What I Learned from My Spiritual Visions and Experiences

Here I share with you things I learned from experiencing my visions and all kinds of experiences. Why? Because I like to learn about other people's experiences and when I was first starting out, trying to figure out what's happening to me, people around me did not believe me and they made me doubt myself. I also couldn't find detailed experiences of others and so I doubted myself even more. Everyone's experience is unique, of course, but I wish I could read someone's recollections of such experiences when I was confused and looking for help.

I am a kind of a beginner at this, though in some ways I am not, but every time I try something, I get results. I want to encourage others, who think they need special gifts or something to see these things. Anyone can access this. I will keep adding to this list as I go along. I encourage everyone to try it out, too.

I love you, dear reader. Trust yourself, love yourself and live life to the fullest.


My first memory of a life lived before and what I learned about reincarnation so far.

On fear of death, fear of life and on the purpose of life.

This is a story of when this 3D world disappeared from my perception and I became aware of something else instead.

A lesson on what happens if you insist on not following your passions in life and playing it safe or settling.

After I have activated my Third Eye vision, I now see what was blocking me from opening it in the first place.

Simplifying Shadow Work

Why does shadow work feel so hard and how can we make it easier?


We are many, we are all different, we all know each other and are working together on a project, most beautiful.

We may live in the same house, share the same bed, but we each live in literal world of our own.


How I see channeling for creative writing works.


Hyacinth is training to become a spirit guide. Her mentor presents her with a soul, stuck in a self-made reality, where long after death, a child continues to experience the pain of what she knew in her life. How will Hyacinth help her, if the child's free will is not to be tampered with?
