
Dominic Rishe - Rhode Island School of Design

the brief 


La Calabria offre una proposta turistica d'eccezione soprattutto nei mesi estivi. Progetta un concept per un'app da usare nella regione Calabria per selezionare le spiagge da visitare e in cui trascorrere le vacanze estive in base alle proprie preferenze che sia per la tipologia di spiaggia (rocciosa, sabbiosa ecc..), l'affluenza turistica (affollata o meno, orari migliori ecc..), tipo di attività che possono essere svolte e altro 

Persona profile


Pain Points:


Laura enjoys researching and planning her trips in advance. She often uses travel blogs, social media, and tourism websites to find information on her desired destinations. Laura also reads reviews and asks for recommendations from friends and online communities.

App Preferences:

This user persona should give you a good starting point for understanding the needs, goals, and preferences of your target audience. You can use this information to guide your app design and ensure that it addresses the specific needs of users like Laura.

Name: Laura Bianchi

Age: 35

Occupation: Marketing Manager

Location: Milan, Italy

Marital Status: Married, no children

Interests: Traveling, photography, outdoor activities, food, and wine tasting


Good job!

I think Laura's interests are very much in line with the brief and the photos are very nice and they remember Calabria, maybe Tropea, country overlooking the sea, in the "Costa degli dei".

You could specify places in Calabria like: Tropea, Scilla, Palmi, Capo Vaticano,Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Soverato, Pizzo, Parghelia and others.

One thing that could be useful for the creation of the app is that in Calabria there are several trains that connect the various countries, especially if they are seaside resorts.


Based on Laura's user persona, we can identify several key features that the app should include, as well as some ideas for the interface design. Here are some suggestions:

Key Features:

Interface Design:


The graphics of the application are very nice and the colours seem to me to be appropriate for the use of the application.

Perhaps the shape of the region doesn't quite resemble reality, but I think this is midjourney's fault.

Notes and reflections

Notes from persona development with ChatGPT:

Tried a few different prompting techniques to see if ChatGPT responded differently to the cultural context of the prompt (Calabria). See below.

Technique #1: Standard prompting

Simply asked ChatGPT to help me by creating a persona for the given prompt (after translating to English). This resulted in the persona posted above, and is what I carried over to Midjourney to develop the images.

Technique #2

Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting (see here)

Included some intermediate thinking in the prompt to try to get the model to take a specific approach when generating its answer - in this case to be mindful of the cultural indiosyncrasies of the Calabrian region. In the resulting persona the user was the same age, but now had 2 children and was focused more on a family-friendly, relaxing, and easy experience as opposed to the previous persona's focus on finding the right beach, doing many activities, and having an efficient itinerary. See below for full persona.

Technique #3: Role playing

Started the prompt by having ChatGPT act as someone I thought would have the deepest cultural knowledge of the region: namely an elderly person with deep familial ties to the area. Then created a scenario where this person would be put in a position to give their opinion for this persona. 

Notably, besides some very surface-level role playing ("Ciao, my dear grandchild!), I was surprised by how "standard" and generic the response was. Not what I would expect from the prescribed role (but maybe that's my bias!)

Technique #4: Generated Kowledge (see here)

Started by asking ChatGPT to generate some knowledge about the culture of Calabria to establish some ground truth before moving into the persona development. After it produced a list of cultural facts, I asked it to use those facts to develop a user persona that responded to the design brief while respecting the established facts and allowing them to influence the app design.

This time the persona was a young traveller who is interested in being a responsible tourist, learning and experiencing the Calabrian culture, and supporting local businesses during his trip.

Notes from persona development with MidJourney:

Thought this was maybe interesting: 

street style photo of a woman on vacation in Calabria, shot on Afga Vista 400, golden hour --v5

street style photo of a woman who lives in Calabria, shot on Afga Vista 400, golden hour --v5