Long-Term Effects of Benzos

Long-Term Effects of Benzos

Benzodiazepines can be prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and other conditions. Benzo addiction can be easily developed from frequent use. A benzo holistic rehabs mexico facility can help you get your life on track if benzo abuse becomes a substance abuse disorder.

Many side effects can be caused by using benzos such as Valium and Xanax. Although most people who take benzos know about the side effects in the short term, they might not be aware of the long-term consequences. It is important to seek help as soon as possible for long-term side effects of benzos.

Understanding How Benzos Work

Benzos affect certain neurotransmitters within your brain. This causes the familiar sensations that come with benzo use to depress the central nervous system. The following are some of the common short-term effects of benzos:

  • A feeling of calm

  • Euphoria:

  • Emotional responses are lessened

  • Slow breathing

Benzo use can provide relief for people who feel overwhelmed or racing thoughts. But, this relief comes with a price. It is easy to become dependent on benzos very quickly. You will also feel more tolerance if you take larger amounts of benzos.

Benzo Use Brings Serious Health Consequences

Benzos were designed for short-term use. The standard medical advice recommends that benzos be used for a period of two to four weeks. Benzo addiction can be easily developed if you use benzos more than once a month or more often than detox centers.

Here are the brand and generic names of some of most addictive benzos.

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)

  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)

  • Diazepam (Valium)

  • Lorazepam (Ativan).

Although each benzo has a different effect, there is one thing they all have in common: long-term exposure can lead to serious health problems.

Long-Term Physical Effects from Benzos

Benzo abuse can have serious consequences. Benzos can slow down your heart rate and breathing because they affect the central nervous system.

The heart can't beat at its optimal rate so there are many complications.

  • Low oxygen levels

  • Function of the heart is impaired

  • Blood clots:

Hypoxia is a condition where there's a reduction in blood flow. This happens when blood doesn't reach your tissues and organs properly.

These benzos can seriously impact your overall health and physical function. You may also develop other chronic conditions or diseases.

Hypoxia and blood clots can lead to fatal side effects. Overdose of benzo can cause death by preventing the heart from functioning properly.

Long-term Mental Effects of Benzos

Long-term use of benzos can have a negative impact on the body and brain. A decline in cognitive function is one of the most common side effects of benzos after long-term use. These cognitive side effects can occur if you use benzos for a long time.

  • Memory problems

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Difficulty in critical thinking skills

  • Executive function reduced

  • Processing time increased

Benzos slow down your brain's ability to think clearly and efficiently.

Some studies show that long-term use of benzos is linked to cognitive decline and a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Sanctuary Tulumcan help you with your Benzo Addiction

Sanctuary Tulumoffers full-spectrum care for benzo addiction. You can choose from detox, outpatient or inpatient programs. You can free yourself from the harmful grip of benzo addiction with our evidence-based treatment.