Dave's Faves 2007

1. Bird Flu – M.I.A. / Kala

M.I.A's second CD does not suffer from the sophomore slump. I really enjoy the challenging mix of techno, hip-hop, dancehall and whatever. I wish I'd seen her show at First Avenue.

2. Let Her Dance – Stephen Marley / Mind Control

I did go to First Avenue to see Stephen Marley with special guest Damian Marley. The show was a third Stephen, a third Damian and a third Bob. Very good, including a couple of last year's Faves. Featuring Maya Azucena and Illestr8.

3. Mi Blenda – Damian Marley / Halfway Tree

This is a 2001 CD that Tony gave me for Christmas. It's got very catchy little melodies and rhythms throughout.

4. Guitar – Prince / Planet Earth

Oh yes, Mr. Good Night himself. We went to the 7/7/07 concert, with tickets in the 6th row (thank you Kirk!), and he was having a great time. The first time I heard this song was at the show.

5. Route 90 – Johnny Winter / Crucial Rockin' Blues

Speaking of guitar … I was first attracted to this song because of the piano (it's not Edgar), but then Johnny rips it up. This is one of 3 new Crucial CDs I got this year from Alligator. I'm a sucker for their compilations.

6. Rock Steady – Aretha Franklin / What It Is! Funky Soul and Rare Grooves

This is off of a fantastic 4 CD set that Diane gave me for Christmas last year. It's all 60's and 70's funk and R&B by famous and obscure artists. It's got the Commodores, the Meters, Dr. John, Eddie Harris, and then it's got Funk Factory, The TSU Tornadoes and Black Haze Express. When it comes down to a selection, though, Aretha's still the Queen.

7. Tears Dry On There Own – Amy Winehouse / Back To Black

She's a train wreck, but this CD is fantastic. Her backup band, the Dap-Kings, is a big part of the success of this CD, and she's really got a way with a song. Let's see if she can hold it together long enough to perform at the Grammy's.

8. Chelsea Rodgers – Prince / Planet Earth

A great funk rave up from Prince.

9. Boyz – M.I.A. / Kala

I heard this track during a double-dutch scene on "Heroes", so I knew it was safe for America. Not the music of a terrorist.

10. She Needs My Love – Damian Marley / Halfway Tree

There was lots of Marley music being played by the Larson boys this year. Nate, Tony and I listened to this recording over and over. We're still not tired of it. (I see it as one of the successes of raising my boys that they both love reggae music.) Featuring Yami Bolo and Sabor.

11. Rehab – Amy Winehouse / Back To Black

Irony lives.

12. Mind Control – Stephen Marley / Mind Control

The opener from his CD. He's been on tons of other recordings, and was part of the Melody Makers, so if you saw Ziggy back then, you saw Stephen. BTW, Ziggy had a great concert at the Zoo last summer (a third Bob at that show, too).

13. The Long Way Around – Dixie Chicks / Taking the Long Way

I resisted this CD at first because I heard it was more pop rock than their usual country, and it was produced by Rick Rubin, who puts his own stamp on things. But when I saw the Chicks' documentary "Shut Up & Sing" (recommended), I had to pick it up. It is more rock than country, but it's still sing along in the car music. Co-written by Dan Wilson (see Semisonic, DF '98).

14. Gold – Interference / Music from the Motion Picture 'Once'

This is a hopelessly romantic movie musical, but I highly recommend it. It's about two people made for each other musically, but the romance part of it, well… Go see it, and then buy the soundtrack.

15. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic – The Police / Every Breath You Take - The Singles

All right, you've heard this song a bazillion times. However, it was on the original Dave's Faves (a personal mix tape from 1985), and it is, in fact, a Dave's Fave. We saw the Police on their reunion tour, and I loved it, although they were out shadowed by Prince later the same week. They sounded great, and looked like they were having fun.