Sample code - set CC

'---VB.Net code example to set CC:

Const C_NORTH As Integer = 0

Const C_EAST As Integer = 1

Const C_SOUTH As Integer = 2

Const C_WEST As Integer = 3

Const C_NS As Integer = 0

Const C_WE As Integer = 1

Const T_21GF As Integer = 0

Const T_SAYC As Integer = 1

Const T_WJ As Integer = 2

Const T_PC As Integer = 3

Dim position As Integer

Dim int_j As Integer

Dim int_any As Integer

Dim int_system As Integer

Dim int_site As Integer

Dim str_system_name As String

Dim str_convention_name As String

Dim b_value As Boolean

Set systems to all players 0-3 on both sites:

Player(C_NORTH).system_type(C_NS) = T_WJ

Player(C_NORTH).system_type(C_WE) = T_21GF

Player(C_SOUTH).system_type(C_NS) = T_WJ

Player(C_SOUTH).system_type(C_WE) = T_21GF

Player(C_EAST).system_type(C_WE) = T_21GF

Player(C_EAST).system_type(C_NS) = T_WJ

Player(C_WEST).system_type(C_WE) = T_21GF

Player(C_WEST).system_type(C_NS) = T_WJ


         int_system = Player(position).system_type(C_NS)

To get a str_system_name:

         str_system_name = Player(int_any).system_name(int_system)

Note, changing the system affects some conventions specific to the selected system.

The correct order is:

Set conventions to all players 0-3 on both sites:

Player(position).conventions(int_site, str_convention) = b_value


Player(C_NORTH).conventions(C_NS, "12") = True


Player(C_NORTH).conventions(C_NS, "Cue bid") = True

If there is no defined convention, the default value are loaded.


b_value = Player(position).conventions(int_system, str_convention)

where a str_convention may be: a str_convention_number or a str_convention_name. 

Note, a str_convention_number may differ depending on the DLL version.

You can scan the names of all conventions (0 to 255) to get a str_convention_name:

str_convention_name = Player(int_any).get_convention_name(int_j)