Caiyi (Tina) Li

The brief that have been assigned to you from Enea Sassi

Immagina un oggetto che consenta di effettuare un “Aperitivo” in piedi o mentre si cammina, consentendo di tenere sia cibo che drink in una mano, lasciando l'altra libera per mangiare. Poni attenzione anche al materiale, al costo e allo smaltimento. Potrebbe essere indirizzato a un target giovanile.

Imagine an object that allows you to have an "aperitif" while standing or walking, enabling you to hold both food and drink in one hand, leaving the other free to eat. Also pay attention to the material, cost, and disposal. It could be targeted at a younger audience.


Persona profile

NameAlex WalkerAge: 25Occupation: Graphic DesignerLocation: New York City, NY
  • Socializing with friends
  • Attending art events and exhibitions
  • Trying new food and drink trends
  • Traveling and exploring new cultures
  • Environmentally friendly products
Background:Alex Walker is a young, outgoing graphic designer living in New York City. They frequently attend art events and exhibitions, and enjoy trying new food and drink trends. Alex is an active participant in their local community and enjoys spending time with friends, often organizing social gatherings or group outings.Persona Profile:Alex is a social butterfly and is always looking for new and innovative ways to enjoy time with friends. They are environmentally conscious and appreciate products that are eco-friendly, both in terms of materials and disposal. Given their background in design, Alex is also interested in aesthetically pleasing products that are both functional and fashionable.Concerns/Needs:
  • A product that allows them to socialize while standing or walking without being encumbered by holding food and drink.
  • The product should be easy to carry and lightweight, ensuring maximum comfort while in use.
  • Eco-friendly materials should be used in the product's construction to align with their environmental values.
  • The product should be affordable and accessible to their peers.
  • The design should be visually appealing, reflecting current trends and their artistic sensibilities.
Based on this persona profile, a potential product idea could be a stylish, reusable, and collapsible container that can hold both food and drink. It would be made from eco-friendly materials such as bamboo fiber or recycled plastic, with a focus on sustainable and cost-effective production. The design would be appealing to young consumers like Alex, who appreciate innovative and fashionable solutions for their daily lives.

hey! allora, devo farti notare qualche errore: l'"aperitivo" è una tradizione tipica italiana, con un significato sia pratico che culturale diverso da quello americano (da quanto so, è più tipico l'Happy Hour che un vero e proprio aperitivo), quindi mi aspettavo che la persona fosse appunto italiana. Per il resto, la persona sembra essere coerente con il brief e ben dettagliato (anche se appunto manca tutta la parte di bias culturali che dovrebbe essere il cuore del progetto). Molto belle le immagini create!


First version of the product based on the Design Brief:

Imagine an object that allows you to have an "aperitif" while standing or walking, enabling you to hold both food and drink in one hand, leaving the other free to eat. Also pay attention to the material, cost, and disposal. It could be targeted at a younger audience.

Second version of the product based on the Design Brief + Persona:

The AperiPal is a sleek and innovative accessory designed to hold both food and drink while standing or walking, allowing users like Alex to socialize effortlessly while standing or walking to enjoy an "aperitif" with ease. The product targets a younger audience that values convenience, style, and sustainability.

Key Features:

Ergonomic Design: The AperiPal features an ergonomic design that comfortably fits in one hand. The curved shape allows for a secure grip, making it easy to carry food and drink while leaving the other hand free for eating and socializing.

Dual-Compartment System: The AperiPal consists of two compartments - a detachable snack container and a built-in drink holder. The snack container will have a secure, leak-proof lid to keep food fresh and prevent spills, while the drink holder will accommodate various beverage sizes, from wine glasses to soda cans.

Eco-friendly Materials: The AperiPal will be constructed from sustainable and biodegradable materials, such as bamboo fiber, recycled plastic, or plant-based materials. This eco-conscious approach aligns with the environmental values of younger consumers.

Lightweight and Portable: The AperiPal's lightweight design ensures easy transportation and storage, making it an ideal companion for various social events, from outdoor gatherings to art exhibitions.

Customizable and Stylish: The AperiPal will be available in a range of contemporary colors, patterns, and finishes to cater to the style preferences of its target audience. This customizable feature allows users to express their individuality and enhance their social experience.

Affordable and Accessible: To cater to a younger demographic, the AperiPal will be priced competitively without compromising on material quality or functionality.

The AperiPal offers a convenient and stylish solution for those looking to enjoy an "aperitif" while standing or walking. With its ergonomic design, dual-compartment system, and eco-friendly construction, this innovative accessory addresses the needs and values of a younger, environmentally-conscious audience.


Il prodotto finale mi piace molto visivamente, ma non credo che risponda al bisogno dato dal brief. L'aperitivo è composto da "stuzzichini", piccole porzioni di diversi cibi diversi, da mangiare con le mani mentre si chiacchiera. Di solito si tratta di cibi leggeri (patatine, mini pizze, crocchette, eccetera), in quanto non va a sostituire la cena, quindi non deve riempire troppo. Vengono serviti dai bar, insieme a bevande solitamente a bassa gradazione alcolica (il drink più comune è lo Spritz, dal colore rossastro, che nella prima versione del concept viene mostrato), e non portati da casa. è quindi improbabile che si componga da arance, mele o frutta intera in generale (probabilmente midjourney ha messo delle arance perché solitamente nello spritz e altri drink ne viene inserita una fetta, quindi posso capire da dove derivi l'errore) cosi come difficilmente ci saranno lattine di coca cola o borracce. Per lo stesso motivo, il sistema sarebbe dovuto essere fornito dal bar stesso, e quindi smaltibile al termine dell'utilizzo, mentre la tua soluzione mi sembra essere più un portapranzo/borsa. Se posso darti un suggerimento, proverei a immaginarmi un vassoio in cartone, o comunque un materiale facilmente smalitibile (e magari compostabile), che il locale possa facilmente tenere senza che occupi spazio (foldable?) e che abbia vari spazi (magari modulari!) per poter contenere diverse cose, oltre che uno spazio per il drink (stando attenti che il peso del drink non sbilanci il vassoio, magari mettendolo in poiszione centrale) Per il poco tempo a disposizione comunque, lo trovo molto interessante! Le immagini sono molto belle, soprattutto le ultime, il contenitore verde sembra perfetto per una borsa frigo molto comoda e resistente!

Notes and reflections

write here

Persona Profile Version 2

Name: Giulia

Age: 28

etion: Event Planner

Location: Rome, Italy

Interests: Travel, photography, fashion, sustainability, socializing, and exploring new trends

Background: Giulia is a 28-year-old event planner who works for a boutique agency in Rome, Italy. She has a keen eye for detail and loves to create memorable experiences for her clients. She enjoys traveling and documenting her trips through photography. Giulia is passionate about fashion and always keeps up with the latest trends. She's also very environmentally conscious and prefers to use eco-friendly products in her daily life. Giulia loves spending time with her friends, and one of her favorite activities is going out for aperitivo after work or on weekends.



User Persona Summary:

Giulia is a trend-conscious event planner with a passion for sustainability and socializing, living in Rome, Italy. She is searching for a product that enables her to have an Italian aperitivo while standing or walking. It should allow her to hold both food and drink in one hand, so she can easily eat, take photos, or interact with others. The ideal product should be made from sustainable materials, be cost-effective, and easy to dispose of after use. Giulia wants to find a solution that combines convenience, style, and eco-friendliness to enhance her aperitivo experiences and share her discovery with her circle of friends.

Concept Version 2

Multi-functional Aperitivo Tray: Design a sleek, compact tray with a built-in cup holder and compartments for various appetizers. The tray should be made from eco-friendly materials like bamboo, biodegradable plastic, or recycled materials. The tray could also include a loop or strap to easily slide onto the user's wrist or attach to a belt, allowing for hands-free socializing when needed.

Different versions of the product based on the Design Brief and Concept Version 2:

Imagine an object that allows you to have an "aperitif" while standing or walking, enabling you to hold both food and drink in one hand, leaving the other free to eat. Also pay attention to the material, cost, and disposal. It could be targeted at a younger audience.