Lore/World Info


Species Involved in their Universe

Here are all of my other Original Species that are canonically a part of the same universe as Tecani Leoni:



Tecani Leonis have a rigid social structure that they rarely deviate from. It is based on the rarity of their traits along with if their traits are all one rarity or they have traits from multiple rarities.

They are highly social creatures and often dedicate themselves and their work to their community. They stick strictly to the rules set up by their council and the structure that has been in place for centuries.

Their government is a republic.








Order of Ranks


1. Council Members

2. Bishops

3. Council Assistants

4. Priests

5. Generals

6. Assistant Priests

7. Protectors

8. Organizers

9. Assistant Organizers

10. Workers


1. Council Members

2. Council Assistants

3. Generals

4. Protectors

5. Workers


1. Bishops

2. Priests

3. Assistant Priests

4. Organizers

5. Assistant Organizers

Corrupt Society

Corrupt Tecani Leonis, despite being banished as soon as they're fully formed, have a similar system.

They are still highly social creatures, but aren't as dedicated to their community, and some even prefer to avoid the community altogether and live on their own unless they absolutely need something. The ones that live on their own typically go to other Species in search of social interaction and companionship.

Their government is a republic.


Legendary - Lvl.4

Legendary-Rare - Lvl.4

Rare - Lvl.4

Rare-Common - Lvl.4

Common - Lvl.4

Legendary-Rare-Common - Lvl.4

Legendary - Lvl.3

Legendary-Rare - Lvl.3

Rare - Lvl.3

Rare-Common - Lvl.3

Common - Lvl.3

Legendary-Rare-Common - Lvl.3

Legendary - Lvl.2

Legendary-Rare - Lvl.2

Rare - Lvl.2

Rare-Common - Lvl.2

Common - Lvl.2

Legendary-Rare-Common - Lvl.2

Legendary - Lvl.1

Legendary-Rare - Lvl.1

Rare - Lvl.1

Rare-Common - Lvl.1

Common - Lvl.

Legendary-Rare-Common - Lvl.1

Order of Ranks

1. Council Members

2. Council Assistants

3. Generals

4. Protectors

5. Workers