Astrology Rediscovered

through Psychic/Third Eye Meditations and Visions

I have been drawn to study Astrology. I believe that when we incarnate in our bodies, we choose the exact location and time at which we draw our first breath. If we study the placement of planets around us at the time of our birth, we can rediscover and remember who we planned to become during this incarnation, which lessons we wanted to focus on, and become aware of our journey not only as a personality, but as a soul at large.

As I study each planet, each zodiac sign and everything there is to learn in astrology, I decided to supplement the information I read in books with my own personal connection to each of these energies.

In this age of spiritual awakening, it is no longer a taboo to speak out loud about the fact that many of us are waking up to our long-forgotten ability to perceive beyond this familiar physical reality.

Psychic, Third Eye, intuitive perception is not only becoming quite common, but I believe these abilities should be used to rediscover anew the ancient knowledge we have forgotten.

Here I share the knowledge I connect to through my psychic/third eye/intuitive meditations (not sure exactly how to coin the term). I believe this information is available for everyone, who decides to connect to it. It's like humanity just got an upgraded internet connection, the one that connects us to all there is.

The visions I summarize here are by no means all-inclusive. I meditate until I feel that I have had enough visions to feel that particular energy I want to learn about. More can be received, but at some point the general message seems to be clear and I feel no need to get more of them at that particular time.

Let's wake up together and rediscover anew the world we live in, as well as ourselves :)

The Energies of the Planets

The Energies of the Zodiac Signs

The Energies of Planets in Zodiac Signs