3_3_2 Converting between number bases

You should be able to:

  • Understand how binary can be used to represent whole numbers.
  • Understand how hexadecimal can be used to represent whole numbers.
  • Be able to convert in both directions between:

•• binary and decimal

•• binary and hexadecimal

•• decimal and hexadecimal


Watch this video and try some out by yourself:


  1. Download and print the test paper here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5fLtQ0Xgr2POHlVS0xhUHQzbDA
  2. Try the mock test yourself.
  3. Use the 3.3.2 Walking Talking Mock below to guide you through answering the questions.

SOURCE RECOGNITION - PLEASE NOTE: The examination examples used in these walking talking mocks are samples from AQA from their non-confidential section of the public site. They also contain questions designed by TeachIT for AQA as part of the publicly available lesson materials.