Sample code - multiple bots


Dim pass, dealer, current_bid, k, j, n, new_bid, position, vulnerability As Integer

Dim meaning As String

Dim info() As Integer

'---structure hand must be previously declared as:

'Private Structure TYPE_HAND

'     Dim suit() As String

'End Structure

Dim hand() As TYPE_HAND

'---reference must be previously set to EPBot64.EPBot or EPBot86.EPBot

Dim Player() As EPBot64.EPBot                        'or EPBot86.EPBot

Const C_PASS As Integer = 0

Const C_DOUBLE As Integer = 1

Const C_REDOUBLE As Integer = 2

Const C_CLUBS As Integer = 0

Const C_DIAMONDS As Integer = 1

Const C_HEARTS As Integer = 2

Const C_SPADES As Integer = 3

Const C_NT As Integer = 4

Const C_NS As Integer = 0

Const C_WE As Integer = 1

Const C_MP As Integer = 0

Const C_IMP As Integer = 1

Const T_21GF As Integer = 0

Const T_SAYC As Integer = 1

Const T_WJ As Integer = 2

Const T_PC As Integer = 3

Const MAX_TABLE As Integer = 399


ReDim Player(4 * MAX_TABLE + 3)

For k = 0 To 4 * MAX_TABLE + 3

Player(k) = New EPBot64.EPBot

Next k

ReDim hand(3)

For k = 0 To 3

ReDim hand(k).suit(3)


hand(0).suit(C_CLUBS) = "987"

hand(0).suit(C_DIAMONDS) = "KQJT7"

hand(0).suit(C_HEARTS) = "A74"

hand(0).suit(C_SPADES) = "A6"

hand(1).suit(C_CLUBS) = "T652"

hand(1).suit(C_DIAMONDS) = "3"

hand(1).suit(C_HEARTS) = "QJ82"

hand(1).suit(C_SPADES) = "J732"

hand(2).suit(C_CLUBS) = "J3"

hand(2).suit(C_DIAMONDS) = "A9842"

hand(2).suit(C_HEARTS) = "K3"

hand(2).suit(C_SPADES) = "T984"

hand(3).suit(C_CLUBS) = "AKQ4"

hand(3).suit(C_DIAMONDS) = "65"

hand(3).suit(C_HEARTS) = "T965"

hand(3).suit(C_SPADES) = "KQ5"

dealer = 2

vulnerability = 1


For n = 0 To MAX_TABLE

For position = 0 To 3

'---prepare new hand on the table

Player(4 * n + position).scoring = C_MP

Player(4 * n + position).system_type(C_NS) = T_WJ

Player(4 * n + position).system_type(C_WE) = T_21GF

Player(4 * n + position).new_hand(position, hand(position).suit, dealer, vulnerability)

Next position

pass = 0

new_bid = 0

current_bid = 0

k = 4 * n + dealer


position = k Mod 4

new_bid = Player(k).get_bid

If new_bid = C_PAS Then

pass = pass + 1


pass = 0

If new_bid > C_REDOUBLE Then

current_bid = new_bid

End If

End If

For j = 4 * n To 4 * n + 3

Player(j).set_bid(position, new_bid)

Next j

With Player(k)

'---get info from Player(k) about k player

meaning = .info_meaning(position)


info = .info_feature(position)

info = .info_honors(position)

info = .info_max_length(position)

info = .info_min_length(position)

info = .info_probable_length(position)

info = .info_suit_power(position)

'---to mannually correct info-----

'info(C_HEARTS) = 3

'.info_suit_power(position) = info


info = .info_stoppers(position)

End With

'---set a new player

k = 4 * n + (k + 1) Mod 4

Loop While (pass < 3 Or pass < 4 And current_bid = 0) 

Next n