
Elbert Girón- Rhode Island School of Design

The brief that have been assigned to you

Crea un servizio di consegna sostenibile delle raviole bolognesi, piatto tradizionale preparato in occasione del giorno di San Giuseppe. Le consegne si svolgeranno ispirandosi a un antico rito propiziatorio, per far sì che le coppie di innamorati possano gustare le tipiche raviole ripiene di mostarda ovunque si trovino e sentirsi parte della festa contadina che celebra l'arrivo della primavera e dei buoni raccolti. Il servizio dovrà essere sostenibile: produrre zero CO2 e portare innovazione sociale nelle comunità rurali della Pianura Emiliana.

Persona profile V1

Midjourney Prompt:

Candid portrait of Marco Bianchi, 42-year-old Emiliana Plains farmer and delivery person. He stands in a field, holding a basket of fresh produce like plump zucchini, ripe tomatoes, or shiny eggplants, with the sun shining on his weathered face and calloused hands. He wears traditional work clothes, including a straw hat and denim overalls. The background features rolling hills and a clear blue sky, and key details from Saint Joseph's Day celebration, such as breadcrumbs and traditional bread rolls, are also included. --v 5

Midjourney Prompt:

https://s.mj.run/n3t5FArq6BM Capture a candid portrait of Marco Bianchi, a 42-year-old farmer and food enthusiast from Castelfranco Emilia, savoring a warm plate of Tortellini with Mustard Greens in a rustic outdoor setting. The backdrop should feature an Italian church in the distant background, highlighting the traditional and cultural roots of this classic Northern Italian dish. --iw 2 --v 5

Nombre: Marco Bianchi

Edad: 42 años

Ocupación: Agricultor y repartidor

Ubicación: Castelfranco Emilia, llanuras Emiliana

Antecedentes: Marco es un residente de toda la vida de Castelfranco Emilia, una pequeña ciudad en el corazón de las llanuras Emiliana. Viene de una familia de agricultores y ha trabajado en el campo desde que era niño. En los últimos años, ha estado buscando nuevas oportunidades para complementar sus ingresos y apoyar a su familia.

Metas y necesidades: Marco valora la sostenibilidad y quiere contribuir al crecimiento de la comunidad local. Es un apasionado de preservar las tradiciones culinarias de la región y quiere compartirlas con una audiencia más amplia. También está buscando formas de generar ingresos adicionales sin sacrificar su estilo de vida agrícola.

Comportamientos y actitudes: Marco es trabajador y dedicado a su profesión agrícola. Conoce bien el paisaje rural de las llanuras Emiliana y conoce bien la comunidad local. También está interesado en nuevas tecnologías y está emocionado de conocer el servicio de entrega sostenible de ravioles boloñeses. Lo ve como una oportunidad para expandir su negocio y brindar un servicio valioso a la comunidad.

Conclusiones clave: Marco representa un repartidor objetivo para el servicio de entrega sostenible de ravioles boloñeses, ya que valora la sostenibilidad, el crecimiento de la comunidad y las tradiciones culinarias. Es un agricultor experimentado que conoce bien el paisaje rural de las llanuras Emiliana y puede navegar por la comunidad local con facilidad. El servicio puede atender a sus necesidades proporcionando una plataforma de entrega fácil de usar, enfatizando el proceso de entrega sostenible y resaltando el impacto social del servicio en las comunidades rurales.

Intereses: Marco valora la sostenibilidad, la preservación de las tradiciones culinarias y el crecimiento de la comunidad local. 

Hábitos: es un agricultor experimentado y apasionado de su profesión.

Deseos: Quiere compartir las tradiciones culinarias de la región con una audiencia más amplia y generar ingresos adicionales sin sacrificar su estilo de vida agrícola.

Preocupaciones: Temores por no poder hacer crecer su negocio lo suficiente para garantizar la estabilidad económica de su familia.

Feedbacks V1

Wow! You did a great job building this Persona profile. Congrats :) 

That’s pretty accurate compared to a real farmer of northern Italy! Plus, the profile seems to be complete with all the main information. 

I mark you some mistakes AI did:

I hope these feedbacks will help you in your research! Good luck ;)

Persona profile V2

Midjourney Prompt:

A young couple, Luca and Sofia, stand together on a busy street in the city of Bologna. Luca is tall with dark, curly hair and a well-groomed beard. He wears a gray suit and a white shirt, with a dark blue tie. Sofia is slightly shorter than Luca, with long, straight black hair and hazel eyes. She wears a white blouse and a knee-length skirt with floral patterns, paired with black high heels. Luca has his arm around Sofia's waist as they smile at each other, while the Basilica di San Petronio looms, with its intricate Gothic architecture and towering spires. The warm light of the setting sun illuminates their faces and the streets around them, creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere. --v 5 - Image #4

Midjourney Prompt:

https://s.mj.run/_VBIP4Oas2k Luca and Sofia, a young couple from Bologna, Italy, are seated at a wooden table in a cozy, rustic-style restaurant. They're sharing a plate of raviole di San Giuseppe, a small, round ravioli filled with a mixture of cheese, breadcrumbs, and mostarda topped with a rich tomato sauce.. The walls of the restaurant are adorned with vintage black-and-white photographs of the region, and a small vase of fresh wildflowers sits on the table. --v 5 - Image #2

Midjourney Prompt (Right):

https://s.mj.run/_VBIP4Oas2k a young couple visit a town square in Castelvetro di Modena. The town square is a bustling hub of activity, with brightly colored buildings in shades of orange, yellow, and peach lining the cobblestone streets. The Pallazo Rangoni stands tall in the background, adorned with intricate frescoes and rusticated stone. Around the square, traditional porticoes line the streets, offering shelter from both the sun and rain, while the distant Apennine Mountains provide a picturesque backdrop with their rugged peaks rising majestically against the blue sky. --v 5 - Image #2

Nome: Luca e Sofia Rossi

Età: 30 anni

Occupazione: Luca lavora come tecnico informatico, Sofia come insegnante di scuola elementare

Località: Bologna, Italia

Relazione: Sposati senza figli

Interessi: Luca ama giocare a calcio con gli amici nel fine settimana ed esplorare nuovi ristoranti in città. Sofia è una lettrice appassionata e adora visitare gallerie d'arte e musei.

Abitudini: Amano entrambi cucinare e sperimentare nuove ricette, ma con i loro impegni lavorativi spesso si affidano al take-away per i pasti.

Desideri: Luca e Sofia vogliono sentirsi legati alle loro radici e continuare a celebrare le tradizioni e il patrimonio culturale delle Pianure Emiliane, nonostante vivano in città.

Preoccupazioni: Si preoccupano di perdere il contatto con le loro origini e di non poter vivere le celebrazioni tradizionali delle Pianure Emiliane come il giorno di San Giuseppe, di cui entrambi conservano bei ricordi d'infanzia.

Interessi: Luca ama fare escursioni e praticare la fotografia, mentre Sofia è appassionata di scrittura e di apprendere la storia e la cultura locale.

Abitudini: Entrambi sono impegnati con il lavoro e spesso si affidano a servizi di consegna di cibo o mangiano fuori.

Desideri: Luca e Sofia desiderano vivere le celebrazioni tradizionali delle Pianure Emiliane, come il giorno di San Giuseppe, nonostante vivano in città e abbiano un'agenda molto impegnata. Sono interessati a conoscere meglio la loro eredità culturale e a riallacciare i legami con le loro radici.

Preoccupazioni: Sono preoccupati di perdere importanti esperienze culturali e tradizioni a causa delle loro vite frenetiche, e che non saranno in grado di trasmettere la loro eredità culturale alle future generazioni. Sono anche preoccupati per l'impatto ambientale delle loro scelte e vogliono trovare modi per vivere in modo più sostenibile.

Feedbacks V2

I didn't expect a such total makeover of the persona! Well done, these profiles reflect exactly the target assigned by the brief.

I spotted some mistakes/misconceptions/biases: 

In Italy, once people get married, the wife surname doesn’t change unlike in America. So they should have two different surnames.

Employment: Even if it’s an inconvenient truth, it sounds like a stereotype, because often the teaching role is related to the female gender in Italy (especially in the case of low-grade school, like kindergarten and primary school). Look if ChatGPT is capable of generating also non gender-related professionals. However, that’s not a big deal but it’s supposed to be an observation, also to highlight an actual problem we have in Italy about still limiting professional roles according to specific genders. 

Interests: This is very typical about our country and culture! A lot of guys play soccer or other sports and videogames, while girls are considered more sensitive, introvert and interested in nature, arts and culture. Also this could be pushed farer away from this conventional situation that's not an absolute truth. 

Habits: I found it very accurate and also different from the "normality" in several areas in Italy (in some cases only girls/women are supposed to take care of the home environment and cooking). As I previously mentioned about the kit thing, the take away kit is very precise, meeting today’s needs.

Wishes: I don’t get exactly why are they willing to maintain “alive” those traditions, or rather, which ones they want to preserve. It’s like pieces of information are missing here. Are they born in another area different to the city maybe? Try to discover more about the origins of many of the Emilian traditions and where the personas come from, specifying a possible hometown or providing more about their roots.

Concerns: I appreciate the reason why they want to preserve their traditions. Personally, I remember many family practices in my childhood that suddenly I’m losing as time passes by and my grandparents get holder (e.g. making tomato sauce or tortellini by hand). Also, the cultural heritage loss (especially the immaterial heritage) is a real issue for northern Italy areas.

Pictures: Luca and Sofia resemble real italians as I look to their facial features. Also they look very similar in every picture (maybe Sofia changes a little bit, but that's a Midjourney issue as always). In all the pictures they're wearing fine clothes, I see that as a bias because often people (especially that young) aren't all dressed up like that (I'm referring to Luca that wears suit and tie, like a career-milanese-man style, but also to Sofia that should wear high heels and a skirt according to the first prompt). I found curious the way ChatGPT describes Basilica di San Petronio in the first prompt, because it doesn’t resemble the real architecture. It kinda looks like a generalization about Gothic style instead. 

I love the second image with the red walls, it reminds me "Rosso Bologna" a red hue typical of Bologna. However, the two dishes have nothing to do with raviole and typical emilian dishes, either. Instead, they resemble more tempura and other fried things (more asian to me). It’s funny that ChatGPT gets always confused about raviole as It comes up with new recipes every time (tomato sauce seems good on everything in Italian dishes).

I found the third image very detailed and also specific about the place (I never have been in this town before though). Even if it doesn't depict exactly Castelveltro di Modena, there are some traditional elements in the buildings such as the porches, while the architectural style seems to date back to Renaissance, instead of Gothic period (colors are different, as well materials).


Emiliana Eats: Farm-to-Table Meal Kits

Midjourney Prompt: Colorful, vibrant meal kit packages made out of sustainable materials, filled with fresh, Northern Italian vegetables such as Zucchini trombetta di Albenga, Carciofi romaneschi, and Peperone di Carmagnola, with the Emiliana Plains in the background. The meal kits are being loaded into the back of a white zero-emissions electric delivery car. It is a sunny spring day. Editorial photograph in the style of an advertisement. --v 5

We propose a partnership with local chefs and restaurants in the Emiliana Plains to provide meal kits made with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients from sustainable farms in the region. These meal kits will be designed to showcase the traditional dishes of the region, such as tortellini with mustard greens and raviole di San Giuseppe.

To support the sustainable farming community in the Emiliana Plains, we will work with local farmers, including Marco Bianchi, to source the freshest, highest-quality ingredients for our meal kits. We will also provide support to farmers in the region by offering resources and education on sustainable farming practices.

Our delivery service will operate using zero-emission vehicles, such as electric bikes and small electric cars. These vehicles will be acquired through partnerships with local businesses that specialize in sustainable transportation solutions.

We believe this partnership will benefit both the local chefs and restaurants, as well as the sustainable farming community in the Emiliana Plains. By partnering with us, chefs and restaurants will have access to the freshest, highest-quality ingredients, while supporting the local economy and promoting sustainable farming practices. Meanwhile, the farming community will have a reliable market for their produce and the opportunity to receive support and education on sustainable farming practices. This service will also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the local food system, creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food culture in the region.

The meal kits will be delivered directly to customers by the partnering restaurants, with a focus on creating an enjoyable and convenient experience for the customers. The packaging will be designed to be eco-friendly and reusable, in line with our commitment to sustainability.

Feedbacks V1

The brief was very tricky and quite difficult but you managed the work very well! The term "raviole" is misleading to the AI.

I find the idea innovative comparing to the existent services, in fact none of them values the traditional emilian kitchen. The AI made some errors, such as saying that tortellini are made with mustard green. Also, the image doesn't show any raviole, which was the main product according to the brief. 

It's impressive the engagement of local farmers that the concept provides and also the virtuous cycle that has been created about spreading sustainable practices in agriculture. 

I liked so much the thing about vehicles being provided by businesses, even if I don't know how many resources they could provide (maybe there could be a kind of return in terms of money or benefits: a sort of win-win strategy that ChatGPT could generate). 

The kit is also a great solution because of its practical use, especially in case people want a healthy lunch and have not so much time to cook by themselves during working days. 

I'd like to know better how does the whole service work, adding touchpoints, such as apps/websites/social pages or a storyboard. 

In summary, even if you encountered some challenges in respecting every point of the brief, the service can be doable and work very well in my opinion. 

As Andrea previously said, try asking ChatGPT for more details by clarifying parameters and type of information you need to refine the concept, maybe by requesting also references about cultural habits.

You did a very good job! Bravo :)

Concept V2

Design Concept 1: La Cucina delle Nonne (The Grandmothers' Kitchen)

La Cucina delle Nonne is a sustainable food delivery service that connects rural food communities with people living in cities, such as Luca and Sofia, who are interested in preserving and sharing cultural food traditions. The service focuses on delivering lunch meals made by local grandmothers using traditional recipes passed down through generations. Each meal is prepared using sustainable methods and delivered in reusable containers to minimize waste. Customers can choose from a variety of options, including vegetarian and gluten-free meals. Additionally, the service offers an online platform where customers can learn more about the history and cultural significance of each meal, as well as connect with the grandmothers who prepared them through live video chats.

Midjourney Prompt:

La Cucina delle Nonne is a sustainable food delivery service that specializes in delivering traditional Emilia-Romagna lunch meals made by local grandmothers. Each meal is prepared using time-honored recipes that have been passed down through generations, featuring dishes such as tagliatelle al ragù, lasagne, and tortellini. The meals are served in reusable containers to minimize waste, and customers can choose from a variety of options, including vegetarian and gluten-free meals. The containers are wrapped in traditional checkered cloth and tied with twine for a rustic touch. The meals and containers are visually rich, with warm tones of red and orange from the tomato-based sauces, contrasting with the white or yellow of the pasta or cheese. The food is arranged in an appetizing way with the rich sauces and ingredients visible. The containers are sturdy and quaint with a rustic feel, with the traditional cloth and twine adding to the cultural appeal. --v 5 

Midjourney Prompt:

Food service mobile app with warm, earthy tones to create a cozy, traditional atmosphere, using Italian motifs, high-quality food photography, and user-friendly design

Design Concept 2: Terra e Sapori (Land and Flavors)

Terra e Sapori is a sustainable food delivery service that emphasizes the connection between the land and the flavors of the Emilia-Romagna region. The service partners with local farmers to deliver seasonal, farm-fresh ingredients directly to customers in the city. Customers can choose from a variety of meal kits that include ingredients and recipes for traditional meals like Raviole di San Giuseppe. Each meal kit comes with a recipe card that provides historical and cultural context for the dish, as well as cooking tips and techniques. Additionally, the service offers virtual cooking classes with local chefs who specialize in Emilia-Romagna cuisine.

Midjourney Prompt:

A picturesque countryside scene with a wooden picnic table set for a traditional lunch feast. The table is adorned with a colorful spread of farm-fresh ingredients, including Raviole di San Giuseppe, locally made cheese, and a bottle of red wine. In the background, the rolling hills of the Emilia-Romagna region can be seen, with lush green fields and fruit trees in the distance. A group of people, including a grandmother and young children, can be seen happily enjoying the meal together, surrounded by the natural beauty of the countryside. --v 5

Midjourney Prompt:

Italian food service website connecting farmers and urban citizens,c olor scheme should be warm and earthy, with shades of green, brown, and orange. imagery on the website should showcase the natural beauty of the Northern Italian countryside. Website content is friendly, educational, and inviting. 

Design Concept 3: Pranzo in Campagna (Lunch in the Countryside)

Pranzo in Campagna is a sustainable food delivery service that brings the countryside to the city. The service partners with local farmers and rural communities to deliver traditional lunch meals directly to customers in the city. Each meal includes dishes like Raviole di San Giuseppe, made using sustainable and locally sourced ingredients. Customers can also choose to add on locally made wine or other traditional products like balsamic vinegar or Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Additionally, the service offers online workshops and events that focus on traditional crafts and practices like basket weaving and cheese making. These events provide customers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the culture and traditions of the Emilia-Romagna region.

Midjourney Prompt:

A colorful array of farm-fresh Northern Italian ingredients in wooden crates, arranged on a rustic wooden table. Recycled paper delivery boxes overflow with bright red tomatoes, deep green zucchinis, golden ears of corn, and a variety of leafy greens. In the background, an inviting kitchen features a large, wooden cutting board and a traditional terracotta pasta pot. A smiling Italian chef stands in front of the stove, wearing a crisp white apron and holding a wooden spoon.--v 5 

Midjourney Prompt:

One older man from Emilia-Romagna region of Italy teaching a group of young adult Italians how to make a traditional woven basket outside of an Italian gothic style buidling. A event board in the background advertises traditional craft workshops like cheese-making, lunch services, etc. --v 5

Feedbacks V2

Concept 1

I like so much the idea!!! I see that as a potential delivery service that could really work not only in Emilia but also in the whole country. It’s involving more products than just delivering the raviole, but I really appreciate that because of its usefulness to spread local traditions, even on a wider scale and outside the Emilia-Romagna region. I think that providing a digital touchpoint helps a lot in order to engage younger people and diversify the channels the target is reached through. 

I’ve got just a few notes to make:

It’s correct adapting the offer to the actual demand, making variations accessible to everyone, to vegans and vegetarians also. However, It has to be in line with the traditional recipes without revolutionizing them or contaminating them. ChatGPT should considerate that as a loss risk, ensuring a way in which both tradition and accessibility are taken into account. 

The service name is also very nice! I’d be curious to know if ChatGPT can generate “nonna” translated in bolognese dialect (it's not exactly nonna the word I meant but more linked to a woman in the peasant context), in order to make it even more rooted in tradition.

Also, I’d like to know more about how the service could work. I mean: why would users use that service and why would grandmothers work in this net as well and how they get in touch with each other for ordering. ChatGPT should generate some references about benefits for both sides and (if you want) who provides the raw material. Take into account that grandmothers aren’t used to technology (even if the live video chat is the part that I like the most).

Picture: I can see a lot of ragù here (that’s a great thing). Some boxes contain unknown food to me (the box with tomatoes and parmigiano at the top and the one with red beans beside). Also, I noticed some green leaves used as topping ingredients which is unusual for these typical plates. In the centre of the image there’s something that resembles almost completely a lasagna (a good thing also). I suggest you to cut some words in the prompt and work through keywords so Midjourney would generate more consistent images. It'd be nice see also a picture with one or two grandmothers focused on making pasta or cooking the dishes :)

Concept 2

Also this idea is great! I found useful this learning and practical approach to the tradition, rather than just “consume it”. As the first concept, I appreciate the digital side as a complementary touchpoint to the more tangible part of the service, as well as the virtual cooking classes idea to engage users as an additional service function and to keep them in touch with the service. 

Also here I’d like visualizing better the mechanism behind the service (how partnerships work, advantages for local farmers to become part of the system, how users can check and pick the kits). Maybe it would be better also including the way orders are delivered, according to the brief. 

I was thinking even if would be better making distinctions between the various dishes and traditions over Emilia-Romagna (there are many cuisines, each strictly attached to its origin territory, It would be complicated put all of them together without categorization). In alternative, you could, through ChatGPT, narrow the context to a specific territory focusing on a specific cuisine (that’s an optional advice, so don’t feel compelled to fix this).

Picture: I love the picture, it turned out very well. As usual Midjourney struggles generating people/things or following every point of the prompt. I feel correct including fruit trees in the prompt because fruit-growing areas are widespread in Emilia-Romagna. I’d like to see what Midjourney is capable to generate if you ask for the meal kit and the recipe card to be included.

Concept 3

You did very well in this concept too. I would say that this idea bring together communities’ and customers’ needs. I appreciate ChatGPT considered additional dressing products and drinks that are very typical about Emilia. Also here the digital integration of events and workshops is very effective to spread traditional practices and to keep them alive (basket weaving was an activity farmers typically did in the past, including my grandpa). 

Also here I’d like visualizing better the mechanism behind the service (how partnerships work, advantages for local farmers to become part of the system, how users can check and pick the kits). Maybe it would be better also including the way orders are delivered, according to the brief. 

I like the box! Seems vintage :) Maybe the picture could misleading because isn’t depicting the final product of the service but ingredients instead. Try to generate lunch meals and maybe one more image showing an activity/workshop mentioned in the concept. 

Notes and reflections

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