Shiradi Champion

Shiradi Champion is aligned to Rangers, providing Ranged Power bonuses, significant damage effects to ranged and thrown weapons, and three critical abilities that give stopping power against charging or stationary foes.

Shiradi is a natural fit to the Zen Archer, but the build may appreciate twisting a few abilities here and then using other destinies for more weapon damage or versatility.

Shiradi Champion is a key destiny for Shuricannons, adding throwing speed bonuses to shurikens.

Recommended Abilities

You gain +4 Ranged Power for each innate destiny trained.

You can also train extra DEX or WIS, perfect for Shuricannon or Zen Archer builds.

Prism adds a chance to deliver 2d10 damage to a random ability score.

Rainbow is another stance that delivers 1d100 damage of a random type.

Whirling Wrists adds stacking additional speed to thrown weapons.

Double Rainbow stance adds a chance to hit enemies with all kinds of random damage or effect.

Nerve Venom will paralyze and make helpless enemies. A potent power in the hands of Ninja Spies with the No Mercy enhancement trained.

Recommended Twists

Pin (tier 2) will hamstring your stationary enemies and increase damage against your target. An excellent first-strike move for Shuricannons and Zen Archers.

Otto's Whistler (tier 3) will cause almost any charging enemy to dance and take more damage while they dance.