New Eyes


New Eyes is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian organization whose purpose is to improve the vision of low income individuals. This organization purchases new prescription eyeglasses through a voucher program for children and adults in the United States who cannot afford glasses on their own.

Eligible clients can apply for a voucher through a social service agency or a school nurse. Clients can present a New Eyes voucher to any participating local optical dispenser, who fits the client with the proper prescription eyeglasses. The dispenser then receives reimbursement directly from New Eyes.

Applications can only be submitted online by a Social Services Agency Worker with information obtained from the client and, California residents must use Marvel Optics to order eyeglasses.

The New Eyes Application Process requires applications to be submitted on behalf of clients through a social service agency (Employment Counselor, Eligibility Worker or Social Worker). If a social service agency is not available, a primary care physician, school nurse or house of worship may submit an online application for the client.