
Alejandra Sanchez

the brief that have been assigned to you

Diseña un kit portátil para cocinar Sardiñada y beber Queimada gallega en la playa, para celebrar la noche de San Juan el 23 de Junio, solsticio de verano. Esta tradición es pagana con el culto al Sol. El kit debe dirigirse a un usuario premium, con capacidad entre 5-10 personas para comer y beber. Las sardinas se hacen a la parrilla y la queimada se debe calentar.

Design a portable kit to cook Sardiñada and drink Galician Queimada on the beach, to celebrate the night of San Juan on June 23rd, summer solstice. This tradition is pagan with the cult of the Sun. The kit should be aimed at a premium user, with a capacity of 5-10 people to eat and drink. The sardines are grilled and the queimada must be heated.

The brief from me to Sara

Design a cooler to fit traditional Fourth of July foods that is easy to carry and that looks more modern. The cooler should be able to fit enough food for a family of five and also have compartments to keep the dry ingredients used to make typical Fourth of July foods.

Persona profile

María García Pérez

write a detailed user persona of a woman from Galicia Spain who has a family 

Age: 38

Role: University Professor (Literature)

Location: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain

Marital Status: Married

Children: 2 (daughter, 12 years old; son, 8 years old)

Persona details


María García Pérez is a 38-year-old university professor living in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. She is married to a successful architect, Diego, and they have two children, Alba (12) and Xoel (8). María was born and raised in Galicia and is proud of her heritage. She obtained her PhD in Spanish Literature and is passionate about sharing her love for Galician culture and language with her students.

Interests and Hobbies:

María is an avid reader and enjoys both Galician and international literature. In her free time, she loves to cook traditional Galician dishes for her family and friends. María is also a member of a local book club and enjoys participating in cultural events and festivals in her community. She likes to spend time outdoors with her family, exploring the beautiful Galician countryside and coastline.

Goals and Challenges:

María's main goal is to strike a balance between her professional life and her family life. She wants to ensure that she is present for her children's milestones and provide them with the best possible upbringing while maintaining her career. Her challenge is to find time for her own hobbies and personal development amidst her busy schedule. María is also committed to passing on the Galician culture and traditions to her children, ensuring that they grow up with a strong sense of identity and pride in their heritage.

Values and Motivations:

María values family, education, and cultural preservation. She is motivated by her love for her family and her desire to contribute to the growth and appreciation of Galician culture. María believes in the importance of staying connected to one's roots and maintaining a strong sense of identity.

Preferred Communication Channels:

María prefers face-to-face communication but also uses email, WhatsApp, and social media (Facebook and Instagram) to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues.

Purchasing Behavior:

María appreciates high-quality products and is willing to invest in items that provide long-lasting value. She is environmentally conscious and prefers to buy from local and sustainable sources whenever possible. When making purchasing decisions, María often consults online reviews and seeks recommendations from friends and family.


Hi Alejandra!

Your persona looks pretty accurate according to the average population in Galicia (physically speaking), although I find the fenotype is usually more pale in places like Santiago (interior cities), and in coastline cities usually are tanned like your user, so the woman could be from A Corunha or Vigo (since in Galicia the weather is cloudy and rainy mostly of the year, but in summer you can enjoy sun in coastline cities).

The overall description of the professional life and cultural background is quite accurated, since there is a strong sense of community due to the Gallego speaking users in Galicia (similar to the situation in Catalunya), and therefore galicians feel very proud of their traditions and language in general. In a city like Santiago de Compostela, the capital, the pecentage of galician speaking population equals or even surpasses the castellano speakers, so it would make sense that the IA repeats several times that Maria wants to pass the tradition to its pupils and children.

Very good job! I'm impressed of the accuracy of your persona :)



Celebrate the summer solstice in style with the Solstice Celebration Kit, and create lasting memories with your friends and family as you embrace the pagan tradition of the Sun.


Hello again!

I was very curious to see how the prompts of the kit are. Overall, the kit looks a bit weird since the tools used to grill and cook the fish are more camping-like design, this is, standard portable grills in stainless steel. I like the idea to represent either branding or in the product the Sun and traditional galician motivs (hint- Sargadelos ceramic patterns). 

The Queimada pot and burner feels more less accurate, since typically the mix it is done in a bowl kit in reddish-brown clay varnished (not ceramic). This kit usually consists in a big bowl for the mix, several small cups to serve and a deep spoon, all in the same clay material.

Can't wait to see the improvement of the kit ready to go to the beach on the 23rd!

New versions

Utilizing more specific key terms

Issues with Text

Despite running various Iterations, midjourney continued to have Issues producing the text populating the product

Cooler like

Using more modern colors for the product and shows It on the beach