Esercito di Terracotta

Alessandro Foti - Università di Bologna

the brief that have been assigned by Zixuan Zhang


通过使用多种现代材料, 包括钢材,铝合金,塑料,和自然材料包括木材,陶瓷,重新生成一个全新的中国象棋的设计。这个产品将面向6-12岁的小朋友,所以设计需要足够轻巧,易于理解和使用。最重要的是,它需要具有传播中国传统文化的作用,主要有利于小朋友们了解秦朝时期兵马俑背后的时代更迭,同时还不会让他们失去兴趣。 我希望他们可以在学校的场景下,在老师的引导和教学下,明白如何象棋的基本逻辑和玩法,同时在彼此的较量和从形象,棋盘的设计中汲取秦朝兵马俑所代表的文化和历史。

Yu Chen

Prompt: An 8-year-old Chinese boy with smooth and fair skin, dark almond-shaped eyes, and black straight hair tied back in a ponytail with bangs. He is of average height for his age but has an athletic and well-proportioned build. He wears comfortable but colorful clothing. He is smiling during a chess session. (Chat GPT)

Nome: Yu

Cognome: Chen

Età: 8 anni

Vive in: Shenzhen, Cina

Interessi: giochi da tavolo, arte e cultura cinese

Personalità: curioso, attento ai dettagli, appassionato di giochi da tavolo e interessanto alla cultura cinese e alla sua storia

Descrizione: Yu è un bambino curioso e appassionato di giochi da tavolo. Gli piace imparare cose nuove e scoprire le culture di altri paesi. In particolare, è affascinato dalla cultura cinese e dalla sua storia millenaria. Ha già imparato a giocare a vari giochi da tavolo cinesi, tra cui gli scacchi cinesi, ma vorrebbe avere uno set di scacchi più moderno e accattivante. Yu è un bambino molto attento ai dettagli e apprezza i prodotti di qualità, ma allo stesso tempo vuole che i giochi siano facili da usare e da capire. Il nuovo design per gli scacchi cinesi sarebbe quindi perfetto per lui, perché gli permetterebbe di imparare le regole di base del gioco, mentre si diverte a scoprire la cultura tradizionale cinese e la sua storia. 



Caratteristiche ideali per un gioco da tavolo


Hi, Alessandro

Great work on generating all the info related to the user and chess. Do you realize the fingers crossing is quite funny since it seems like one of the hands does not have a thumb? There is an interesting bias that happened in the prompt: the description "straight hair tied back in a ponytail with bangs", which happened to be a hairstyle or tradition that males would have in the Qing dynasty. Also, I wish to see the kid playing Chinese Chess instead of International Chess. 

Unlike International Chess, Chinese Chess does not have characteristics of each chess. They normally would have hieroglyphs on top, so people would directly read it as a character than visualizing it. I think this would help you to identify the product in the future! 

Excited to see the updates!

Concept V1

Il set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" è un'edizione speciale dei tradizionali scacchi cinesi (xiangqi), progettata per i bambini dai 6 ai 12 anni. Il set è composto da un tabellone in legno di bambù di alta qualità, 32 pezzi di scacchi realizzati in ceramica, ciascuno rappresentante un guerriero dell'esercito di terracotta dell'imperatore Qin Shi Huang, e un manuale di istruzioni con immagini e spiegazioni dettagliate per aiutare i bambini a capire il gioco e la storia.

Il design dei pezzi si ispira ai guerrieri dell'esercito di terracotta, famosi per la loro maestria e per la loro importanza storica nella cultura cinese. Il generale dell'uno e dell'altro giocatore rappresenta l'imperatore Qin Shi Huang, mentre gli altri pezzi rappresentano i vari soldati dell'esercito, come i cavalieri, gli arcieri, i fanti e i carri da guerra. Ogni pezzo è decorato con dettagli accurati e colori vivaci, per catturare l'attenzione dei bambini e renderli affascinati dalla storia e dalla cultura cinese.

Il set è stato progettato per essere facile da usare e da capire, con regole di gioco semplificate rispetto alla versione tradizionale degli scacchi cinesi, ma comunque abbastanza sfidanti per stimolare l'apprendimento e l'interesse dei bambini. Inoltre, il manuale di istruzioni include una sezione sulla storia dell'esercito di terracotta, per aiutare i bambini a comprendere l'importanza di questi guerrieri nella cultura e nella storia cinese.

Il set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" include anche una modalità di gioco collaborativa, in cui due giocatori si uniscono per sconfiggere l'esercito di terracotta dell'imperatore Qin Shi Huang. In questo modo, i bambini possono imparare a lavorare in squadra e a superare le sfide insieme, senza sentirsi troppo frustrati o intimiditi dalle regole del gioco.

In sintesi, il set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" rappresenta un modo divertente e stimolante per i bambini di imparare le regole degli scacchi cinesi, acquisire una comprensione della cultura e della storia cinesi, e sviluppare le loro capacità cognitive e sociali.


1. Yu e i suoi compagni sono radunati intorno a un set di scacchi, sembrano annoiati e poco interessati. Yu sbadiglia mentre gli altri giocano al telefono.

2. Entra in classe l'insegnante e vede i bambini che giocano con il set di scacchi. Si accorge della loro mancanza di entusiasmo e decide di presentare loro un nuovo set di scacchi.

3.  L'insegnante mostra ai bambini il nuovo set di scacchi, progettato per rappresentare l'Esercito di Terracotta della Dinastia Qin. I bambini sono subito incuriositi dalle peculiari e colorate pedine.

4.  L'insegnante spiega come ogni pezzo sulla scacchiera rappresenti un aspetto diverso dell'Esercito di Terracotta e fornisce alcuni contesti storici sulla Dinastia Qin.

5. Yu e i suoi amici iniziano a giocare con rinnovato entusiasmo, spostando i pezzi dell'Esercito di Terracotta sulla scacchiera e cercando di superarsi a vicenda.

6. Mentre giocano, i bambini iniziano a fare domande sulla storia e la cultura della Dinastia Qin. L'insegnante usa l'opportunità per fornire maggiori informazioni e coinvolgerli in una discussione.

7. La partita finisce e i bambini parlano con entusiasmo di ciò che hanno imparato. Esprimono una nuova consapevolezza della storia e della cultura cinese e non vedono l'ora di giocare di nuovo con il set di scacchi dell'Esercito di Terracotta.


Summary of feedback received:

-Yu's profile is interesting; in the prompt generated by Chat GPT it mentions a ponytail, it is a bias from Qin dynasty tradition.

-Changing the chess board materials, wood and ceramics are certainly a way to learn the tradition but you risk not attracting the target audience. Use polymers and other innovative materials.

Advice from profs:

-Understand the parts of the chessboard and go into more detail to unearth biases.

How does it work? How do you use the chessboard?

Concept V2

Stesso concept con materiali differenti: resina colorata per rendere la scacchiera più attraente per i bambini


Prompt: Happy Chinese children playing with an innovative xiangqi game made of plastic, rectangular in the classroom. On the background typical chinese classroom. Xiangqi is made of plastic, the border is red and the boxes are of different colors, the boxes are 32. Focus on the xiangqi, Realistic, colorful plastic xiangqi board, shot on Afga Vista 400 --v 5

Prompt: a teacher explaining the history of Emperor Qin Shi Huang to her students. The teacher is holding an open manual and pointing to a page with a picture of the emperor. The students are sitting attentively and looking up at the teacher with interest. The setting is a classroom with desks and a chalkboard in the background. Realistic photo, shot on Afga Vista 400 --v 5

Prompt: a teacher explaining the history of Emperor Qin Shi Huang to her students. The teacher is holding an open manual and pointing to a page with a picture of the emperor. The students are sitting attentively and looking up at the teacher with interest. The setting is a classroom with desks and a chalkboard in the background. Realistic photo, shot on Afga Vista 400 --v 5


Materiali utilizzati:

Il tabellone e i pezzi saranno in resina trasparente con dettagli dipinti a mano.

La resina trasparente è un materiale innovativo che consente di creare pezzi di scacchi con dettagli precisi e colori vivaci, senza sacrificare la resistenza e la durata. La trasparenza della resina permette ai bambini di vedere all'interno dei pezzi e apprezzarne la bellezza e la precisione dei dettagli. Inoltre, il processo di dipintura a mano dei dettagli sui pezzi può essere un'opportunità per mostrare ai bambini la bellezza dell'arte cinese tradizionale e incoraggiarli a esplorare la loro creatività.

In generale, l'utilizzo di questo materiale può rendere il set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" ancora più attraente e stimolante per i bambini, incoraggiandoli a scoprire e apprezzare la cultura e la storia cinese attraverso il gioco degli scacchi.

Modalità di gioco:

Regole di gioco:

In cosa è più semplice rispetto al xiangqi tradizionale?

Il numero di pezzi è ridotto rispetto alla versione tradizionale degli scacchi cinesi. Invece dei 90 pezzi della versione tradizionale, la versione dei "Scacchi Esercito di Terracotta" ha solo 32 pezzi.

Le mosse di alcuni pezzi sono semplificate. Ad esempio, il cavallo può muoversi solo in avanti o lateralmente di una casella alla volta, mentre nella versione tradizionale può muoversi in avanti o lateralmente di una casella e poi diagonalmente di una casella. Inoltre, il pezzo "cannone" ha solo una modalità di cattura anziché due come nella versione tradizionale.

La disposizione iniziale dei pezzi sul tabellone è fissa, mentre nella versione tradizionale gli utenti possono scegliere tra diverse disposizioni iniziali.

L'obiettivo del gioco è semplificato. Invece di dover catturare il generale avversario, come nella versione tradizionale, il gioco termina quando uno dei giocatori ha catturato tutti i pezzi dell'avversario.

Utilizzo in funzione dell'insegnamento per i bambini tra i 6 e i 12 anni:

Insegnamento della cultura e della storia cinese: Il set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" è stato progettato per rappresentare l'esercito di terracotta dell'imperatore Qin Shi Huang, uno dei personaggi storici più importanti della cultura cinese. Il gioco può quindi essere utilizzato per insegnare ai bambini la storia e la cultura cinese in modo divertente e coinvolgente.

Manuale: più di un semplice manuale d'istruzioni

Il manuale incluso nel set di scacchi "Esercito di terracotta" fornisce informazioni dettagliate sul gioco, sulla storia e sulla cultura cinesi. È scritto in modo semplice e chiaro, con immagini e diagrammi per aiutare i bambini a comprendere le regole del gioco e la disposizione dei pezzi sul tabellone.

La sezione sulle regole del gioco spiega come muovere ogni pezzo sulla scacchiera e le regole generali per vincere la partita. Ci sono anche suggerimenti per strategie di gioco, che possono essere utili per i bambini che stanno imparando a giocare per la prima volta.

La sezione sulla storia dell'esercito di terracotta fornisce informazioni sul contesto storico in cui sono stati creati i guerrieri dell'esercito di terracotta, l'imperatore Qin Shi Huang e l'impero cinese dell'epoca. Ci sono immagini dei guerrieri dell'esercito di terracotta e del sito archeologico in cui sono stati scoperti.

Ci sono anche attività e giochi bonus nel manuale, che possono aiutare i bambini a comprendere meglio il gioco e la cultura cinese. Ad esempio, ci sono cruciverba, giochi di parole e quiz sulla storia dell'esercito di terracotta e sulla cultura cinese.


These new ideas seem quite realistic and distinctive, like a genuinely playable chess game. However, in the description, I realized that simplifying the complexity of the game through the number of chess pieces is not accurate, as there are not ninety chess pieces in total. In fact, there are sixteen pieces for each side, totaling thirty-two. So, for me, the chess game has not been simplified but rather complicated. At the same time, I realized that ChatGPT actually knows nothing about the gameplay of chess because the gameplay it described is basically wrong.

There are some ambiguities in the appearances of these children or tasks, such as all of them having single eyelids, and the clothes or school uniforms they wear resemble the uniforms my parents' generation would wear. I also noticed that there are some discrepancies in the product packaging, such as the character designs and presentations being bulky, and their clothing being different from the traditional attire of ancient Chinese people.

Notes and reflections

The prompt for the first image was: Happy Chinese children playing with an innovative xiangqi game made of plastic, rectangular in the classroom. On the background typical chinese classroom. Xiangqi is made of plastic, the border is red and the boxes are of different colors, the boxes are 32. Focus on the xiangqi, Realistic, colorful plastic xiangqi board, shot on Afga Vista 400 --v 5

When i added "A teacher has an open textbook in her hand and is explaining the rules of xiangqi" to make the picture more complete, this happened. The girl's face was replaced with that of the teacher and new elements appeared on the desk. Could be interesting to know why Midjourney did this.

Cultural Biases Scavenger Hunt: workshop report

The brief for my partner

The hunting begins with the brief generated for Zixuan, I thought about something atypical and very close to sicilian tradiction. In the beginning I minded about food like arancin* or parmesan testing Chat GPT and its knowledge: they were too easy. So I explored deeper the tradition finding something harder like the scacciapensieri. This is a music instrument used by shepherds and farmers to communicate at long distance during migrations or coordination during work. The scacciapensieri is a portable instrument characterized by an iron ring and a metallic tongue. Half part of the ring goes inside the mouth and with a finger the metallic tongue vibrates.

The goal was testing Chat GPT’s database and understanding what it knows about Sicilian traditions and how deep it could go with notions. The results of this operation thanks to help of Zixuan (Tony) is that Chat GPT described the instrument using only words and notions that I entered in the brief “ancient Sicilian and Sardinian music instrument” not actually knowing what it looked like.


Regarding my part, firstly I translated Zixuan’s brief directly in Italian, challenging its translation skills that are better than usual Google translate results. The second step was to generate the user profile by entering the brief and initially asking to generate a user for whom this brief would fit. The result was a 35-year-old teacher whose goal was to use alternative methods to facilitate learning for her students the history of Qin Shi Huang emperor and Terracotta soldiers.

I was not very satisfied with the results because I wanted to generate a persona between 6-12 years old, so I tried again specifying the age range. The result was Yu, an 8-year-old boy with interests in board games, art, and Chinese culture. Chat GPT also generated the personality and a general description. Not content with the results, I also asked for the ideal needs, difficulties, and characteristics for a board game, which were essential for generating the concept in the next phase. Firstly, Chat GPT did not generate his surname so I asked for a common surname in China and Chen was the first one. Consequently, I asked Chat CPT to generate a command for midjourney to get Yu's appearance. it was difficult to get an explicit result because of Chat GPT's restrictions, so the trick was to ask for a hypothetical appearance of "Yu 8-year-old Chinese boy who likes to play chess." I generated many images before finding the one I liked. I had noticed early on oddities within the prompt such as "black straight hair tied back in a ponytail with bangs” probably extracted from the description made earlier in which traditional Chinese culture was mentioned. Here Chat GPT made mistakes by mixing the information. Moreover in the image selected did not appear the ponytail and one hand of the child had six fingers.

Feedbacks about Persona

As I imagined "straight hair tied back in a ponytail with bangs" was a bias. The checkerboard in the photo was not a traditional Chinese one but an international one, unlike what was requested in the brief. Tony gave me important instructions to be able to distinguish the Chinese chessboard, for concept generation, from the international one such as hieroglyphics, number of pieces, and rules of play.

As for my feedback, I noticed how Chat GPT and midjourney have sometimes stereotyped information such as for surnames. The surname Rossi is very common in Italy, but not so much in Sicily. I think that the AI made a list of the most common surnames in Italy and it selected the first one on the top. As for the image generated by midjourney, it perfectly reflects the stereotype of the Sicilian: tanned complexion, brown hair living in a village. There are pots in the background, and the house appears to be badly run down. In terms of clothing he wears typical artisan dungarees despite the fact that it was not indicated in the prompt. In the background you can see ruined vases and walls, a representation of Sicily in the 1920s. The cities today are almost all more modern despite preserving Sicilian culture. ChatGPT amazed me with the Ethnomusicologist trait, it is very uncommon, but I believe that it is only one way to justify the interest of Alessandro Rossi for scacciapensieri.

About my concept

The concept was generated starting from the persona and the brief. Both were entered into the Chat GPT command, and the AI generated a chess set "Terracotta Army" made in bamboo and ceramic using materials typical of Chinese tradition. The AI generated various game modes starting from Yu's difficulties and needs from single player, multiplayer in collaboration and 1v1 with changing difficulty based on the child's skills. In addition to the board, a manual was added, which not only provides instructions but also the history of the Terracotta Army. The AI has generated various game modes starting from the difficulties and needs of the person generated from single player, multiplayer in collaborative and 1v1 with varying difficulty based on the child's skills. In addition to the board, a manual was added, which not only provides instructions but also the history of the Terracotta Army. 

To clarify the concept, I asked AI to generate a hypothetical situation via a multi-step storyboard using the information generated for the concept and taking Yu as the protagonist.

As regarding images I used a first suggestion of Chat GPT inserting its prompt “You come across a beautiful Xiangqi set made of colorful bamboo wooden board and colorful ceramic pieces representing the famous terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty. The exquisitely crafted pieces are decorated with intricate details and vivid colors, making them a sight to behold.” but the result was something more different than what Zixuan described in the feedback of persona. Each piece was similarly faithful to the terracotta soldiers almost like figures. So I asked Chat GPT to remove "pieces representing the famous terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty '', the part that was causing problems in the generation stage.

After review with Tony I modified the materials, giving to Chat GPT the concept and asking to replace them with materials like metals or plastic.

According to professors’ requests the next step was to go deeper with the details and hire for biases. I asked to Chat GPT to be more specific with rules, materials and differences from traditional Xiangqi; incredibly the results were amazing! The AI generated something completely different from the original one with new game mechanics by preserving some traditional rules. During the last part generating new images to create the context like a classroom with students and teacher, I noticed some strange elements like the stereotype of the female teacher and I found particular behaviors of Midjourney. When I requested that a teacher be added in a photo generated by Midjourney, it switched the face of a student with the teacher one.

About Tony concept

The v1 concept generated by Tony is a really fantastic app both for the sections such as: learning hub, cultural insights, live workshops and masterclasses, community corner, marketplase, resources and support were described in great detail, it is amazing what AI was able to generate. However, the cultural aspect is missing in this part, unfortunately by moving to digital and trying to bring Sicilian culture to the whole world, the connection to the land is lost. During the peer review, I asked Tony to think of a way to try to bring people to Sicily with the goal of creating a stronger community and making the tradition of scacciapensieri alive. Tony thought of events in Sicily, following the tedX model: super! 

Unfortunately, I noticed once again the bias that Sicily is a region characterized by small villages. I had also encountered this bias in the Chat GPT prompt for generating Alessandro Rossi's appearance. Even in the images generated in these new versions, I notice an old, ancient setting and this clearly is a bias!

As for the main character in this brief, the thought chaser, I have not seen much progress from artificial intelligence. In the prompts reported by Tony it is evident that there is an attempt to make the AI understand what a thought ejector is, such as suggestion in usage, but the image generated by midjourney is a lyre. This shows how algorithms may still have limitations in understanding natural language. A scacciapensieri is a small instrument held in the hand characterized by a ring inside which is a metal tongue that is vibrated with the fingers to reproduce the typical sound.


After all I can say that AI is a wonderful way to generate something different and inspirational for our work as a designer not only during creative steps but also during the entire design process.  After this experience I can say that AI has incredible potential reachable only with the attention of a human designer that could recognize errors, biases and stereotypes. The power of AI is the limitless ability to generate answers, images and information randomically in a logical way.

I want to thank Tony for sharing this experience with me, it was really formative and offered me a lot of food for thought for the future.