Junior Olypics

Update 1

So excited to announce 2021 JO's Rosters and Confirmations. If you have not put in the dates form, please do ASAP - LINK.

All AGWP athletes at the high school level are expected to attend unless otherwise communicated. The Youth 12's and 14's are strongly encouraged to participate.

Junior Olympics is one of our three culminating events for each year. With CIF, League Champs being the other 2. Junior Olympics is an all California affair this year due to covid restrictions.

Qualifications for the JO's are in Sacramento Friday 25 - 27th @ Roseville/Sacramento area. I am working on hotel choices for the event. Please assume we will have games all 3 days.

I need all athletes and parents to double-check their summer entries and let me know if we need to fix the dates. We are planning to have 12's, 14s, 16s, and 18s for the JO's! First time ever to have all 4 groups!

Rosters LINK and also below.


Tournaments and Date Sign up

How to Sign Up

2. Register For USWP


(Trial Membership, Silver (Non Jo's), Gold if going to Junior Olympics.

Practice Schedules