
Design Rules

1. Design Transfers are only allowed if you intend to keep the character as a Veroavir with no other forms, Shapeshifters aren't allowed

2. Hybrids between Veroavirs and other Species are not allowed

MYO Rules

1. You are not allowed to make your own Veroavir without a MYO or Rights

2. Mods can make as many Commons, Uncommons, and Rares as they want

3. Owners and Co-Owners can make all Rarities

Adopt Rules

1. Adopts can only be made by Staff Members, Artists, Guest Artists, and people who have Rights

2. Read the artist's ToS if they have one

Custom Rules

1. Customs only be made by Staff Members and people who have Rights

2. Read the artist's ToS if they have one

Artist Rules

1. Artists can make Commons, Uncommons, and Rares

Guest Artist Rules

1. Guest Artists can make Commons and Uncommons