Rules and Guidelines

General Rules

1. Austrat Sveargiths, Codruisks, Cryscentials, Delvorinan Dolls, Drothavesies, Esserfaere, Indrurs, Kavhmas, Saixneshes, Tecani Leonis, and Veroavirs require that you join at least one of their specific communities. Bixlues, Calrins, Emotsiis, and Kaixinaes don't have this requirement.

2. Do not claim any of these Species as your own

3. Be nice to others regardless of their role

4. Do not attempt to Guilt Trip anyone for anything

5. Don't steal other people's stuff

6. Certain Punishments for Rule Breaking may limit the rarity and amount of characters someone can own

7. If you aren't interested in the Species anymore and you're leaving or you were Banned you will have the option to transfer them out of the Species and delete/not use the Orig. Species version, re-adopt them yourself, or hand them over to the Staff so they can decide what to do with them.

8. You must follow this guide if you want to resell, trade, and gift items for any of the Species.

Design Rules

1. You must get your characters approved by a Staff Member

2. You are allowed to transfer the Designs of your characters to one of these Original Species if the character is owned by you (or it's owned by someone else and you're transferring it for them, with their permission, and won't be keeping the character) and the original designer of the character is okay with it. 

3. When transferring Designs you are not allowed to add certain physical things (ex. feathered wings, glowing eyes, body parts made of water, segmented/cut up/floating body parts, etc.) to the Orig. Species version that the original character had unless the Orig. Species version has a Trait that allows it, otherwise those can not be added to the Orig. Species version. If you aren't sure if it would be okay you can contact a Staff Member and ask.

4. You can not create subspecies, variants, or hybrids of any of these Species and claim them as a different Species/your own Species

5. You can not to add new Traits

6. You are not allowed to add to or make changes to the Rarity System

7. You are not allowed to make any changes to the Species Information

8. You are not allowed to make changes to the Species Lore. The only exception to this would be AUs, but you can not claim or present any of that information as cannon to the actual Species and Lore. | Note: This may change in the future if AUs gets out of hand.

9. AUs are allowed but the Rarities, Traits, and homeworld name and location must stay the same and no changes can be made to them, you are also not allowed to break any of the rules above. You are, however, allowed to add things that could slightly alter the appearance of certain characters that are in that AU, ex. Soulmate markings or certain diseases (like some kind of zombie disease), but it must be small and not have a large impact on the Species that could break one or more of the rules above. | Note: This may change in the future if this gets out of hand.

10. AUs can only be used by the creator(s) of the AU and specific people they allow to include their character in that AU | Note: This may change in the future if this gets out of hand.

11. Redesigns are allowed as long as you get them reapproved and you use any items you may need (ex. if you're going to change any of their traits, you may need a Trait Upgrade Ticket of some kind).

Rights Holder Rules

1. Rights can only be obtained from buying them or as Prizes from Events, Contests, and Raffles

2. Rights Holders can make what their Rights say they can

3. Rights Holders can make unlimited characters from the Species they have rights too for themselves

4. Rights can be stripped from people if they break too many rules

Species Specific Rules

Community Helper Rules

Artists Rules

1. Artists can not enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community

2. Artists can only be added after their 5 Adopts if the Staff Members deem them fit for the position -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

3. Artists must make at least 1 Adopt a Month -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

4. If an Artist gives the Owner a notice stating that they can't make this months adopt and a brief overview of why (ex. busy with work/school) then they will be excused and can miss that months adopt without penalty. If this rule is abused or the position doesn't seem like a good fit anymore they may be removed from this position.

5. Artists can not make Customs.

5. Artists will receive payment, typically after every 3-5 Adopts or an agreed upon amount of art. Payment will vary based on what is agreed upon.

Guest Artist Rules

1. Guest Artists can not enforce rules and make changes to the Species/Community

2. Guest Artists can only be added by trying out/signing up for the position

3. Guest Artists can create up to 5 Adopts and no more -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

4. Guest Artists can become Artists after their 5 Adopts if the Staff Members deem them fit for the position, or they can try out/sign up again if they only want the position to be temporary -- this may change based on the agreed upon individual terms and responsibilities of their position.

5. Guest Artists can not make Customs

4. Guest Artists will receive payment after they make their 5 Adopts. Payment will vary based on what is agreed upon.

Species Helper Rules

1. Species Helpers can not enforce rules within the Community

2. Species helpers can only make changes to the Species/Community when they have an Owner/Co-Owner's direct permission

3. Species Helpers can keep their position for as long as they want as long as they still make suggestions when they have ideas and/or are active in the community

4. Species Helpers will be demoted if they go inactive for too long without warning

5. Species Helpers will receive some kind of reward for their work (what they receive depends based on what they've done and how much they've done)