Why You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer

Social Security Disability payments are a blessing for people with disabilities. However, there are many obstacles that can prevent individuals from receiving disability payments when they are needed. Many applicants will have to deal with denied claims, even after they have applied for disability payments and determined their eligibility.

Farah & Farah, a Jacksonville social security lawyer in NYC can help you get disability payments. We will help you understand your eligibility and guide you through the complicated process to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

You already have many responsibilities when you're dealing with a disability. Farah & Farah's Social Security Disability lawyers will handle your disability claim. We have enough to worry about. Let us handle your disability claim.

How a Jacksonville Social Security Disability Lawyer can help you

An SSD lawyer can assist you with the following tasks if you are applying for Social Security Disability (SSD), payments:

  • Assess Eligibility The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines eligibility for SSD payments. Your lawyer can help you assess your claim based upon the same factors that the SSA uses. These include the type and severity your disability. ;l

  • Initial Application: Your SSD lawyer will prepare and submit your SSD application. Strong applications will have the highest chance of approval. Your attorney should make sure that the application contains all necessary information.

  • Claim Approval: Your lawyer can contact the SSA to represent you during the claims process. Your SSD lawyer can help you ensure that the SSA does not request any additional information or documentation regarding your disability.

  • Appeal a Denied Claims: About 60% of initial SSD applications are rejected. Your SSD lawyer will likely have to appeal this denial. The first step is to request reconsideration. If that fails, an SSA hearing will be required.

The importance of the initial application for Social Security Disability

The success of your claim depends on the quality of your initial application for Social Security Disability Benefits. Incomplete applications are common reasons for denials. You don't want to submit a poor application that could impact your chances of approval.

An attorney from Social Security Disability can collect all necessary information to complete the application. This includes documentation that can include personal information, income and documentation about your disability. SSA can also request additional documentation or information from the lawyer during the claims process.

Farah & Farah will assist you in preparing and submitting your initial application. We don't charge any fees unless you are granted your disability claim. We handle Social Security Disability claims right from the beginning, so you don't have to wait for your application to be denied.

Farah & Farah will do all the work for your Social Security Disability Claim

Farah & Farah will handle your Social Security Disability claims. Farah & Farah will handle all aspects of your claim, including getting medical records from your doctor as well as hiring any experts that are needed.

The following expert evaluations can be arranged by our Social Security Disability lawyers to support your claim for disability:

  • Functional Capacity Evaluation We can find a doctor to conduct this evaluation. This evaluates your ability to perform work-like tasks.

  • Independent Medical Examination (IME): A doctor who has not previously treated you but is certified to conduct a disability analysis is an independent medical examination (IME).

  • Vocational Evaluation The government often hires vocational experts to testify during hearings regarding Social Security Disability claims. It may be wise to put out fire with fire. We can find and hire a vocational expert who will perform an evaluation of your case before the hearing. Then, he or she will testify on your behalf at the hearing.

  • Psychological Evaluation We can arrange for this evaluation to check for psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and personality disorders. This evaluation will provide a mental assessment and any work restrictions.

  • Neuropsychological Examination This exam can check conditions like memory and concentration. This examination is particularly useful for those with cognitive impairments such as strokes or traumatic brain injuries.

Some of these evaluations and experts may not be required in every case.Attorneys are available to provide any kind of expert assistance or evaluation necessary to prove your disability claim.