Lore/World Info


Species Involved in their Universe

Here are all of my other Original Species that are canonically a part of the same universe as Austrat Sveargiths:


Image of ValarikiriaDesign by Bluekittyhorse


Austrat Sveargiths are from Valarikiria, which they share with Cryscentials.

Austrats prefer to live in large groups, which led to the majority of the population being a part of the Ekovell Kingodm. There are a handful of much smaller groups not a part of the Ekovell Kingodm, however they are few and far between, most trying to isolate themselves as much as possible and take control over unclaimed territory far from the Ekovell Kingodm to keep from being assimilated. Some of these smaller groups are the Teawedel Kingdom, Ekruxuisal Dynasty, and The Pale Sea Caste.

Valarikiria is a terrestrial planet (specifically a water planet/world) with a radius of 4458mi, axial tilt of 24.62°, and gravity of 9.807m/s². It is extremely similar to Earth.

Map made by Bluekittyhorse using Inkarnate

World Map - WIP

Symbol/Color meanings


Total Population


Population on Valarikiria



Population Off-World



Population by Rarity


On Valarikiria


Population by Kingdom


On Valarikiria



Austrat Sveargiths are typically very religious creatures, believing in a small Pantheon of gods and goddesses who they believe to have a part in creating their universe and controlling the elements.

Each god/goddess has multiple cults, some worshiping just one of them, others worshiping multiple. Most cults are made up of two main groups: Priests and Followers, and Priests are divided into Leaders and Helpers.

There are some Austrats who aren't religious, but they only make up around 15.4% of the population.

Art of The Creator by xxx (no image yet)

The Creator

An unnamed goddess who is believed to have created the universe and everything in it before splitting herself into multiple parts so the different parts of her could better take care of everything and their individual domains than she could trying to do everything at once.

Art of Kaaraka by xxx (no image yet)

Kaaraka, better known as "The Rising Sun" is the God of Light.

Art of Inyanga by xxx (no image yet)

Inyanga, better known as "The Falling Moon" is the Godess of Darkness.

Art of Dearlel by xxx (no image yet)

Dearlel, better known as "The Roaring Fires" is the God of Fire.

Art of Quettia by xxx (no image yet)

Quettia, better known as "The Flowing Rivers" is the Goddess of Water.

Art of Regho by xxx (no image yet)

Regho, better known as "The Calming Earth" is the God of Earth.

Art of Urkverl by xxx (no image yet)

Urkverl, better known as "The Winding Winds" is the God of Air.

Ekovell Kingdom

Ekovell Kingdom is the largest Austrat Sveargith community/group with an estimated 2,605,124,338 members.


Here are all the ranks and roles in the Ekovell Kingdom.

The numbers beside the job description are how many can typically be in that role. The symbol beside the job description show if that role can be filled by Staff or Members of the community who own at least one Austrat Sveargith.

🌙 - This role is only available to the Staff as it is important to the overall lore

☀️ - Anyone can fill this role

High Ranks


Male ruler of the Kingdom. | ×1 | 🌙


Female ruler of the Kingdom. | ×1 | 🌙

Crowned Prince / Crowned Princess

Child of the King and Queen who is most eligible to take the throne if their parents step down or are rendered unable/unfit to continue their duties. | ×1 | 🌙

Princes / Princesses

Children of the King and Queen. | ×∞ | 🌙

Council Members

Austrats who help the King and Queen make decisions about the Kingdom. | ×13 | 🌙

High Generals

Austrats in charge of the Generals and Upper/Lower Guards -- part of the military. | ×7 | 🌙

Middle Ranks


Austrats related to a High Rank in some way who have gained money and power due to their relations. | × | 🌙


Austrats who lead cults or help with duties in cults. | ×∞ | ☀️


Austrats in charge of a city/town/village. | ×∞ (×1-7 per city/town/village) | ☀️


Austrats in charge of a group of Guards -- part of the military. | ×∞ (×1-3 per group) | ☀️

Upper Guards / Lower Guards

Austrats who protect an area -- part of the military. | ×∞ | ☀️

Low Ranks


Austrats who carry out scientific research and/or explore new areas. | ×∞ | ☀️


Austrats who trade and sell goods. | ×∞ | ☀️


Austrats who practice a trade or handicraft. | ×∞ | ☀️


Austrats who own or work on a farm. | ×∞ | ☀️


Austrats who aren't a Merchant, Artisan, or Farmer but have some other job or who have no job at all. Ex. stay at home parents, children, etc. | ×∞ | ☀️

There's a spreadsheet here tracking all the different Austrats in these roles:

Aust.Svear. Role Tracker Spreadsheet

If you'd like to get one of your own characters added, just DM a Staff Member with the Austrat, their name and role, and a link to their TH, Wiki, refsheet.net profile, etc. if they have one. If you need the role changed or the character removed, send another DM about it.


Map made by Bluekittyhorse using Inkarnate

This is a map of some of the more important, larger, and/or well known cities, towns, and villages.













Events and Practices

Festival of the Rising Sun and Falling Moon

A festival celebrating Kaaraka and Inyanga.

Takes Place During: xxx

Duration: xxx


Teawedel Kingdom



Ekruxuisal Dynasty


Neither kingdom likes each other all that much and will ignore the other in the interest of not starting problems.

The Pale Sea Caste



Rogues and Outlaws

May vary slightly in some areas, especially near the edges of the kingdom's territory, however most areas are fairly neutral towards rogues and hostile towards outlaws. Rogues are typically allowed to stay as long as they don't break any rules and contribute in some way to wherever they stay. Outlaws are captured or chased out.

Other Groups

Teawedel Kingdom


Kingdom dedicated to The Calming Earth. Focused on herbology and botany.

Ekruxuisal Dynasty


Kingdom in an extinct volcano.

The Pale Sea Caste


Hostile cult that isolated themselves due to tension over their beliefs. Worship The Flowing Rivers, but don't follow what is typically taught.

Rogues and Outlaws

Austrats who aren't in a group and/or who are on the run.

Interspecies Relations

Overall, relations with Cryscentials tend to be good.

Ekovell Kingdom


Good, established trade between the Ekovell Kingdom and various groups of Cryscentials. Part of the kingdom's population is Cryscentials, though they make up a very small portion.

Teawedel Kingdom


Ekruxuisal Dynasty


The Pale Sea Caste


Rogues and Outlaws

Varies based on included parties

Random Facts

Some additional facts that don't fit anywhere else. Some might be important, others are just for fun.

Most Austrats believe the numbers 3 and 7 are lucky numbers.