Blocks to Opening Your Third Eye

Some time has passed now since I have activated my Third Eye vision and I have been working to develop it ever since. In retrospect, I can now see the blocks that were blocking me from opening it earlier. These and other blocks are still active now, but it helps to be aware of them. When you work on these blocks within yourself, your Third Eye vision get clearer as well.

  1. Negative Social Stigma

When I was growing up and there was a show on psychics on TV, my family would scoff at them.

"Ugh! Look at those charlatans! Poor people, who believe them! Isn't it obvious they are lying!?"

There was a very negative attitude towards them. They were seen as shameless people, who claimed to have impossible powers. Now that I think back to it, some of those people could have faked it, but the point was that such people were charlatans and it is shameful to be one of them.

When I look deeper into the negativity, I see more blocks that have been ingrained into my brain against opening my Third Eye.

  1. It Is Impossible

There was a deep conviction that such things are impossible. If we cannot prove it and replicate it in this physical world, then it is simply not true. It is not even worthy of investigation. It is supposed to be ignored. Those people were considered to be charlatans because they claimed to be able to do something that is supposedly impossible to do. Period.

Now that I know what I see, I know that they also cannot disprove what I see and what knowledge I receive. They have no tools to say that I am wrong. All they can say is that it is my word against theirs.

  1. It Is Cheating

This one is deeply connected to the value that was and is placed on suffering in the society, where I grew up. You are considered a good person, if you suffer in this world. Everything you get, must be received by the means of great suffering invested in getting it. If you want to be educated, you must suffer the pains of working hard and studying. If you want to be rich, you must suffer a lot at work. If you got something without having had to suffer, you were considered to have cheated.

So in the case of having Third Eye vision, you are not going through the normal suffering path everyone goes through in some areas in your life at least. Therefore, this is considered to be suffering.

You want to know how the universe is structured, but you just see whatever you ask, without having to have read hundreds of books, dedicating your whole life to it? You're cheating! Who are you to skip the suffering?

Well, to get over this one, it is enough to understand that everyone can open their Third Eye and see anything they want to see. The fact that they chose not to do it, should not make it unfair for you to use it.

  1. It Will Make You Powerful and Bad

I, personally, did not have this concern, but one of my friends was convinced of it. He told me that you cannot open your Third Eye too much, because you will lose control and become a tyrant, like Hitler. You will become obsessed with power, control and making people suffer.

I guess this goes deep into our issues of how one perceives themselves. We often build up quite a negative self image based on what society tells us to believe. This is a whole other can of worms and I will write about it separately.

In short, we are often taught that given the freedom and power, people turn bad, because our nature is bad. It goes back to the instilled belief of the original sin. That if we strip a person of all the masks, the inside is evil. If everyone believes this, then there is good reason to instill social restrictions on personal freedom, which in turn strengthens the belief in the evil nature of humanity.

I don't believe that deep inside we are evil. I believe we all have a loving light inside of us. I feel that as we break the beliefs that we are bad and as we discover the loving light inside of us and love ourselves, we automatically open up our Third Eye more and more. The Third Eye shows the truth and so if you discover the truth of the love and light inside of you, the more accepting of seeing the truth you become.

Ok, now we all know of some people, who actually do bad things in this 3D life, right? People, who actually do control and do hurt people here. What if they opened their Third Eyes, what then?

As an example, I had a personal experience of one person I knew, who was an abuser and a narcissist. He did pretty horrible things, alright. He also believed that he was the Messiah. Like, seriously believed it. He also believed that his Third Eye was open and that he sees the world through many dimensions and what not.

This person had gone through his fair share of abuse and has developed a certain personality to protect himself, to have a respect for himself in the world, where he actually could not hold down a job (not that we all need a job) and he could not afford even the simplest of the basic things and could not have long-term fulfilling relationships. He was filled with hatred and mistrust towards the world and he believed that he was the only one benevolent being here, the Messiah.

This person created quite a distorted world, in which he lived (as we all live in our separate perceived worlds to various extents) and did not want to see any other truth. The Third Eye is all about seeing the truth, in my experience.

I feel that it's just incompatible, when you are not ready to perceive the deeper nature of the world, the truth, when you do not want to change yourself for any reason, then you simply won't have that Third Eye active, even if you do believe that you are the Messiah.

If we don't want to see something, the Third Eye, or even our normal 3D eyes won't show it to us.

  1. I Will Be Ununderstood and Lonely

There is a fear that if you begin to see most people do not see, you will lose interest in life and you will not find people, who understand you, and you will eventually feel very much alone.

In my experience, when I did want to open my Third Eye, I was already pretty much ununderstood and lonely. You may as well just get the vision. Once I did though, I actually met friends who were like me and now it's really not lonely.

These days, people with these abilities can find each other. The energy you emit and the desires you have also help in this. It's like you almost bump into similar people. Really cool.

  1. It Is Dangerous

This one is tricky. In general, I feel that we are all protected to a certain extent by our soul, by our non-physical spirit guides and other entities.

When I first started to get self-initiated visions and communications, I did not feel like I encountered anything dangerous. I think a big reason for this was that I never expected anything dangerous and I never had thoughts of fear.

However, if there is something we are very much afraid of and we keep thinking of it a lot, we will totally come across it. There are also people, who can help with that sort of thing.

Overall, I don't feel like this is a good enough reason to say no to Third Eye vision. We all of us are given just as much difficulties as we can handle. At least, this is my experience.