
WHAT: Use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem. Understand several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking


Activity 1

Activity 2

Now, think of a different way to sort the pack into order. Can you use your evaluation skills to come up with a more effective method?

Time yourself again to see if you were faster this time.

Repeat the activity until you can't get it any faster.

Activity 3 - READ

By completing the first two activities you will have compared algorithms to solve the same problem. Our outcome says "compare the utility of alternative algorithms to solve the same problem". This just means, "find out which algorithm is the most useful". You will have done this when you were sorting the deck of cards.

It is important that you are beginning to understand that there is more than one way to solve a problem. Computer scientist are always looking at solutions and trying to make them more effective and efficient.

Activity 4 - Watch the video below:

Activity 5

There are well established key algorithms used for searching and sorting data. You can see some examples of these in the videos below.



Activity 6

Grab some paper cups or pieces of paper or whatever you have to hand and try out one of the sorting algorithms from the videos above. Can you follow the algorithm?



Create an animation of one of the sorting algorithms. Make it really exciting and easy to follow.


It is much more fun to try these algorithms in a practical setting. This website has some great ideas to use in the classroom.