How to Get a Bright White Smile at Home

A bright white smile is important in looking and feeling your best. Sadly, not everyone can afford or has access to a professional teeth whitening service. But don’t worry—it is possible to get a bright white smile without breaking the bank. Here are some tips for getting a whiter, brighter smile at home.

Brush and Floss Regularly

The most important tip for maintaining a bright white smile is to brush and floss regularly. Brushing after meals helps remove food particles and bacteria that can cause stains on your teeth. Flossing helps remove plaque build-up between the teeth that can lead to discoloration over time. Make sure you use fluoride toothpaste and floss with an approved ADA product for the best results.

Whitening Toothpaste

MySmile whitening toothpaste uses special abrasive ingredients that help remove surface stains from the enamel of your teeth. Some whitening toothpaste even contains peroxide which helps break down more stubborn stains from foods like coffee, tea, or red wine. To get the most out of your whitening toothpaste, it’s important to brush for two minutes twice per day as instructed by your dentist or hygienist.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an old Ayurvedic practice of swishing oil in the mouth every morning before brushing your teeth to keep them healthy and strong. It also has been known to help remove surface stains on your teeth when done consistently over time with coconut oil or sesame seed oil. Simply swish one tablespoon of oil around your mouth for 5-10 minutes each morning before brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste and flossing as usual.


With these tips, you can get a bright white smile without spending hundreds of dollars on professional treatments or products in your daily routine for the best results! With consistency and dedication, you’ll be smiling confidently in no time! What do you think of this article? Do you find this informative and interesting? Give us a comment below!