
Mingdong Chen- Rhode Island School of Design

the brief that have been assigned to you

Una questione culinaria che divide la Sicilia è il conflitto tra "Arancino" e "Arancina": due nomenclature che identificano due versioni di una stessa preparazione tipica di questa terra. Progetta un prodotto/servizio che aiuti a riconoscere le differenze tra le due versioni per chi si approccia alla cultura siciliana.

Persona profile







Sophia 是一位热爱旅行和美食的年轻女性,她在市场营销领域工作。在业余时间,她喜欢尝试不同的国际美食,并在家中自己动手制作。她曾去过意大利度假,并对意大利文化产生了浓厚兴趣,特别是西西里岛的美食。她曾去过西西里岛尝过 Arancino 和 Arancina,但对它们之间的差异一知半解。为了更深入了解这两种美食,她希望找到一个方法来帮助自己识别它们之间的差异,并在家中制作这些美食。

Sophia 非常善于使用各种技术工具,包括智能手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑。她经常使用社交媒体、美食博客和在线教程来获取烹饪灵感。她希望找到一个可以帮助她分辨 Arancino 和 Arancina 差异的产品或服务,以便更好地了解这两种美食的特点、制作过程以及它们在西西里美食中的地位。

Persona #2

Language of prompts changed from Chinese to English.


Image: I guess pizza and beer is considered the most stereotyped italian meal. However, it is not really typical of Sicily.

Text: Sounds pretty good. The only "weird" thing is that it says she traveled to Italy and tried arancino and arancina, but actually it is difficult to find arancina outside of the sicilian region (the text doesn't say that she has visited Sicily)


I changed the language for prompts to English, because the pictures generated from Chinese prompts were totally nonsense. And I don't want to let the language weigh too much for those bias.


目的:让参与者亲自动手制作 Arancino 和 Arancina,了解它们之间的差异,并品尝这两种美食。



Concept Iteration


目的:让参与者亲自动手制作 Arancino 和 Arancina,了解它们之间的差异,并品尝这两种美食。



2. 工作坊开始前,工作人员会给参与者分发西西里岛特色饮品来暖场

3. 导师介绍Arancino和Arancina需要的食材,相同之处和不同之处

4. 西西里岛的本地食材供应商来讲述食材的特别之处和种植生产过程

5. 参与者们学习如何制作Arancino和Arancina,在参与过程中互相交流文化

6. 学员逐步学习制作流程并了解两者的差别

7. 参与者做完菜品后互相交流,导师给出意见和评价

8. 工坊学习结束,参与者合照留恋


I love the concept! I think it is very well structured and finely detailed and it provides a very effective response to the brief given. 

Regarding the images, I think the environment is on point: it really reminds a place that could host that type of event. The subjects, on the other hand, (ingredients and tools) are not the right ones for making Arancin*, which you can see in the picture below.  

Notes and reflections

Language plays a really important role in the Midjourney and also ChatGPT. For ChatGPT, the design concepts generated by two different languages are very based on popular design proposals. For Midjourney, the Chinese prompts would lead the pictures to a totally different path, for example, I used Chinese to describe the workshop environment, it gave the picture like below left 1; the same thing happened when I described a woman making pasta in her home, it gave me pictures like below right.