Design a cooler to fit traditional Fourth of July foods.

Sara Carmen Mosquera - Università di Bologna

The brief that have been assigned to you by Alejandra Sanchez...

Design a cooler to fit traditional Fourth of July foods that is easy to carry and that looks more modern. The cooler should be able to fit enough food for a family of five and also have compartments to keep the dry ingredients used to make typical Fourth of July foods.

Persona profile

Prompt: Generate an image of a young American good looking mother of 34 years old, enjoying her free time with her family outdoors. The family are: the mother, the husband of 40 years old, three children (2 boys and 1 girl), ages 10, 8 and 5. Ultra-realistic and finely detailed photograph, capturing the family outdoors in spring celebrating an American festivity. The family members are dressed casual and modern, and all of them look happy. The light in the image is in the afternoon, with warm colours in the sky. The image should be captured using a Nikon D850, with a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR lens. The photographic style shoule be inspired by FotosVonEuch Berlin, capturing the essence of the scene and the precise details of the young mother and the children. 

Emily Green

Write a detailed User persona profile of a 34-year-old modern American mother with a family of five. The mother is an active person who does outdoor activities with her family.

Age: 34

Role: Works for a technology company as a project manager.

Location: In a large city on the east coast of the United States.

Marital Status: Married and mother of three children (2 boys and 1 girl), ages 10, 8 and 5.

Company and Products: 

Describe an American company that produces coolers to fit traditional Fourth of July foods that are easy to carry and that look more modern. The cooler usually fit enough food for a family and also have compartments to keep the dry ingredients used to make typical Fourth of July foods. Describe the company's profile in the market in USA, and how well or bad positioned are their products based on the initial input.

The American company that produces coolers for Fourth of July foods is called "Patriot Coolers". It was founded about 5 years ago by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to create a cooler that could fit the needs of modern families celebrating Fourth of July. Patriot Coolers has gained a solid reputation in the market, offering high-quality products that combine functionality, style, and durability. The coolers are designed with modern aesthetics, using bright and bold colors that appeal to a younger demographic. The company has positioned itself as an innovative and trendy brand that understands the needs of families who enjoy outdoor activities.The coolers are made with sturdy materials that can withstand the wear and tear of outdoor activities, and are equipped with features such as locking mechanisms, bottle openers, and sturdy handles.

In terms of market position, Patriot Coolers has been gaining ground in recent years, due to its innovative approach and quality products.However, there is still room for growth and expansion, as there are many other brands competing in the same market. 

Overall, Patriot Coolers is a promising brand in the American market, with high-quality products that are well-positioned to meet the needs of modern families celebrating Fourth of July. With a solid reputation, innovative approach, and focus on customer satisfaction, Patriot Coolers has a bright future ahead.


Emily was born in a small town in the Midwest to a middle-class family. From an early age, she was always a very active and sporty child. As she grew up, Emily realized the importance of education and strived to be an outstanding student. After graduating from college, Emily and her husband moved to a large city on the east coast of the United States. Emily began her career at a technology consulting firm, where she worked hard to excel and move up the ranks quickly. 

Values and interest

Spending time outdoors: Emily enjoys spending time outdoors with her family and engaging in activities like hiking, camping, and picnicking.

Celebrating American holidays: Emily values traditions and enjoys celebrating popular American holidays like Fourth of July.

Family time: Emily places a high value on spending quality time with her family, and enjoys doing activities together as a group.

Health and wellness: Emily cares about her health and wellness, and strives to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Link - User persona and Patriot Coolers

Emily, the modern mother, is a perfect fit for Patriot Coolers' range of products. As someone who enjoys outdoor activities and celebrates popular American holidays like Fourth of July with her family, Emily needs a cooler that is both functional and stylish.

Patriot Coolers' products are designed to meet Emily's needs perfectly. Their coolers are spacious enough to fit enough food for a family, and come equipped with compartments to keep dry ingredients organized and easily accessible. This means that Emily can pack all the necessary ingredients for a Fourth of July BBQ or picnic, without having to worry about things getting messy or disorganized.

Moreover, Patriot Coolers' products are designed with modern aesthetics, using bright and bold colors that appeal to a younger demographic.In addition, Patriot Coolers' products are made with sturdy materials that can withstand the wear and tear of outdoor activities. This is in line with Emily's style and preferences, as someone who values trendy and modern designs.

All the texts and pictures have been designed exclusively with ChatGPT-4 and Midjourney.



You did an amazing job generating Images and creating a storyline and background about Emily Green. She looks like a Brunette from the states! Good job!Bein an "American" can look so many different ways but the general population Is still generally fair skinned.

Initial Concept


The patriot cooler is cool and trendy! It would have been Interesting to see more of the typical foods that go In there (like hot dogs and hamburgers to grill). People drink a lot of beer on the Fourth so the beverages that were In the generated Images was Interesting. I am excited to see the following variations of the design but this one looks mordern and realistic

Concepts - further development

Thank you for the feedback! Let's see if with the new info ChatGpt and Midjourney give me a more accurate device ready to manufacture.

I took into consideration the following characteristics to improve the prompts:

Concept 1-Adventure

The cooler has been designed with very lightweight materials. The mian target it's not only the average urban citizen, but also the adventurer or explorer citizen. For this, the 'Adventure' cooler it's the perfect match to carry on every trip and camping.

Concept 2-Party

The 'Party' cooler has been designed for a young and tecnological user that likes to have everything ready on the go. You can meet at the Central Park and celebrate 4Th of July with this multi-purpose cooler.

Concept 3-Vintage

The 'Vintage' line of coolers has been designed for a premium user. It's minimal and refined style will accompany you to every BBQ and party with classy and practical tecnology. The finishes and materials had been chosen to fit in every important occasion in your life.

Hunted Biases

The concept chosen has been 'Adventure', since Emily's profile is a young woman and active outdoors and does many sports. 

The biased spotted were: high dependency from the family / Always in charge of the children (the husband is missing in all the pictures although it was in the prompts) / Very traditional (it was a must to specify that she is modern,likes technology and very active), and is the woman - provider as an archetype.

Notes and reflections - workshop report


The workshop focused on detecting cultural and societal biases within the context of Artifical Intelligence intersecting with the creation of products and services. From a useful point of view, understanding how to manipulate the data input in order to get the best outputs with Midjourney and ChatGpt gave us, the designers, a new perspective on the utility of these tools in short and long term. Although the iteration assesed with AI tools is biased according to how to interpretate the information available, it has demonstrated to be a powerful approach if used in occidental and globalized contexts. 

Exploring Bias in AI:

Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of our lives, permeating various industries and impacting decision-making processes. However, it has been increasingly acknowledged that AI systems can perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to discriminatory outcomes. 

Through the use of Midjourney and ChatGpt, we delved into the design process and scrutinized the data inputs and outputs. It became clear that biases could manifest within AI algorithms, reflecting societal prejudices and reinforcing existing disparities. This emphasized the need for designers to actively engage in detecting and mitigating biases during the development stages.

Rethinking the Design Process:

The workshop leaded us to a reevaluation of the design approach, as we recognized the critical role of designers in shaping the future of AI-powered products and services. Rather than viewing AI as a standalone tool, we began to see it as a powerful collaborator, capable of augmenting our creative processes. However, this collaboration comes with the responsibility to ensure that AI systems are unbiased and align with ethical standards.

The iterative nature of AI development allowed us to explore and refine our designs, empowering us to actively confront biases and create more inclusive products. By engaging with Midjourney and ChatGpt, we gained insights into how the data we inputted influenced the system's outputs. 

Ethical Considerations: Designer vs. Algorithms

One of the key points that emerged from the workshop was the evolving role of designers with AI algorithms. While the latter can process vast amounts of data and generate outputs quickly, they lack the understanding of cultural and societal implications that designers possess. 

As designers, we must be proactive in analyzing the outputs generated by AI. We can supervise that the products and services created are inclusive and align with ethical considerations.

Designing for the Future:

The workshop served as a catalyst for considering the long-term implications of AI design and its impact on society. It challenged us to reflect on the potential consequences of unchecked biases and the role of designers in mitigating them. 

By integrating AiI tools into our design process, we developed a deeper appreciation for the power and potential of this technology.


The workshop provided valuable insights into the intersection of AI, design, and societal biases. Moving forward, we must embrace our responsibility as designers to actively address biases and promote inclusivity within AI-powered products and services.