
WHAT: Solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts


Activity 1

Download and print this sheet to help you with this activity.

You will also need a pack of playing cards! If you don't have any playing cards you could look on the internet for some free, printable ones.

Play snap with a partner OR simply by yourself. If you don't know how to play snap there are some rules here.

Activity 2

Try to focus carefully on the steps that you take to play snap. Can you list them all? If you are working with a partner then you could discuss the steps with them.

Activity 3

Watch this video:

Activity 4

Were you able to follow the video? This is very new to you so it takes some practice! Try and fill your sheet in by yourself now. Just like the example in the video, don't expect to be right first time or be perfect at this stage. We are still in the "thinking" bit.



Solve Noughts and Crosses!

Use a new Computational Thinking Problem Solver sheet to try and solve noughts and crosses. You will need to play the game and carefully think about the steps required to play the game.

If you click on this link then you can play the game through Google:

Play the game!


Solving problems by decomposing them into smaller parts is a skill that students will learn over time. They need lots of practice with it. Once they understand the "theory" it is wise to give the students lots of problems to solve to help them develop these skills. Use the computational thinking problem solver sheets to allow students to establish their independence when solving problems.