Golden Teacher Mushroom: Effects, Benefits and Dosage

Psilocybin and magic mushrooms have been popular psychedelics for hundreds of years. Psilocybin, as well as psilocin, are beneficial compounds that can be found in at most 15 types of magic mushrooms. They belong to three main genera: Penaeolus, Conocybe and Psilocybin.

The most popular of all three is the Psilocybe. It comes in many forms, including Psilocybe Semilanceata and Psilocybe Cubeensis. Psilocybe Cubensis' Golden Teacher strain is a favorite of many growers. It grows in large numbers and offers high health benefits, making it a favorite for many newbies to magic mushrooms. Learn more about Golden Teacher Mushrooms and how they work.

What are the Golden Teacher Mushrooms exactly?

Golden teacher spores, also known by GT shroom, a Psilocybe Cubensis strain that has the main active ingredients psilocin (and psilocybin) and is one of the most well-known hallucinogenic mushrooms. It was first discovered in 1980s. Although the origin of the strain is not known, many people have continued to use it. Golden Teacher Magic mushrooms are also distinct in their reddish-almost cinnamon colour and have larger stems and caps than other Psilocybe Cubensis varieties.

The cap size of golden teachers' magic mushrooms is usually between 20 and 80 mm in diameter. They also have a unique fruiting body that has a slightly curved cap and a yellow or gold center. The caps have gray gills that are close together. They darken as they age and may appear almost black at maturity. You can expect medium-large mushrooms from the first flush of spore-printable psilocybecubensis mushrooms when you use a magic mushroom growing kit.

The Golden Teacher Characteristics & Appearance

The distinctive appearance of Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom is a Psilocybe Cubensis strain. This psychedelic mushroom has a moderately high psychedelic level and a long, winding stem. It also features a wide golden cap with yellow specks. It is also larger than most Psilocybe Cubensis strains. The Golden Teacher shrooms are larger and have a longer stem and cap.

The hollow stipe of the Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms is thicker towards the gills and the base. They range in colour from whitish-brown to purple-brown. These shrooms have a fruiting body and are known for producing large fruitbodies that are extremely potent for Psilocybe Cubensis. Golden Teachers are not among the strains that have difficult-to-collectspores.

What is the Dosage?

The potency of Golden Teacher mushrooms is mild to moderate. Most people consume 2 grams to experience some effects, but not too much. Although this dose is too low to produce any significant psychedelic effects for more experienced shroomers it is sufficient for beginners and inexperienced shroomers. This allows for an error margin and the Golden teachers are perfect for anyone who is looking to experience their first psychedelic effect.

Although this magic mushroom strain does not have a strong psychedelic effect it is advised that beginners start their journey with a single gram of the herb. After waiting three hours, they can then increase the dose to a maximum of 3 grams. For experienced shroomers, the doses of three to four grams would be sufficient. Assume they are well aware of the psychedelic effects. If that is the case, then 4 to 5 grams should be sufficient to fully experience the Golden Teacher. However, it is important to remember that the maximum dose is for experienced magic mushroom users or highly skilled psychonauts.

The effects of Golden Teacher Mushrooms can last between four and six hours and have an onset of 20 to 60 minutes. For any psychedelic experience, there are five levels. They range from light, relaxed and chilled to intense psychedelic trips. Your experience level, the potency level and the type of magic mushrooms used will all affect how psychedelic you feel. P. cubensis is still an experimental drug.

What are the Benefits of the Golden Teacher Mushrooms?

Although psilocybin mushrooms have a strong psychedelic effect, very few people know that the Golden Teacher Mushrooms are also beneficial for physical and mental health. These include:

a). Health Benefits

b). Social Benefits

What are the effects?

The Golden Teacher Cubensis Mushrooms have a mildly elevated psychedelic effect. This makes them a great gateway shroom for new magic mushroom enthusiasts to experience the psychedelic realm. These Golden Teacher Mushrooms are also known for their spiritual effects, shamanistic properties, and not just tripping.

Some of these effects include:

How to Use the Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom

The Golden Teacher magic mushroom strain is also available in a variety of ways.

a). Chew and Swallow

This is the most popular way to consume Golden Teachers. The golden teacher mushrooms are chewed well to extract all the juices and then swallowed. It takes around 20 to 45 minutes for the effects of Golden Teacher mushrooms to kick in. This depends on how full your stomach is. The less you eat, the better. It is best to avoid eating for at least a few hours while using this method.

b). A cup of tea

You can also enjoy these Golden Teachers by drinking a cup or tea. This is a great way to get the psychedelics without having to eat whole dried mushrooms. Because the taste of a Psilocybin mushroom can be unpleasant, this method is becoming increasingly popular. Some people have trouble swallowing due to their gag reflexes. The tea is said to be more pleasant than chewing dried mushrooms and easier on the stomach.

c). Capsules of magic mushroom

This is another method of consuming Psilocybin mushrooms. It also offers the possibility of micro-dosing. The user can have a psychedelic experience that is both intense and immersive, and not lose their entire day. You can also make your own Golden teacher magical mushroom capsules with a grinder and empty capsules.

d). Psilocybin edibles

Consuming the Golden Teacher Mushroom as an edible form and incorporating it in different foods can help to eliminate the unpleasant taste and queasy feeling users might experience while chewing it. To avoid a poor tripping experience or inferior psychedelic experience, the Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom should not be added to the cooking stages. For the best psychedelic experience, add them to sauces and toppings after the cooking stages.

e). To intensify the trip, add lemon.

Herns can be used to enhance your psychedelic experience. These herb allies can be used to soothe nerves, induce euphoria, or to enhance your psychedelic experience. Lemon Te,k is one such herb. It is quick and easy to use and users have reported that it helps reduce psilocybin which can further enhance your psychedelic experience. It is recommended that you use half of the usual amount of shrooms to enhance and intensify your psychedelic experience.

Do you prefer to buy or grow the Golden Teachers Magic Mushrooms, or both?

Golden Teacher is one the easiest P. cubensis varieties to grow. It can be grown in even low-quality conditions and produces a lot of fruit, making it suitable for beginners. The downside to the shroom is its slower fruiting rate than other psychedelic mushrooms strains. Colonization takes approximately two weeks. It is best to wait another week to ensure that it completes. Golden Teachers, like all P. cubensis varieties, can be grown with any method. However, it must be done correctly. Fortunately, it only requires minimal growing conditions.

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It all depends on the person asking whether to grow or buy these Golden Teachers Magic Mushrooms. The easy cultivation process and adaptability of the Golden Teachers makes them suitable for many users. Although psilocybin is illegal in most areas, including mushrooms, spores are legal to sell and buy. Growers are allowed to purchase kits, but it is illegal to allow the spores germinate.

Many Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom vendors will often advertise Golden Teacher shrooms spores. It is safer, more discreet, and easier for Canada to order shrooms online through dispensaries like CannaBlossom. Legality is also a concern since growing could pose a risk to your rights in many jurisdictions, making online ordering the best and safer option.

Are Golden Teacher Mushrooms Legal?

Legality depends on where spores are illegally kept. While it is illegal to purchase psilocybin seeds, germinating them is a crime. In some areas, possessing psilocybin is either legalized or decriminalized. The location of the spores will vary as they don't contain psilocybin (a psychoactive compound found in Psilocybe mushroom spores). It is important to understand the laws in your region and to then obtain your Golden Teachers, either as strains or spores, from a trusted source like CannaBlossom.