other. This is a voluntary mission, which lasts for a very long time. It began long ago and will continue after we die in our current bodies.

It's like rebirth. We help the burned forest be reborn again. Thanks to the ashen state of the Earth, the seeds can germinate and grow. It's like the Siberian forests, when they suffer from forest fires in the summer, this actually helps the seeds in the ground to germinate and be reborn, while the adult trees are actually fire resistant and even though the foliage is destroyed, new foliage grows.

Something had to be destroyed to grow anew.

Walking in a line helps the people following walk better. People, who walked long before us, made a small path, then the next ones used that small path to walk easier in their steps and each person makes the path bigger and bigger, which is necessary for bigger changes.

It is like when birds migrate in flight formation, which helps create the wind paths, formed by the stronger birds in the front, to help the weaker birds fly at the end.

There are other lines. Each have their own specialty. The number is huge. Momentum is building. Success is assured. Mars energy.

Also, there are clouds and there are huge ancient souls in the clouds. They are working, too. They do something up there with the water that goes up there, and when it rains, the rain water has another kind of energy. It is beneficial for the Earth and everyone on it. It is a slow change, but the momentum is huge.

The main message is that you are not alone. You may not see it physically every day that you are a part of a huge amount of souls working together, each one in a unique way and for a very very long time, but you are supported. You are not alone. We are all supporting each other behind the scenes and the momentum is huge. Even if you tried, you couldn't mess it up. Be loving to yourself and care for yourself. There is no need to fear. There is no need to hurry. Your each small step. each small action is already a unique and irreversible event, which is another coin dropped into this huge reservoir of healing, evolution and overall change and awakening.

We may have the desire to run and get things going fast, like Aries energy. Especially when we see the state of the world, which looks to us as all ash right now, so we think we are so behind and we may feel guilty that we are so slow, we may feel behind and alone and on the wrong path, so we want to rush. However, when we rush, we are more likely to trip and fall down and suffer for no reason.

Better look at our states of guilt, loneliness and fear and work on those shadows within ourselves. The action seems slow, but the effects are huge. Much more effective than running due to feelings of guilt, shame, blame, fear, loneliness and what not.