Entering the Spiritual Realm 

or Opening Your Third Eye

*Please note that I wrote this section before I learned shamanic practices. The way I perceive things psychically today is very different from what I write here. The way I currently teach and help with developing psychic skills and abilities today is very different from the text below. However, I still choose to keep this here, because this is written by a person, who has had no formal guidance from a teacher to develop psychic perception skills, and still developed them. So I share with you the advice of "past Olga", whom I respect and admire a whole lot :)

Here I share with you how I got to open my Third Eye and to see spiritual visions more or less on demand. I used to be a passive receiver of visions and cognizance whenever they chose to reveal themselves to me. I did not want to remain passive anymore and so I learned how to call them up on my own, having read lots of literature, talked to different people and done a number of exercises and practices.

My desire is that anyone, who is interested in perceiving more than this limited tangible reality, be able to go and do so on their own. I share my experiences, knowledge and understanding so that you can see that this is possible. 

What I learned about reaching this state and being able to perceive these things is that we do not need the following:

An Important Disclaimer on the Vocabulary I Use Here

On this website I use a lot of "spiritual terms", such as Third Eye, spiritual visions, spiritual realm, spiritual cognizance, etc. These terms can sometimes be misleading and deterring. This is because when we get new experiences, it is difficult to coin the right term to describe our experience and understanding to others. I feel that we do not have a clear set of universally accepted vocabulary terms for spiritual experiences. (Even the term spiritual experience can be questioned, for why call it spiritual if this is a part of our natural lives?)

When we get visions "out of our bodies" the wonderful thing is that they don't come limited by a language. Yes, we may hear clear messages in our mother tongue or even in languages, not commonly spoken by most, but still, once you receive knowledge "from the beyond" or "from the within" (you see how complicated words can get?), you realize that once you want to express it in a language we use every day, you see how very limited language is and it can be quite frustrating.

So please, I ask for your understanding and not to judge the terms I use too harshly. If you have any solutions or suggestions on how to make this language more palatable, please write me. Thank you.

So let's jump in:

How to 

Open Your Third Eye 

and See Visions

You can first watch my first Youtube video on my first experience, where I got my vision when I called for it. I'm very nervous in this video!

I have developed and changed my practice since that time, but watching this video will let you know how little is actually needed to get a vision. Below is my understanding of how to do it in a more expanded way. It's how I do it.

My Definition of the Term Third Eye

I will use this term, Third Eye, to describe the ability to 

which we do not normally perceive in our everyday lives in this 3D (technically 4D) reality. 

There are different levels of perception according to my experience. Sometimes it's very light and faint. Sometimes it is full on.

For example, if I ask you to think of a cup of tea, you would probably see a mental picture of a cup of tea. Maybe the tea you prefer most. An oriental cup of green tea, a big mug with a tea bag in it, a smaller cup with a saucer and milk in the tea with a biscuit on the side, maybe a small tea glass with mint leaves in it. You probably already smell it. Those mint leaves, maybe the piece of lemon you like add to it, maybe the honey, maybe the richness of the milk. If still you remain with this cup of tea, you may feel a sense of warmth in your throat, esophagus, your chest and your stomach. You may remember the taste of your favorite tea. You may also get mental pictures of what you would normally be doing when drinking tea. Locations, people, feelings. Maybe you would think of your grandmother, who baked great cakes and she taught you the way to enjoy a cup of tea with cake. 

You say: "Great, genius! I know how to imagine. I want the supernatural stuff!" OK. Yes. Me, too.

I'm trying to get to the pineal gland. It's a small gland somewhere closer to the center of your brain. It produces and regulates some hormones, including melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep patterns. Also, it has structures similar to the structures in our eyes, such as rods and cones. So even though the cup of tea wasn't there, you could still perceive it. Imagination is a kind of entrance to the real deal visions. Imagination is one of the activities, which activates this gland. So it's like a key to enter the other side. 

This key, imagination, needs to meet the lock, which is self trust and trust in the universe, willingness to receive, perceive, to let go of outdated beliefs and change. Change truly and deeply. Once the lock gives in - you're in.

My Background with Visions


Now when I look back at it, I can see so many instances of me experiencing visions and cognizance. Just a year ago I would say that I didn't have any special gifts or abilities to see visions. In reality, it was all there all along but I was blind to it. 

I think all people have the ability to use their Third Eye and perceive whatever they want to perceive, but their attention is just elsewhere. It's like searching for your glasses all over the place only to realize that you're wearing them, or looking for your phone only to realize you're talking to someone on it. You just need to switch the focus of your perception.

I remember two in-your-face visions before my near-death experience as a teenager. One of them was a memory, but more interactive than a memory of my past life when I was just two years old. I used that experience to write a short fiction story, which is in my book, Tales of the Spirit and the Divine. The second time I was five or six and I saw a burned man in my bed, got extremely scared and probably blocked seeing things for a while. 

Later, I had many visions in my dreams as a teenager, but I thought it was imagination. I also was fascinated with certain animals, and now I know that they are my spirit animals. They communicate with me now in my visions. I was also so much into Celtic art, ancient Middle Eastern art, desire for growing and using plants, magick, etc., etc. Now it all makes more and more sense with visions.

As a teenager, I was obsessed with reading anything that would tell me my purpose in life. I read about all religions, all esoteric literature, Wicca, Paganism, Satanism, you name it. Everything I could get my hands on.

I then suppressed all that and focused 100% on my business degree. Then the universe, as if to tell me to wake up and smell the coffee, gifted me the near-death experience I had as a result of a motorbike accident at sixteen. It's a story on its own, but after I came back to life I started to have very profound visions, mostly in my sleep or near-sleep states.

Those visions were about the structure and workings of the universe, such as the Akashic Records. I didn’t know they were the Akashic Records then and I still don’t understand everything about it, but they were more real to me than the reality I could touch with my hands.

Information was also communicated to me by the means of sacred geometry, visions of the stars, certain entities, like ancient Gods. I saw how humanity as a whole is progressing and what needs to be done to get to another stage.

I saw how I manifested good and bad things in my life by focusing on them and day dreaming of them. I would sometimes get a "knowing" of something while I was just living my life. Like, I would suddenly be taken out of my body, placed above and to the side of it, and I would know the future of that particular situation or action, and I would then make a decision of how I wanted to play this life game out regarding that situation. Then when I lived it out, I had clear conscious memories of the knowing I had received while out of body, so I always knew that no matter how terrible things got, I chose this path.

So you get the picture. And after all that, I still believed I had no extra sensory gifts and abilities. I bet if you looked back and remembered all the times you knew something that would help you make the choices you did, you would also see that you can totally perceive things from the beyond. The very fact that you're reading about this stuff is a big green flag that says: "You've got it!".

I got sucked into a kind of a religious cult for about 10 years. I thought that they knew what my visions have been telling me and I wanted to know more about it from them, not from myself. A big mistake. A big word of caution: be careful of gurus, "enlightened people", "loving spiritual families/groups", "scientific academies" of happiness or what not. They really raped the hell out of my mind. Even worse: they made me mistrust myself so much that I raped my own mind over and over for years. 

However, this experience taught me so much. Won't get into it, but I will just say one thing. Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong in your perceptions, self-worth, desires, abilities, beliefs, feelings, everything. You're right. You're always right. If there is only one person, who is right on this planet: it is you. Trust yourself. Love yourself. It's all you need to truly know the truth. Blessings, my friend!

When I reached my 30's I felt that all my visions were gone. Well, I lived a totally inauthentic life, so no surprise there. At 34 I quit my hated job, got married and moved to another country. 

I decided that I wanted to see those visions again, but this time I did not want to be a passive receiver. I wanted to be the one to decide that I want to see and know things now about this particular topic and get the vision, and more. So I dug deep in research, reading reading reading. Practicing and experimenting.

In just six months or so, I got it!!!

I became so happy and my life had become so much more meaningful and empowered. I created this super simple website to share with others, with you, how this can be done. I share this because I now realize that anyone can do this and totally should do this because it expands your reality like nothing else I can think of. Makes things so much more interesting.

I hope you find this helpful. 

Love and blessings, my friend!

A Word of Encouragement

"What you seek is seeking you."  Rumi

I believe that if you are here, reading about how to get spiritual visions, then this experience is also seeking you. Just imagine it: spiritual visions are knocking at your door. They are trying to get you to see them, but you just wouldn't pay attention to them. So I say don't try too hard. I believe all you need to get spiritual visions is the desire to get them. That's it. Even just now if you close your eyes and just quietly listen and watch and be receptive, you will already get something. Just try it now. 

Preparation for Best Results


For best experience, it helps to figure out for yourself why you want to do this and what expectations you have from this. Imagine that you have already done this. Your Third Eye opened up and what do you now have that you didn’t have before?

Possible examples:

It’s OK to be honest about your desires. It's OK to wish for something that is not well received in this world. Your current intentions and desires are just that. Current. They don't define who you are eternally. If your intentions seem to be "bad" and embarrassing, simply accepting that for now this is what you want. Being honest about it is the first step towards the truth. There's no need to be shy or provide excuses for yourself. Just observe and allow yourself to be fascinated with it. 

Wow! This is what I decided to experience in this physical body for now! Isn't it wonderful? What's next?                    

When our Third Eye opens, you will change (and you won't if you don't want to), and when you change, your perception grows stronger too. It's like a cycle. It's like an orgasm of continuous metamorphosis. 

Anyway, so opening your Third Eye will involve a lot of honesty and self-trust. I would say dishonesty with oneself and not trusting oneself is the main reason why people can't seem to open their Third Eyes. (Because the truth is that your Third Eye is always open! You just need to enter a state of mind, where you are aware of it in your now perception.)

So back to figuring out your intentions..

There is no need to share your goals and intentions with anyone. You are only making them clear to yourself. You can learn a lot about yourself just by figuring out your true motivations and desires. If you realize that your desires look more egoistic, self-serving and even aimed at hurting others, this is great!

Go on imagining that you have already reached this and have manipulated and hurt millions, then what? What do you want next? Just by realizing where you are and what you truly want, without pretty veils and excuses, you are already changing your reality. If you visualize how wild you will go, manipulating others, attracting jealousy, living on top of a gold mountain in a big fancy house, rich and desired, then just imagine it. Day dream it. 

Write a story about all of these things having already happened. Don’t limit yourself. Make all of your dirtiest wishes come true in your imagination. Think of how far you would go. Go all the way until you have nothing more that you could possibly wish for in that line of desires. Chances are that you will lose some interest in this line of desires because you have already imagined it and lived through it in your imagination. 

You have sped up time. You have changed your reality. You have also changed your desires just by completely immersing into them. You know how quantum theory scientists found out that just by observing matter, you change it? Well, same here. 

If you observe yourself as openly and honestly as possible, with no judgement whatsoever, you are actually changing yourself. You are expanding. It’s amazing. We're also activating our pineal gland with all that imagination.

If we choose not to take ourselves through this process, then, in my feeling, we will have to go the long way through it physically. So you may go on a journey, manifesting all these things, where you are the envy of your crowd and then when you have reached certain levels of it in this physical construction, then you will be transformed, go through a metamorphosis of a kind, that will change your desires. But this can end up taking a long long time and even life times.

I feel that this process not only speeds up time, but also trains us to be open and honest with ourselves, and that's the lock we're opening to get to even a wider vision.

Create your next reality, where your Third Eye is open, so you can step into it.

So first of all, by visualizing that your Third Eye is already open and you can see visions, astral travel, talk to spirits, angels, aliens and whatever you want to get from it, you have already created that reality for yourself. That reality already exists and you are just transitioning into it now. It is already out there. It’s being manifested.

Second, by imagining what it would be like to open your Third Eye, you are already activating your pineal gland. As I mentioned above, the pineal gland has some similar physical features our two regular eyes have, such as a lens, rods and cones, photosensitive elements. So stretch and exercise those elements. 

Imagine the visions you would get once your Third Eye is open. Imagine what messages you would get. Who will give them to you? Your higher self? Anyone else? Imagine you are writing a fiction story about a person, who opened up their Third Eye. Go crazy imagining and visualizing what it can be. 

If you are concerned that imagination will meddle with the true picture, then I would like to remind you that you are already and always living your truth. You are creating your reality, or at least co-creating it. If it came from your imagination, it’s your truth for that moment. It can and does change. 

Third, by figuring out what you want form it, as specific as possible, you will have a yardstick with which to measure your progress. For example, if one of the things you would like to get out of it is better intuition, then when later you notice that you have started to base more of your daily decisions on your hunches, then you can realize that this is truly working. You will be filled with gratitude for your Third Eye working. By feeling gratitude, you are accepting that you have achieved what you wanted and that your progress is real. This way your reality is more open to receive more evidence from your Third Eye work.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Embrace Continuous Change

Let Go of Following Others

Trust yourself. Listen to yourself. Time for following teachers to the letter is over. Now become your own master. You matter. Your perceptions matter. Your intuition matters. We are simultaneously a student and a teacher. Yes, learn from others, but see them more as colleagues, fellow team mates, rather than sacred gurus. You also have the connection to the divine, so you don’t need to blindly follow one guru after another.

Let Go of Wondering If You're Right

I sometimes want some universal all knowing being, accepted by everyone unconditionally, to say: "Yes, you are right!" and I want everyone's jaw to drop in awe and cry, preferably. I guess it comes from school days, where we had to get the right answers and good grades to be valued by everyone. That's one of the reasons we display a diploma on a wall, to show that look, an undisputed authority says I'm good enough and I'm worth something.

When we get visions, we often wonder if we really saw one. We search for external validation, but nobody in the world can confirm or deny what we perceived. Only we know it. I bet that if we don't trust ourselves that we saw a vision to begin with, even if a group of spirits, angels and extraterrestrials would show up and tell us that we really did see it, we still would doubt the vision, the spirits, the angels and the extraterrestrials.

It's OK to Let Go of Beliefs We Have Already Subscribed To

My favorite thing to do is to believe in a new belief/reality structure wholeheartedly and then search for a way to find that it actually works in another way. I have recently gotten quite a few visions from the Fairy Realm. I know that when I get used to that realm, feel quite comfortable there, the first thing I would be interested in doing is to transcend it, to see what's happening behind the scenes. And when I get there, I'd like to go further out and out and out (or in).

I think we often are afraid of believing something because we are afraid to get hurt later, in case our theory is disproved by others or by us. We want to avoid the embarrassment of admitting that we were wrong. Well, if we just become comfortable with constant growth and transformation, then this is no longer a concern.

Instead of saying to others and to yourself, "I believe XYZ", just say I currently believe XYZ. That's it. The issue is off the table.

Activate Your Pineal Gland

I honestly don't know if I really activated my pineal gland by doing the things below and if it really matters, but I sure did enjoy them. I won't go too much into detail about this gland, because there's so much material out there. 

What I can recommend is to start with simple things and enjoy them. Don’t mind if you can’t or don't want to become vegan now. I opened my third eye while I was eating meat and drinking alcohol. Eventually, I felt the need to change naturally. I cut down on alcohol and I still eat animal-based products, though rarely meat. Honestly, I like to take the middle path in this regard.

Here's my list:

a)       Sun gazing at sunrise time

b)      Move towards a plant-based diet

c)       Yoga

d)      Pranayamas

e)      Mantras

f)       Mudras

g)      Meditation

h)      Chakra activations

i)        Reiki

j)        Visit sacred places

k)       Visit certain people

l)        Meditating on sigils

m)    Activating your imagination – art, writing, day dreaming.

n)      Go to nature. Feel it. Talk to it. Be one with it.

Expect success. Welcome beginner’s luck!

Set Up Your Meditation Environment

Create a pleasant ambiance in the room you will most often meditate in. It should help relax you and get you in the right mood. With practice though it matters less, but it's still pleasant and worth it.

1.  Lighting

Warm dimmed lights work best for me, though this is not critical. I do most of my meditations during day time, when my bedroom is filled with sunshine, but coming in through white curtains. It adds a sense of bliss, warmth and love. I also have night lamps that fill my bedroom with dark red and orange light at night. It makes me feel that I am in a magical mysterious atmosphere.

2.       Colors

The colors of the Third Eye and Crown chakras are indigo, blue and purple. Maybe it can help you to have something of those colors around your room. I like warm earthy colors, like ochre and dark browns. Choose what makes you feel comfortable. You can buy curtains, bed sheets and covers for armchairs or sofas of your preferred colors. It can be quite enough. If you want to add color to your room, but do not want to invest much money, just take a piece of paper and fill it up with that color with a single crayon, then stick it on your wall. Done.

3.       Meaningful objects

I like to hang my artworks all over my bedroom. They are mostly of visions I have seen in my meditations. The colors and themes in my art help me bring my mind to that meditative state. See what you're drawn to and surround yourself with it. No need to go deep into the reasons why. Statues or images of the Buddha, your spirit animals, just your favorite animals, plants, places, people, just abstract work. All is good, if it puts you in the mood.

4.       Smells

Surround yourself with smells that make you feel good. The following essential oils are generally believed to help stimulate the Third Eye chakra: rosemary, sandalwood, clary sage, marjoram, bay laurel, vanilla lemon. Honestly, if you search online for the right essential oils, you will get a long long list of them. What I do is pick something I already have at home, like a massage oil with essential oils that I particularly like that day and I put it on my skin and a little below my nose and on my temples and even on my forehead. Then I am surrounded by the smell. If you don’t have an incense burner, you can simply brew a tea from some herbs in your kitchen (cinnamon, cloves, sage, rosemary, basil, mint, oregano, etc.)  and keep it next to you. There will be enough aroma going out to get you in the mood. I suggest that you just trust yourself and choose whatever speaks to you that day. Start getting accustomed to trusting yourself. There really isn’t that much of a risk if you choose the “wrong” smell, if there is one.

5.       Sounds

Make sure your room is as quiet as possible. Close the windows and doors if you have to.

I use binaural beat music from Youtube. You need to use really comfortable earphones for this because you will be wearing them for a long time. Which frequency to use is really up to you. I experiment with different frequencies. For me, the repeating melody you hear over the binaural beats is important. Listen to a few different tracks beforehand and choose your favorite. It should last for at least an hour. Create a playlist, so that you don’t have to open your eyes and switch between tracks. Sometimes I find that using the same track over and over again helps me get into that state faster. If I had a really good trip with one track, I tend to reuse it a lot.

6.       Crystals

From what I know, crystals have some kind of a unique spiral structure inside of them that act as a sort of amplifier. They are used in electronics to create electrical signal with a precise frequency. There is a lot of information out there on crystals and how to use them. The first time I saw my visions, I held an amethyst. I placed it on my left side and I put my left palm on top of its spikes. It’s good to do some prep work with your crystal. Cleanse them, recharge them periodically, state your intentions before your sessions and just ask for help and be grateful. If you’re new to crystals, try starting out with an amethyst and clear quarts. Try to stay away from cut crystals. Buy large crystals that have not been polished in anyway.

Some people advise placing a crystal on your third eye spot during meditation, but I find it so irritating. It makes me itch and I get distracted by the fact that there is something sharp and heavy on my forehead. I just touch it with my left hand, the receiving hand. 

However, I try not to bother so much about these things. I just pick the crystals that speak to me at that particular moment and I hold them in whatever hands I want in any combination. Sometimes I place some on my body. I believe that your intuition will just tell you how you need to arrange your crystals for that particular meditation. Trust yourself and just what feel right, even though some books may tell you that you're wrong.

7.       Plants

I have this deep purple orchid at home, which makes me feel really calm. I like to place it on the table in my room when I meditate and I feel that it helps me somehow. There are certain plants associated with the Third Eye, but again, I suggest just to listen to yourself. If you have a particular house plant that you are particularly fond of, just place it on a table next to you while meditating. Ask it to keep you company. Couldn’t hurt anyway.

8.       Comfort and temperature

I lay down under a thick blanket. If it’s winter time, I turn up the heater in my bedroom, too. I find that whenever I meditate really deeply, I often feel extremely cold, especially if I am holding crystals. Wear comfortable clothes and use a thin pillow, so as not to make your neck tense. You could place a scarf or a t-shirt on your eyes to help with visions. I do it sometimes, though it can be distracting.

Some people say you shouldn't lay down because you may fall asleep. Personally, I'm looking for a state, where I am quite close to the sleep state. If you're not sleepy at that time, then you won't fall asleep. You will just get into that perfect trance state.

9.       Time

Set aside way too much time for this session, especially at the beginning. I set aside at least three hours. My best meditations last for about two hours. You can also see powerful visions in moments, but for me this only started happening after I learned to have long meditations. Ask your family members or room mates not to go into your room until you yourself come out and tell them you’re done. If you have someone, who calls you a lot and you need to be available for them at all times, give them a call and tell them that you’re going to meditate for a while, please call only if it’s really serious, otherwise please wait for a few hours or until you message them.

Setting aside way too much time than necessary will help you to relax. Pick a day, when you have no appointments after your meditation. Make that meditation session the only thing that you’re going to do that day. Most likely, you will not take that long, but if you place yourself into a time frame, then it may be very difficult to relax. 

If I want to have a very stressful time, I know what to do. Set myself a time frame for my meditation and arrange a meeting right after it. I will spend the whole time frame worrying if I am relaxing fast enough, if I will go deep into my meditation and miss my appointment, what will I wear for my appointment, how will I get there, how many minutes are left for my meditation? I guess the more time you set aside for yourself, the faster you will relax.

My Third Eye Meditation Process 

I don't always have time or the desire to go through all of the steps below, but it really helped me when I was learning how to get visions. It is also a kind of a ritual. If you are surrounded by a particular familiar environment you have set up for yourself, if you go through certain actions and motions, that can send a message to your subconscious or whatever deeper processor we have working up there, that now is the time to relax into a trance-like state and experience visions.

1.       Yoga and breathing

Before you lay down for a long time it makes sense to stretch. If you don’t do yoga, just stretch your muscles, especially your back and neck muscles. If you do yoga, d some of your favorite yoga asanas. Your session will rock! 

After yoga is a good time to do some pranayama, or breathing techniques. If you are not familiar with any of that, then just take a few very deep breaths in and out. Try breathing in with your nose for a slow count of four. Breathe with your stomach, and breath all the way into the bottom of your spine. Breathe out through your nose for a slow count of four as well. Do it for a minute or two. It will do wonders to relax you. 

2.       Grounding and calling back your energy

I know, I used to skip grounding most of my life. I thought, why would I ground myself if I want to fly away? Well, grounding helps me feel more confident with myself and feel connected to Earth and even to the whole solar system and galaxy and universe, somehow. I feel that I have a supporting loving friend, helping me out through the process.

I imagine that the energy around my lowest chakra at the base of my spine just drops down all the way to the center of the Earth. There is a line of energy (I imagine it green, even though the root chakra is red) connecting me to the center of the Earth. The Earth and I are one. We are not separate. We are each other. We're on one team. We help each other. 

I then imagine that all of my outdated beliefs, emotions and energy start leaving my body (from all over my body) and it showers down my center, down this long line of energy and it goes into the Earth. I imagine it long enough to feel a powerful waterfall inside of me, the size of Niagara Falls. The energy from every limb and corner of my body just meets together in a huge waterfall and cascades down through me, through this line of energy into the center of the Earth. 

You don't need to feel guilty in front of the Earth. You are not dumping trash into it. This is the nature of a part of what she does. If you ask her to accept your outdated energy and to use it to transform it into something new, something wonderful, something useful and beneficial for all, then it is like compost. It is going to make things better.

Don't command the Earth to do your bidding either. Just imagine that the Earth is your partner. Politely and with gratefulness, ask the Earth to accept your outdated beliefs, fears, whatever you want to add to that list, and to transform it into something that is most needed for the good of all. In that case, you will want to do it all the time. It will feel liberating.

After I ground myself, I imagine that I open my crown chakra. (Sometimes I do it before the waterfall bit). Please remember to trust yourself. Make an agreement with yourself that you will completely trust that if you have decided to and imagined that you opened your crown chakra, then it opens immediately. It's important not to doubt yourself. You can imagine that your job is only to wish it to be opened and then it opens by itself. 

I imagine a bright golden light exiting the crown of my head and it goes straight up to the Source, or to the Sun, or whatever you would like to imagine. It releases any tension you may have in your head. If I don't open my crown chakra, I often have a pretty bad headache and even nausea. So I just open it and let energy flow.

I imagine a big strong ray of light going through the top of my head up to the Source and down through the middle of my body and then down my root chakra to the middle of the Earth. Sometimes I imagine that ray of light spinning to the left. I feel that it raises my frequency. I feel that whatever I do from now on, I am supported by Source and by the Earth. I am not alone and I am in good hands. Safe and helped.

Please note that this is my process. It is not perfect, right or wrong. It works for me. This is my truth. This is how I like it. It works for me. I believe that if you play around with it and find your own "ritual" or energy work, it will be best for you. Don't be shy. Imagine and invent new ways of preparing yourself for whatever spiritual work you may want to do. Just try whatever that comes to mind and keep it if you feel good with it. Just because you kept that practice today does not mean you have to keep it forever. You can change what you do every day and some things will stay and some things will change.

Maybe you would like to bless the space you are in, create a safe bubble of energy for yourself, call on your spirit guides or any other entities. Please experiment and don't let anyone tell you that your practice is wrong in any way. Your practice is your practice. You are unique and your practice is unique. Your practice is always the right one for you.

3.       State your intention and/or questions

At this point I like to state what I want to achieve during this coming practice. I decide who I will be dealing with during my experience and I call on those entities to work with me. My crystals and also my partners, who I work with.

For example, if this is your first experience, you may ask to meet your spirit guides or your higher self or whomever you would like to connect with. Think why you would like to connect with them. What do you want them to show you? Maybe you would like to meet your spirit animal, or at least the spirit animal, which is working with you most closely at this time. Or maybe you would like to see a glimpse of your past life to help you deal with a particular problem. 

Call up all of the entities you want help from. You don't need to beg them for help and you don't need to command them to do what you say. Just feel that everyone is just as important as everyone, including yourself, and it is in everyone's interest to work together for the good of all. Just call them up politely and ask for their assistance in what you are about to do.

If you're not completely sure of everything that you want, just state that calmly. Say that I would like to meet/know/feel this and this, my purpose is this and this, but if you guys have a better way to show me these things, then I welcome it, too. 

It's important to stay open to things you haven't even thought of. You don't need to get too involved in how everything will happen. Just keep in mind what is that you want to experience/find out/sense/realize at the end of the session and trust in yourself and trust that you will be helped in the best way possible, even if this way is not what you originally expected. 

Almost every time I sit down to see visions, I am surprised at how much better my team understand what I want and they always get me my understanding in a way that is much better than what I could have imagined. Let go of control. Trust.

I also talk to my crystals at this time and pick the ones I think it would be best to work with at this point. You can read online which crystal is best for what topic, but I feel that if you just look at them and feel them, you will know which one you need to work with right now. It may be the wrong one according to books on crystals, but you are a complicated being and every time the situation is unique. Forget the textbook approach and pick the one you want at that particular moment. Finally, if you are really not sure which one to pick, then just take all of them and tell them that you're not sure.

Politely and lovingly ask your crystal(s) to join you on this particular journey and wish that you both (or more of you) will gain great insights from this journey. The crystal has its own journey as well. I believe they are also experiencing growth while working with you. 

Ask them to let you know what is the best way to work with them at this time. Maybe you will be drawn to hold them in both hands and connect with them by stating your intention or just keeping quiet for a while. Listen to them, too. Maybe you will feel that you need to hold one in your right hand one in your left. Maybe you will want to place one on your heart area. Just experiment and don't hesitate to change things around during your meditation and vision experience.

Once I was holding my unpolished amethyst in my left hand during a vision experience and then I saw a left hand, which touched the tips of the amethyst with its palm, kind of resting on the amethyst like that. So I changed my left hand position to copy what I saw in my vision. From now on, that is how I make contact with my amethyst during meditation. But even then, if you feel like changing things up, just do it. A vision does not mean that this is the only truth in the world forever and ever.

4.       Use your preferred technique for quieting your mind

Once I have set my intention to the best of my abilities, called up the help of all the appropriate entities and left my mind open to new experiences, I feel as if I have bought my flight ticket, sat in my chair, fastened my seat belt and now it's up to the pilot to take me up, so to speak. Let go of all concerns of how it will happen and just relax and enjoy the show.

A this time, I like to use Transcendental Meditation to quiet my mind. I know that they don't want you to share the technique, but I'm not teaching it, I'm just giving a few pointers, which are available all over the Internet anyway. 

Basically, you can pick a mantra that has no meaning for you in your language. It can be Aom. It can be any combination of sounds, as long as it has no meaning for you. Even if you know the meaning of a particular mantra, but when you say it, it doesn't call up any specific images in your mind, then go for it. Keep repeating the mantra at whatever pace you're comfortable with in your mind and let all thoughts pass you by. Eventually, you start to feel very relaxed and your internal dialogue quiets down.

I don't want to go too much into detail about how to quiet your mind with meditation here. There are so many available techniques all over the Internet. I may add some of my favorite techniques on this site later. 

One thing that I love doing is listening to binaural tracks on Youtube for this. I mentioned this above. Just use your earphones and relax. 

5.       Imagination and visualization

After you feel that you have reached a peaceful meditative state, which does not have to be that deep, actually. At first I tried to get deep into silence, but then later with practice, I feel that I don't need to be that much relaxed. The most important thing for me is to get into a receptive state, where I trust that I will get the right communication.

As I mentioned above, imagination stimulates your pineal gland. So start imagining. At first, I had to spend a long time imagining things before I would start seeing things on their own. Now I don't need to. I suggest being patient and taking time to imagine things and to trust that those images you imagined will turn into something that is alive on its own.

So let's say that you want to meet one of your spirit guides. Call them up and start imagining what they would look like. Male, female, tall, short, their hair, their eyes, their clothes, etc. Let's say imagine some long blonde hair, and it it doesn't feel right, imagine short dark hair, and if not, imagine something else. Keep changing until you feel that you are moving towards the truth. 

Don't be discouraged if you don't see a familiar human figure. Some people do. I was upset that I couldn't get a clear picture of my guides, but then after many meditations, my spiritual team shows up as a disk of spinning lights of a particular combination of colors. I feel that they show up in the form most beneficial to you, but that is another topic.

Let's say you want to see your higher self. Try to imagine a color first. Play with the colors. You will start to feel that something is nudging you to see a particular color in your mind's eye, or Third Eye. You may feel uncomfortable seeing certain colors and more comfortable seeing others. Feel it in your body. Feel it in your heart. Move towards comfort and pleasure and you will move in the right direction. When you feel that you are comfortable with one particular color or set of colors, then move on to something else, like the shape or if something is moving or if it has a certain temperature. Try to feel its intentions.

Don't expect to get things "right" during the first time. I started to see things clearly only after a number of sessions like this. It is not going to take too long to learn how your body perceives these things. It doesn't take years. For me it was several months, but it can be much faster for you. I feel that people are becoming more and more receptive to this and there is a lot of help coming at this time. You are being helped all the time. Just accept the help and even ask for it. We all have this ability. It is yours, so just take it with gratefulness.

6.       During the trip

At some point you will feel that you have taken a back seat in this process. You will realize that you are not working hard on imagining things so much. Little visions start entering your mind. You may feel like you're falling asleep and entering a dream state, but you are in just the right place. You may forget about your legs and arms and you may feel that you are somewhere else altogether. Relax and enjoy.

It is OK to be quite active in your internal dialogue now. You are not quieting your mind at this point anymore. You are having an interaction with whatever you are perceiving. No need to use language here by the way. Understanding with your whole body is much more effective now. Trust and accept that you know what each picture is communicating with you. Try to form your questions by simply observing your desires to know/experience/perceive something and by confirming them and sending them out to whomever or whatever feels right.

In the beginning, I saw a lot of natural scapes. I saw rivers, forests, mountains, lots of animals and some people, too. I remember I tried to remember what I saw as much as possible, so that I could google the meanings of all of those images. It's OK to do that (topic for next section), but try to stay relaxed and stay with the images. 

If you see an animal in front of you, let it do its thing. Everything is communication. What is the color of the animal? Do colors vibrate? Can you get lost in them? What is the animal doing? Is it hunting? Walking towards you? Is it looking at you? Look into its eyes and stay receptive. Don't try to talk to it yet. We tend to do a lot of talking and very little of receiving of information. 

Absorb what it is telling you and showing you. You can make connections in your mind with other concepts, problems and desires of yours at this time to probe what it is that they are telling you. If a particular life situation comes to mind and you feel that you see it much better now and even getting knowledge on what to do about it, you are having a conversation with this animal. Feel for realizations.  Notice if you found a solution to something you have been struggling with. You can ask follow-up questions once you feel that you got what it is telling you and then relax into a receptive state again.

7.       Coming out of it

Once you feel like your session is done, thank everyone who was involved in helping you. Thank your guides, thank the visions, thank the crystals, thank the music, thank your bedroom even and thank yourself. Thank the Earth for grounding you, thank the Sun or the Source for helping you. Thank yourself, of course.

Relax for a few minutes before you stand up and walk. You may get a headache or dizziness if you get up immediately.  

Congratulations! You did it! Now repeat as many times as you wish :)

Recording and Interpreting Your Experiences

To make the best use of your experience, record as much of what you can remember as early as possible. Why? It will help you interpret what you saw and also it will help you with your future visions.

When you have your communication during the vision, you do understand many things. However, I understand much more afterwards. How? Let me give you an example.

For example, I often got to my safe place in these visions. It felt like home. This was a forest. I would float in a forest and only see the closest things to me, like tree trunks and mist all over me. I would not see far away at all. Just maybe to the closest few tree trunks and all else is blue, grey, green and purple mist.

When I got out of this vision, I was quite satisfied. OK, I saw a forest. It felt like home. It was good. It was magical somehow. I liked it.

However, when I wrote this down, I noticed so many other things. When you write, you describe the environment and how things felt in general. (You should, if you want to get more insight.) This really helps to discover more things. I wrote that I was in a forest, and even though I could only see a few tree trunks in front of me in all directions and everything was covered in mist, I felt so much at home and so safe. Everything was so mysterious around me. 

What I understood about this vision only after writing about it, was that in my life, I could not see so far in regard to this life in general. However, I was never afraid to step into the unknown. Every time I step into the unknown, there are new adventures, but I always end up being safe. I love the forest because this is my safe playground. I chose to cover things up from myself, to hide things, but when I step there, there is always something wonderful to discover, and this system of mystery helps me so much to grow. Even now, as I recall this experience, I get new realizations about my life and about this vision. 

I also remember a river nearby. Now just imagine the insights you can get from that river. It means a lot to me and the more I write about it, the more comes up.There is just no limit to interpreting these visions. So much comes your way and it is only up to you how much you want to take from it.

So write things down. White about the environment, what happened before, what happened after, and not only about what happened, but how things happened. Write down how you felt at the time: scared, safe, excited, curious. If you saw an entity communicating with you just by looking into your eyes or by doing something else, write down what you think they were communicating to you and also write down if you felt that you communicated back. 

Reread what you wrote a few times a day during the next few days. More and more insight comes this way. Don't be in a rush to look up symbols, spirit animals, gestures, colors, etc. First, try to write down what your intuition tells you they meant. 

I used to love rushing to google everything I saw in my visions right after my visions. I would spend a long time reading meanings until I would find the meaning that felt right for me. Then I realized that I actually already knew what the meaning was, but I needed to read it elsewhere to confirm that I was right. It all came from the fact that I did not trust myself. I needed external validation that I did indeed understand the meaning of my unique spiritual vision, which only speaks to me in symbols that I, personally, understand. We don't need any confirmation. We only need to trust and listen to ourselves.

Having said that, it can still be beneficial to look up things after you feel that you have derived the maximum on your own. For example, you might see some complicated symbols in your vision and you might understand it in general, but you would still benefit from a more detailed explanation. I often see hand mudras in my visions and even though I might get the main point being communicated, I feel that those mudras are shown to me with the intention of getting me to go look up those meanings sometimes.

So there, I think that this should help you for now.

I wish you a great journey and a myriad of beautiful insights!