My Art: Watercolor, Pastels, Acrylics

Emotional Freedom

The Cosmic Turtle

The Wounded Healer

Jason, the Water-Twig Man

The Cosmic Web

Healing and Self-Discovery

Fire and Ice

Collective Consciousness

A vision of one of my guides blessing me with the blue light of knowledge and peace. This is also what I would like to do in my life. Heal people and help them find their own true light.

A vision I had once about my life purpose. When I saw this, I felt that I had finally found my life purpose, though at that time I didn't exactly know what it was.

Dealing with addictions, anger, limitations, letting things go. Shadow work, in a nutshell.

I found myself there once, a place of healing. It's a Pink Ocean Planet. You can go rest and heal there with this guided meditation I recorded.

The Waters of Knowledge. I found myself there once. It felt like home. A very peaceful, serene place, full of blessings and gifts.

This is one of my guides. Yes, he's an elephant :)

This tree is in a cool foggy forest I often find myself in. Something tells me I'm going to paint more of this foggy forest. It feels like home.

Blue Visions. I was actually trying to draw a Lapis Lazuli stone, but then this came out of it! Little lines and shadows became alive and I just went with it.

The being I saw in my meditations. The face is the whole of the long golden thing. When he gives you a blessing, his face elongates and expands into a net, engulfing you. He is certainly a magician, a shape shifter, arises from water, and holds one unique kind of a violet stone, mounted on his magic staff. 

In one of my meditations, I saw this vision as an image of God, or the Divine.

This is Jupiter! My Lucky Planet! :)))

Addictions and Shadow Work

So this is my take on addictions, destructive beliefs and thought patterns in general. The demon-looking guy is not the classical black and red guy, but purple and green, which to me are colors of magic. He's a kind of a personal magician friend in the form of a demon.

He's always with you and says: "Hey, have that substance, stay safe in your old beliefs, follow your destructive thought patterns and be comfortable in your slumber".

Every time you say no to the substance or doing things the way you've always been doing them without questioning why you do it, what drives your actions, and reconsidering if the very fundamentals perhaps need to be changed, I feel like this makes us become more alive and helps realize that we actually love ourselves. Love ourselves enough to choose life, choose change, choose rebirth, choose the inconvenient truth, which then we change to a new truth, a better truth, our personal truth of today, which we can then completely erase tomorrow and paint a new truth once again.

I like thinking of truth as someone you don't need to commit to. Every day you hang out with a different truth and you don't even pretend like you're going to call back any time soon.

Talk about art therapy :)


This is a vision I had about how our Earth is transforming, how it is hapening, and that there is no need to fear. You can check out my youtube video about this message for everyone here.

Shamanic healing art I did for my mom. Check out what is Shamanic Healing Art here.

It's a Colour Wheel, because I love colour!

This is a personalized shamanic healing art I created for a client of mine.

Vulture Medicine

After the storm and after the rain,

After my pain had been taken away,

After my healing of all that has been,

When all is left of my pain is green,

I lay in silence, unable, unstable,

Unwanted and unappreciated,

By those, who had hurt me before,

By those, who I face once more,

But this time with love,

Understanding and awe.

Leftovers, memories, whispers,

Scar tissues, dry blood and blisters,

Who will come clean me? 

Who will come heal me?

Of battles I lost and won?

Of corpses, beaten and torn?

Who is there not too great for my pain?

And wouldn’t judge my shame and blame?

Who wouldn’t look away from my worst deeds?

Nor mind the smell of my blood-stained sheets?

Who isn’t afraid to look death in the face?

Who isn’t ashamed to clean up my mess?

The vulture, in silence, 

Restores the balance,

When all screams have long gone,

When all of the pain had been let go,

When the cries have subsided,

And light has been invited,

The vulture feasts

On the beasts,

That breathe no more.

The vulture feasts

At the light of dawn.