Hi, thanks for visiting!

My name is Olga Aydınoğlu. I am a shamanic healing practitioner, a spiritual fiction and non-fiction writer, and a visual artist.

I saw one of my painfully unresolved past lives at two years old. Following, was an acknowledgment of my decision to live this life, incarnated as Olga. 

With this memory always alive from my childhood, I had trouble connecting to this life completely. Various kinds of revelatory spiritual experiences accompanied me throughout my life. 

I did my best to live a "normal" life with a "normal" job, doing the "right" things, "proper" people "should" do.  Suppressing the storm of life I felt within myself, I was exhausted

Two near-death experiences guided me to change my life completely. I found shamanism, and after three years of intense shamanic healing studies and practice, I am now a shamanic healing practitioner, author, and artist. 

I am a discoverer of how our universe and our souls are structured, and how to live life, feeling truly alive

Join me on a healing journey of soul world travels and expressions through art and writing.

I'm here to share what I learn with you, my dear reader :)

You can find me in these places:




