Lore/World Info


Species Involved in their Universe

Here are all of my other Original Species that are canonically a part of the same universe as Codruisks:


History and Info

History, Behavior, Diet, Reproduction

Codruisks were created by a group of scientists working for multiple countries with the goal of creating a non-human super soldier. These creatures would be used to replace soldiers for some military operations.

The project was referred to as "Project Aquatic Marten", as suggested by one of the lead scientists on the team, Dharuna Iyengar. In their earlier versions, Dr. Iyengar compared the creatures to the Nilgiri Martens she used to see in her childhood, and even after multiple alterations they still bear resemblance to the Mustelid family.

The creatures were used in a few military operations -- Operation Shoplift, Operation Rose Bush, and Operation Green Paladin for example -- before WWIII happened. As tensions between different countries and intergovernmental organizations increased, war was declared by multiple countries on multiple countries and WWIII started.

During the war, they were used for a few more military operations -- like Operation Paramount and Operation Hell's Gate -- before the lab where the creatures were being kept was destroyed during a mass bombing and nuclear attacks on multiple countries. A majority of the human population died off during the attack or soon afterwards, resulting in the dissolution of most countries, and it has only continued to decrease.

The destruction of the lab did kill a few of the creatures, however it also allowed the survivors to escape. They spread and multiplied rapidly. The majority of the population is in North America, as that's where they originated from, though there are some in South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia. South America, Asia, and Europe have the second, third, and fourth largest populations respectively and, while not having as many as North America, are still much larger than the populations in Africa and Australia, which have the fourth and fifth largest populations. None of the creatures have been able to survive for long on Antarctica.

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The creatures were named "Codruisk" by a few of the remaining humans that encountered them, and the name spread throughout a large part of the remaining population.

Codruisks are sentient and the majority are very intelligent. There are a few that act like mindless killing machines, but the majority of the population display a high level of intelligence, similar to that of a raven, African grey parrot, elephant, and/or orangutan. Parts of the population land somewhere in between the two.

In the groups that do encounter them regularly, their sapience is questioned at times. There have been a few encountered that appear to be sapient, or closer to it than the rest of the population. Some believe that while they may achieve sapience through natural selection, they currently aren't sapient, and many others believe they aren't sapient and will not achieve sapience.

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Codruisks are very hostile creatures. While they do tend to ignore most animals when they aren't hungry, especially those under 2'-3' in height or length, they do sometimes kill for fun and tend to target larger creatures, like those in the Panthera genus and Cervidae family.

Codruisks are facultative carnivores. They require meat, but can and will eat plants and fungi if it is the only thing available or they choose to. Meat is necessary for their diet and is their preferred food, but they can digest and survive, but not thrive, on plants and fungi.

When they're hungry, they will eat just about any animal that they can catch and that isn't poisonous. They tend to prefer larger animals with a lot of meat -- like elk and green anacondas --, but will go after smaller ones and those with little meat -- like small rodents and crustaceans. They don't like insects.

When it comes to plants and fungi, when they do eat it they tend to go for fruit the most, but some will eat vegetables with the exception of leafy vegetables, which they have only been spotted eating out of boredom, though even then they mostly just tear it to shreds with their teeth and spit it out. They've been spotted doing that (shredding leaves) to a lot of plants when they are bored. Some will eat the inner bark of certain trees and drink sap from maple, walnut, and heartnut trees too. As for fungi, they will eat mushrooms and some toadstools. They will not eat any other plants or fungi... though that hasn't stopped some of them. Some have been caught biting large flowers and then spitting them out in disgust moments later, or chewing on the stalks of various plants only to spit out the chewed up stalk once they're done.

Codruisks will attack and kill humans.

While there are some that prefer to avoid confrontation, due to temperament or occasionally learning not to come around as they are attacked and driven away, many will go after humans and won't stop till their target is dead. Codruisks have great facial recognition and will stalk humans they recognize and are targeting.

Some of the Codruisks that are less hostile towards humans will stalk groups of traveling humans and human settlements not with the purpose of attacking them, but of stealing from them. Some groups/settlement will even leave out food or toys and trinkets -- like dog toys and pieces of scrap metal that can't really be used for anything but have been polished as best they can to be very shiny and appealing -- for less hostile Codruisks in their area that they know come near the group/settlement in the hopes that the Codruisks will be less likely to attack the group/settlement knowing they have and will give them things they like and may even go after other Codruisks who do try to attack the group/settlement.

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Codruisks are not against attacking other Codruisks. While it does vary based on temperament and most Codruisks prefer to simply ignore and stay out of the way of each other, some are hostile towards other Codruisks regardless of the situation.

Groups of Codruisks that seem to live and work together as adults have been spotted, however this is extremely rare. A group of Codruisks is referred to as a gang or wander.

Most often, Codruisks only group up to mate and then quickly go their separate ways. Mothers will raise their kits on their own and till half way through their teen years (15-16 years) before either abandoning them or chasing them away from her territory. Teens will sometimes stay in gangs -- which are typically made up of their siblings and sometimes other teens in the area close to their age -- until they reach adulthood or they'll split up and go off on their own.

Codruisks typically have litters of 2-10 kits. In larger litters (8+ kits), only around half typically survive. They have a gestation period of 300 days.

Project Aquatic Marten Details

Countries Involved

The countries involved in Project Aquatic Marten were:

United States of America


Military Operations

All military operations Codruisks were used for are:

Operation Shoplift

Operation Rose Bush

Operation Green Paladin

Operation Open Invite

Operation Interlude

Operation Desert Demon

Operation Paramount

Operation Hell's Gate

Operation Shoplift




Operation Rose Bush




Operation Green Paladin




Operation Shoplift




Operation Rose Bush




Operation Green Paladin




Operation Rose Bush




Operation Green Paladin


